User File #638409285982800423

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#638409285982800423 - bionicle ram watch

BIONICLE useable addresses.wch
Game: Lego Bionicle ( GBA, see all files )
Uploaded 1/15/2024 3:16 PM by Memory (see all 89)
bionicle ram watch, so I don't have to go through multiple emails to get access to my old drop box
Domain Combined WRAM
SystemID GBA
003B44	d	f	0	EWRAM	Y-Bounding box?
003B40	d	f	0	EWRAM	X-Bounding Box?
003B02	w	u	0	EWRAM	Y-Coordinate thing
003B00	w	u	0	EWRAM	X-Coordinate thing
1468	w	u	0	IWRAM	Your X-Coordinate Camera
13F0	w	u	0	IWRAM	Your Y-Coordinate camera
003B4C	d	f	0	EWRAM	Y-Velocity Address
003B48	d	f	0	EWRAM	X-Velocity
043AC4	w	u	0	Combined WRAM	Teleport X
043A4C	w	u	0	Combined WRAM	Teleport Y
043A34	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	Relates to launch status: 0 is either not using or is holding the button to aim longer. 1 is button has been let go but control has not been returned, 2 is projectile fired, 3 is where you let go of button during a launch
003B3A	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	Relates to launcher acceleration: is 1 when accelerating, is also1 when momentum lock is active
043ADC	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	Countdown for diagonals
003B3C	b	h	0	EWRAM	Direction facing plus walking or long jumping in a direction
043AE8	w	u	0	Combined WRAM	Launch Coordinate Y
043A64	w	u	0	Combined WRAM	Launcher Coordinate X
003B3B	b	h	0	EWRAM	Jumping/Long jumping direction
043B58	w	s	0	Combined WRAM	Launcher related
043B20	w	s	0	Combined WRAM	Launcher related
043A94	b	h	0	Combined WRAM	Jumping (?)
0FE0	b	u	0	IWRAM	Items allowed
043AE0	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	Relates to moving animation and launcher stuff
043A7C	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	Launcher related?
003B14	w	u	0	EWRAM	 x value relates to checking for collision?
003B12	w	u	0	EWRAM	another value relating to x collision?
003B10	w	u	0	EWRAM	Value relating to y collision?
003B0E	w	u	0	EWRAM	y-value relating to collision?
043AC0	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	Fall respawn countdown
043AD4	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	relates to fall respawn I think with angle?
043AD5	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	relates to fall respawn relates to angle?
043A24	w	u	0	Combined WRAM	Respawn point x
043B14	w	u	0	Combined WRAM	Respawn point y
29E4	b	u	0	IWRAM	max health
0F8C	w	b	0	IWRAM	Checks if buttons/directions are held
29E0	b	u	0	IWRAM	current energy
2524	b	u	0	IWRAM	Current Health
2500	b	u	0	IWRAM	max energy
043AB0	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	Explosive fruit count
043B04	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	Snowball Count
043A9C	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	Fruit count
043A84	d	u	0	Combined WRAM	Disc count
043A78	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	Rock count
042F55	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	Staff
042F5D	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	Launcher obtained
2F65	b	u	0	IWRAM	Drill
2F85	b	u	0	IWRAM	Hammer
2F75	b	u	0	IWRAM	Ice Pick
2F7D	b	u	0	IWRAM	Axe
2F6D	b	u	0	IWRAM	Trident
2F8D	b	u	0	IWRAM	Lavaboard
03CA63	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	Minigame menu stuff
041418	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	Minigame menu stuff
03CA61	b	u	0	Combined WRAM	Minigame menu stuff?
03D988	d	u	0	Combined WRAM	Respawn after exiting minigame location thing