1. Aims for 100% stars and Cap switches (and any% coins inside the courses)
  2. Trades speed for entertainment
  3. Aims for fast completion
  4. Abuses programming errors
  5. Manipulates luck
Emulator used: mupen64-rerecording-v8
Plugins settings used:
  • Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6
  • N-Rage`s Direct-Input8 V2 1.60 (player 1 input only, Raw data checked, no mempack or rumble plugin)
  • Jabo's DirectSound 1.6
  • RSP emulation Plugin
Method of input:
Keyboard for all hotkeys, Playstation Dual Shock controller for all N64 input, including analog control.
Super Mario 64. The game that introduced analog controlling for a vast majority of players around the world. When I watched Spezzafer's Super Mario 64 TAS last year, I asked for a 120 star run. And then I decided that if I wanted it so badly, why not do it?. So I started working on the longest TAS I've ever worked on (both in movie length and amount of time working on it).
I'm not a fan of writting big submission texts. I think the run must speak for itself. But where it doesn't, I'll try to talk about it a bit (and a big text can't exactly be avoided in this run ¬_¬)
First of all, I did spend some frames to add entertainment, wher(n)ever I felt like it. This run aims for quick completion yes, but its 1 year-long making nature didn't allow me to keep a consistent quality if I wanted to. So, the run could suffer from a crescent quality in techniques and optimization, which I didn't want. For that reason, I chose to work on aesthetics more (such as taking the time to change from "mario cam" to "fixed cam" during a pause sequence) than testing if said movement was 1 or 2 frames faster. Initially I did a lot of testing and comparing between methods by using the frame counter, but later on I based a lot of the optimization on my own common sense and knowledge of the game, which is why it started progressing faster.

The Tricks and Glitches

Continuous Backwards Long Jumping (BLJ)

This is achieved by doing a long jump (Run, Z, A) and then holding the direction back, and doing consecutive longjumps, but in a way that it can be done several times a second. There are various places where this can be done, like some plataforms that are moving upwards, some stairs and some low ceilings.
The effect is that Mario's velocity decreases with each jump (I assume it goes negative, since he goes backwards), but it has no limit, as long as Mario keeps jumping. After enough velocity is acquired, one can let it go and Mario blasts in high velocity, backwards. This can be used obviously to walk faster, but most importantly to go through things, like walls and doors, to name a few.

Camera up, "C" button up (C^up)

Done by running towards a slope, and then entering free look mode by pressing the "C up" button and entering the slope during the slide stopping animation. Only works on some slopes.
The effect is that Mario instead of stopping, has his speed increasing constantly, without a limit. The bad thing is that the initial speed isn't that great, and Mario can't turn (moves in a perfect straight direction). Can be cancelled anytime by pressing a button (Mario sits and slides, gaining back the control).

The run itself

Jolly Roger Bay

In order to avoid excess walking inside the castle I went from the right side of the lobby progressing to the left side, so I start by entering Jolly Roger Bay room first using the BLJ glitch (explained on the tricks section). This glitch alone was so hard to reproduce that i almost quit, but eventually i got it with just 1 jump. JRB is, In my opinion, the least interesting level in the run. I hope it isn't too boring. If you don't like it, feel free to skip it.

Whomp's Fortress

The run progresses to the Princess' Secret Slide. I wasted some total time here in order to get a time of 12'3. Myles Buckrim told me later that he got that time unassisted, so kudos to him, as this was the best I could do and it was pretty tight. Then i needed to revisit Princess Secret Slide for it's 2nd star, but I went for Whomp's Fortress first, as it didn't matter which to do, timewise. Here i've found a way to grab the "Blast Away the Wall" star without actually blasting anything, or opening the cannon. Truth be it, I found this by accident while trying to wallkick, but it turned out as a big discovery. This was one of the few stars which couldn't be acquired withou the use of a cannon. Few stars remain on that condition. On the "Shoot into the Wild Blue" star, I jumped through the triangle under the fence because it's just graphics without collision detection. There are a few triangles like this throught the game. Then I came out of the wall near the star, because the wall only avoids collision coming from outside. After that I revisit the PSS and this time i got for fastest overall time, without entering it backwards.

Tower of Wing Cap

After WF, the obvious choice is entering this level to get the Wing Cap, which is required/faster for quite a few stars. I do a little trick which consists in hitting the switch and then the star before touching the ground, which avoids the "You've hit the Red Switch, want to save?" text box.

