User File #638572886997437804

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#638572886997437804 - Stone Protectors 2 Players in 16:19.97

Stone Protectors (Japan) 2 players 2024.bk2
In 16:19.97 (58895 frames), 36693 rerecords
Uploaded 7/22/2024 11:44 PM by Technickle (see all 209)
kind of amazing to get another time save like this, had to be very creative in the way I figured this out. 00:09.93 improvement over: [4975] SNES Stone Protectors "2 players" by Technickle in 16:29.90

Game Objectives:

  • System: Super Nintendo Entertainment System
  • Name: Bizhawk 2.9.1
  • Core: BSNESV115+
  • File Name: Stone Protectors (Japan)
  • Region: NTSC/JPN
  • Genre: Fighting
Movie Tags:
  • 2 Players
  • Takes Intentional Damage
  • Heavy Glitch Abuse
  • Heavy Luck Manipulation
  • Uses Easiest Difficulty
Movie Info:
  • TAS Timing: - 16:19.97 (FPS = 60.0988)
  • RTA Timing: - 16:05 (FPS = 60.0988) *Starts from Start press on Character Select*
  • Frame Count: - 58,895
  • Re-record Count: 36,693
  • SHA1: F408B6132E88BB9CDCB6FBB7DCB41723F88FE76D
  • MD5: E9353CFD3F7385A462D4FB0B9DE4D48E

Game Description:

Stone Protectors features 10 levels in which the heroes – Clifford, Cornelius, Chester, Maxwell, and Angus – battle The Predators throughout their mission to retrieve Zok's crystal and bring them all back to the kingdom. Weapons can also be acquired but only used by certain characters. Depending on the difficulty setting, the game's ending scene also features different music in which the Stone Protectors are seen performing as a band.