Published on 8/9/2016
In this action horror game, one girl must kill 9 of her neighbors in order to go on the shoe collecting spree of a lifetime. No shoes are safe in Zombies Ate My Neighbors!
This run is faster than the previous run of the same, "1 player", branch by 02:44.73 due to aggressive luck manipulation aiming for speed shoes drops.
However, this run also obsoletes the "2 players" branch, because of how similar their action is, while here the overall pace is much faster and the movements are optimized tighter, so it obsoletes the other run by entertainment value.

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  1. Video and audio content must not be changed (including the pointers to this site).
  2. The movies must be prominently labeled as tool-assisted speedruns.
  3. The actual player(s) (always shown at this site) must be properly credited.
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