User File #638114942205017629

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#638114942205017629 - Zippy the Porcupine - basic RAM Watch file

Zippy V2 FINAL NTSC.wch
Uploaded 2/8/2023 11:03 PM by Darkman425 (see all 50)
This has very little info but it has two incredibly important watches: Zippy's speed and the boss's X-position during boss fights.
The main trick to preserving speed is to not be rolling on the ground.
SystemID A26
05	b	u	0	Main RAM	Y-position
63	b	u	0	Main RAM	ascend/descend timer?
62	b	u	0	Main RAM	X-speed
66	b	u	0	Main RAM	boss HP
01	b	u	0	Main RAM	boss X-position