Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure, known in Japan as Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Malta No Fushigi Na Kagi - Iru no Bouken (ドラゴンクエストモンスターズ2 マルタのふしぎな鍵・イルの冒険, Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Malta's Mysterious Key - Iru's Adventure) is one of two versions of Dragon Warrior Monsters 2, the second game in the Dragon Quest series spin-off, Dragon Quest Monsters (the other version being Cobi's Journey (ルカの旅立ち, Luca's Journey)). Like its predecessor, it revolves around taming and training monsters from the Dragon Quest universe to do your fighting for you.
The story starts with either Tara or Cobi traveling to the island of Greatlog to open a monster ranch there. However, the island's prince Kameha and his assistant Warubou manage to sink the island with their troublemaking. It's up to Tara or Cobi to explore various worlds to find keys and a special plug to save the island from completely sinking.
In this run, jlun2 saves 38.61 over their previous run thanks to using new and improved strategies with a number of glitches, including a monster duplication glitch. Please read the author's comments for more details.