Ratings for ShesChardcore


User has rated 6.7% (261 of 3881) of all non-obsoleted published movies.
User has rated more movies than 96.7% of users, and less than 3.2% of users. (0.0% same.)
The raters' top-30 (out of 934 users who have rated):

  1. 55.9%: Arc
  2. 34.7%: dart193
  3. 30.3%: InputEvelution
  4. 30.1%: CloakTheLurker
  5. 29.5%: adelikat
  6. 29.4%: Noxxa
  7. 28.3%: Dimon12321
  8. 26.7%: Memory
  9. 24.8%: IsraeliRD
  10. 23.0%: XTREMAL93
  11. 22.8%: Darkman425
  12. 19.5%: arkiandruski
  13. 19.3%: coconou
  14. 16.8%: CoolKirby
  15. 16.7%: g0goTBC
  16. 16.1%: EZGames69
  17. 13.9%: Niamek
  18. 10.9%: sgrunt
  19. 10.6%: FreshFeeling
  20. 10.5%: Cooljay
  21. 9.5%: Challenger
  22. 9.5%: alexheights1 & Mukki
  23. 9.3%: dekutony
  24. 8.6%: LoganTheTASer
  25. 8.3%: Spikestuff
  26. 8.2%: MarioUniverseZone
  27. 7.9%: arandomgameTASer & Dooty
  28. 7.8%: Walgrey

User: ShesChardcore

1 2
5 6
Publication TitleValue Is Obsolete
A2600 Warlords by ShesChardcore in 00:00.28 10 No
PSX Armored Core "100%, no aborts, in bounds" by The Brookman & Zinfidel in 1:24:06.61 10 No
GBA Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance "Maxim" by Yuzuhara_3 in 00:22.73 9 No
NES Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord "save glitch" by TaoTao in 00:25.88 9 No
PSX Castlevania: Symphony of the Night by ForgoneMoose in 18:40.08 9 No
N64 F-Zero X "Death Race" by Lord Tom in 00:29.55 9 No
NES Legacy of the Wizard by Lord Tom in 12:44.49 9 No
DOOM Doom II: Hell on Earth by almostmatt1 & Zero Master in 10:19.40 9 No
SNES Family Feud "playaround" by Heisanevilgenius in 06:46.71 8.5 No
Arcade Tetris the Absolute: The Grand Master 2 Plus "T.A. Death" by Masterjun in 03:20.02 8.5 No
DS Brain Age "playaround" by Ryuto in 06:33.66 8.5 No
NES R.B.I. Baseball "playaround" by adelikat in 04:28.79 8 No
DOOM The Ultimate Doom "Episode 1" by almostmatt1 & 38_ViTa_38 in 03:32.01 8 No
GBC Tetris DX by veup in 00:35.18 8 No
GB Tetris by MrWint in 00:19.92 8 No
NES Gauntlet by FatRatKnight in 11:38.92 8 No
Genesis The Immortal by Aqfaq in 10:32.92 8 No
NES The Immortal by DrD2k9 in 09:25.37 8 No
SNES Umihara Kawase by flagitious in 01:46.42 8 No
DOOM The Ultimate Doom "Episode 2" by Akse in 03:22.01 8 No
NES Marble Madness by Aglar & LeKukie in 02:42.07 8 No
NES Power Blade by scrimpeh in 13:54.01 8 No
NES Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord by TaoTao in 00:45.74 8 No
A2600 Barnstorming by ShesChardcore & MrWint in 00:14.55 8 No
DOOM The Ultimate Doom "Episode 3" by Akse in 03:16.38 8 No
DOOM The Ultimate Doom "Episode 4" by Akse in 02:35.76 8 No
NES Dungeon Magic: Sword of the Elements by FatRatKnight in 01:02.83 8 No
DS Tetris DS by veup in 01:37.53 8 No
GB The Bouncing Ball by KiwiCracker, brunovalads & Alyosha in 08:20.91 7.5 No
NES Monopoly "4 CPUs" by FractalFusion in 01:07.67 7.5 No
DOS Wolfenstein 3D "Episode 1" by dwangoAC & slamo in 02:41.42 7.5 No
SNES Tetris Attack "maximum score" by zvsp in 01:15.38 7.5 No
SNES Panel de Pon "maximum score" by zvsp in 00:39.20 7.5 No
GB Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions by Scepheo & MUGG in 01:29.44 7.5 No
NES Battletoads "game end glitch" by MESHUGGAH, feos & Koh1fds in 00:55.66 7.5 No
NES Streemerz: Super Strength Emergency Squad Zeta "Superb Joe mode" by MESHUGGAH in 00:53.45 7 No
GB Kirby's Pinball Land by pirohiko in 01:55.98 7 No
Arcade Jail Break by £e_Nécroyeur in 01:36.62 7 No
NES A Boy and His Blob by MESHUGGAH, Zephyrz & Aglar in 01:19.14 7 No
Arcade Donkey Kong by £e_Nécroyeur in 01:29.94 7 No
NES Karnov by Arc in 08:38.91 7 No
N64 Wetrix "1 minute challenge" by Deign in 00:49.72 7 No
NES Tetris "Mode B" by Archanfel & Baxter in 00:36.89 7 No
NES Adventures of Lolo 2 "Pro Levels" by TheRealThingy & BrunoVisnadi in 02:00.00 7 No
Genesis King's Bounty by gia & Aqfaq in 00:09.93 7 No
NES Super Glove Ball by link_7777 in 02:08.24 7 No
NES Mega Man "game end glitch" by pirohiko & finalfighter in 00:32.11 7 No
A2600 Pitfall II: Lost Caverns "maximum score" by Lobsterzelda in 09:25.75 7 No
NES Shadowgate by Randil in 07:41.99 7 No
GB A Boy and His Blob by Aqfaq in 01:41.73 7 No