Ratings for brunovalads


User has rated 0.8% (33 of 3880) of all non-obsoleted published movies.
User has rated more movies than 88.0% of users, and less than 11.8% of users. (0.1% same.)
The raters' top-30 (out of 932 users who have rated):

  1. 56.0%: Arc
  2. 34.7%: dart193
  3. 30.3%: InputEvelution
  4. 30.1%: CloakTheLurker
  5. 29.5%: adelikat
  6. 29.4%: Noxxa
  7. 28.2%: Dimon12321
  8. 26.7%: Memory
  9. 24.8%: IsraeliRD
  10. 23.0%: XTREMAL93
  11. 22.7%: Darkman425
  12. 19.5%: arkiandruski
  13. 19.3%: coconou
  14. 16.8%: CoolKirby
  15. 16.7%: g0goTBC
  16. 16.1%: EZGames69
  17. 13.9%: Niamek
  18. 10.9%: sgrunt
  19. 10.6%: FreshFeeling
  20. 10.5%: Cooljay
  21. 9.5%: Challenger
  22. 9.5%: Mukki
  23. 9.2%: dekutony
  24. 9.0%: alexheights1
  25. 8.6%: LoganTheTASer
  26. 8.3%: Spikestuff
  27. 8.2%: MarioUniverseZone
  28. 7.9%: arandomgameTASer & Dooty
  29. 7.8%: Walgrey

User: brunovalads

Publication TitleValue Is Obsolete
SNES Donkey Kong Country "101%" by Tompa in 41:18.37 9.7 No
NES Super Mario Bros. "arbitrary code execution" by OnehundredthCoin in 04:52.65 9.5 No
PSX Spyro: Year of the Dragon "100 eggs" by wafflewizard1 & jeremythompson in 45:21.30 9.5 No
PSX Spyro: Year of the Dragon by Nitrofski & lapogne36 in 22:20.54 9.3 No
SNES Mega Man & Bass "100 CDs" by sparky, parrot14gree & woabclf in 38:07.68 9.3 No
SNES Kirby's Dream Land 3 "best ending" by WaddleDX in 1:04:01.22 9 No
SNES Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose! by EZGames69 in 18:48.52 9 No
Flash Portal: The Flash Version "no level skip" by rythin in 02:25.87 9 No
SNES The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "full inventory" by fmp & Yuzuhara_3 in 52:52.44 8.7 No
PSX Crash Bandicoot: Warped "105%" by The8bitbeast in 1:54:18.52 8.7 No
PSX Pac-Man World by SFan & lapogne36 in 19:56.03 8.5 No
SNES The Lion King by EZGames69 & SBDWolf in 11:22.99 8.5 No
Wii Donkey Kong Country Returns by TheRandomMaster, SpeedyTheHedgehog & Jaiden in 1:25:02.95 8.5 No
NES Darkwing Duck by DreamYao, J.Y & aiqiyou in 10:43.11 8.5 No
SNES Super Mario World "glitchfest" by IgorOliveira666 in 2:54:33.62 8.5 No
SNES Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! by Doomsday31415 in 42:33.73 8.3 No
GB The Bouncing Ball by KiwiCracker, brunovalads & Alyosha in 08:20.91 8.3 No
SNES Little Magic by BrunoVisnadi in 43:05.08 8 No
NES Nim & Nom "2 players" by kaizoman666 in 05:19.92 8 No
Flash Meat Boy by rythin in 02:51.10 8 No
GB Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins "game end glitch" by MUGG, Masterjun & Alyosha in 00:46.08 8 No
NES Super Painter by brunovalads & Alyosha in 05:27.53 8 No
Genesis Sonic 3 & Knuckles "ring attack, newgame+" by Evil_3D, TheYogWog & kaan55 in 1:26:11.12 8 No
Uzebox Bugz "2 players" by WarHippy, g0goTBC, Really_Tall, Samsara, The8bitbeast, Malleoz & TASPlasma in 02:42.14 7.7 No
SNES Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday "demo glitch" by Challenger in 09:43.01 7.7 No
GG Sonic Labyrinth "best ending" by Zurggriff in 15:15.91 7.7 No
NES Donald Land by FatRatKnight, pirate_sephiroth, Exonym, Bloopiero, The8bitbeast, Mittenz, tjblakely, lapogne36 & Memory in 08:36.13 7.7 No
SNES Donkey Kong Country by hidaigai & Tompa in 07:24.68 7.7 No
GBA Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga "all bosses" by Potato in 1:50:48.04 7.5 No
NES Pwn Adventure Z "save glitch" by link_7777, BrunoVisnadi & ais523 in 01:30.87 7.3 No
SNES Super Mario World "game end glitch" by Doomsday31415, BrunoVisnadi & Masterjun in 00:41.68 7.2 No
NES Battletoads "game end glitch" by MESHUGGAH, feos & Koh1fds in 00:55.66 7 No
GB Volley Fire by MUGG in 09:28.63 5.3 No