Cool Cool Mountain

Nothing much to talk about here. It may seem that the waiting time for the snowman to talk after he's retrieved his head could've been shortened, but I did talk to him as soon as possible.

BoB-Omb Battlefield

Yea, the BLJ madness. These little conveniently close to the wall elevators enabled for some unique strategies. Right off the bat, I go for the Chomp's Gate star by using this method which is faster than the bob-omb trick. It may seem that I wasted time on the elevators, but it didn't matter if I got there faster because I'd still have to wait for that one elevator I got in to start going up so the trick could be performed. This happened on the other star too, with Mario running backwards up the mountain. The 100 coins route was a tough one. I had to actually test whether it would be faster to grab it along with 3 stars, so there were 3 differet 100 coins tests. It turned out that it was faster to do with the slowest star of all, Koopa The Quick race (it was about 12 seconds faster than the second best choice, if I recall correctly). It worked like this: [KTQ&100 coins + star1 + star2] was faster than [KTQ + star1&100 coins + star2].

Bowser in the Dark World (Bowser #1)

Again, nothing much to talk about, since it was very similar to known strategy. There were minor tweaks. Bowser needs to be manipulated to swing his hands when he's met, so he will stand still while his tail is grabbed.

Vanish Cap Under the Moat

After beating Bowser#1, there was a wide range of possibilities. It was considered faster to get rid of this level now because:
  1. Big Boo's Haunt requires the Vanish Cap
  2. Dire Dire Docks requires the Vanish Cap
  3. I could get it before going deep in the basement, so I could reenter one of the basement levels and choose "exit" from the pause menu, avoiding unecessary backtracking.
So I went for the moat and entered the level to get it's star and hit the switch. Just like with the Wing Cap, I skipped the text box. This one took more tries though, it's a tight jump.

Big Boo's Haunt

Unfortunatelly, even if killing 2 ghosts at once, the game still shows two "ghosts can't be killed bwahaha" messages, which is a boohoo. It could have saved some seconds. Entering a door before the message appears also didn't get rid of it. If the Eye to Eye in the Secret Room star could be acquired without the Vanish Cap, there could be a different castle route, but I tried to find a way in, unsuccesfully. There's a place to BLJ in here, below the lowest book switch in the wall, but it seems useless in a TAS because it takes so long to get there, and it's height is lower than the Eye Room.

Dire Dire Docks

Progressing on the basement, there's DDD (along with Bowser#2). It would save a little time if I could've made the manta ray appear without getting rid of the submarine star, because then after DDD it would be just Bowser#2. But doesn't seem possible, unfortunately. Had to revisit DDD after bowser#2 for the manta ray star.

Bowser in the Fire Sea (Bowser #2)

Not much to talk about. Actually, a lot of time was saved by being able to grab the red coin below the elevator without making the elevator move. Thanks to asteron for suggesting it, and insisting that it could be posible :) As mentioned before, DDD is revisited for its last star.

Shifting Sand Land

First of all, on the way to this level, MIPs is grabbed for the first time. I wasted some time here to produce a funny image with mario's head and the star. I hope nobody kills me for wasting time like that :) Ok, then SSL, I think the run is self explanatory. Every time saver looks obvious, I believe. Strangely, when fighting the big hands inside the pyramid, the left hand kept opening it's eye, despite the fact that i used frame advance to hit it, so I'm pretty confident that I did it as fast as possible with given tools. Maybe it was caused by some intra-frame issue which was out of my control.

Lethal Lava Land

This level has one of my favorite 100 coins. Riding a koopa shell in a lava lake isn't for just anyone, Mario is insane... Anyway, the most interesting trick is getting up the lavafall during the 100 coins route. Hard to perform, it upped the re-record count quite a bit. After this level, MIPs is caught the second time for his last star.

Hazy Maze Cave

Another level full of BLJ. Manipulating those big boulders was a GIANT pain, which kept me from working on the TAS for a long time, until I got mad and did it not oh so fast. If only Mupen64 had memory watch... Went for the Cave of the Metal cap, and did the switch text box skipping again. Actually it wasn't mandatory to even hit it, but I did anyway for the sake of completeness.

Wet Dry World

Straight to WDW now. There was a lot of testing here. From about this point on, Filimonas Antonakis started helping with a lot of valuable comments on my tests. Unfortunately, the Chuck-ya glitch (transforming him into a star by carrying him past a load point) was much slower than just heading for the star. Also, the water level was generally faster to keep at a low, since swimming is slow. It was possible to jump directly at the ramp using a triple jump, instead of the wallkick I did, but it wasn't remade. So that can be changed in a later version.

Tiny Huge Island

The KTQ rematch race doesn't beat the world record because that required preparing the koopa shell on the beach below, which is obviously too slow to do here. So I went to set a non-shell record with a time of 12'5. The 100 coins route here was especially complicated because they are all evenly scattered through the level. I think the result is good, but I wouldn't be surprised if a totally different strategy proved to be faster. It is possible to enter Wiggler's Nest without pound-draining the water from the top, because of a glitch where I use chuck-ya to push Mario into the mountain, entering the hole while there's still water above. Good time saver.

Tall Tall Mountain

Ok, this level is glitched, although it uses the same glitch to get up quite a few times, so that is self explanatory. It is in this level that the C^up glitch is used. First on the slide, and then to show off on the monkey star in the cage. This level has not only one, but at least two triangles with no collision detection. The one that is usefull, is the one shown right at the start. The other one was useless, it's right at the top of the waterfall. When Mario goes in there, he ends up inside the mountain, most of the tie at the water right at the start of the level.

Snowman's Land

Jammer01 suggested going over the large green rocky area and sliding for a quick extra momentum, and it worked nicely. Used it quite a few times. This was another difficult 100 coins route. I put a lot of thought into what should be faster and what not. I'm pretty proud of the result, with manipulation of coins exploding from enemies, which move depending on mario's coordinates on the moment they are created.

Tick Tock Clock

The first star had the "fast clockwork movement" setup, due to the clock's hands positions. All other stars had "random clockwork movement" setup. This random behaviour is excellent because it's very manipulatable. Even slight differences in angles produce totally different behaviour on the clock's parts. It's as if Mario has godly magic control of what's happening inside the clock, not to mention that if the level is reentered as fast as possible, this is the setup obtained. I used this to go up the red coin area in various different ways. Possibly the level i liked the most to record, it's also one of the quickest, which is a bummer.

Rainbow Ride

This level was suprising not filled with long, boring waiting on carpets. There was only one carpet ride which i tried to fill in with most movements not used on the run. The shortcut on the red coins maze is incredibly useful, and was first shown in the speedrun scene by Curtis Bright, if i'm not mistaken. It can be done in several different ways, but the main idea was a huge shortcut already. There is a huge improvement reward to whoever finds a way to get up the house without the carpet ;)

Bowser in the Sky (Bowser#3)

Last level, different from 16 star runs, as the red coins needed to be obtained for the glorious 120th star. Glad that is so, because it looks different and i could find my own methods instead of having to compare the whole thing (not that i didn't at some points). Well, I was actually very glad that it ended. It demanded a huge effort throughout the whole year, and I just wanted to kick Boswer's tail. So Long, Bowser!!! ^^
I cannot forget to thank:
  • Nitsuja: For adding re-recording to Mupen64
  • Spezzafer: for setting the high bar on the first n64 TAS! It was the biggest reason I started this one. Excellent.
  • Everyone that eagerly received the WIPs that were released on the TASvideos forum and gave comments, critiques and also encouragement. The list of people goes on and on, and includes (but not limited to): Jammer01, Asteron, Filimonas, Wheatherton, mr_roberts_z, AKA, DK64_MASTER, Walkerboh, Maza, etc etc
  • Wouter Jansen for sending me a lot of speedruns videos
  • DeHackEd for various helping with producing AVIs for the WIPs and publishing.
  • Curtis Bright, Myles Bukrim, Filimonas Antonakis, Dom Dunc, David Gibbons, Rob Cloutier, Stefan van Dijke, and possibly more people for producing fine speedrun gameplay videos, these have been a good base material, and eventual reference for strategies.
  • JSmith for finding the C^up Glitch!
  • Thank Selpex for additional support on msn and finding the trick to get inside the pillar in the lobby which would later evolve into the trick to get into Boswer1 early. Unfortunatelly, at the time he found the trick we didn't give it much importance, so it's not present in this run. Maybe in a future version?
  • Congratulations to Dragorn for his incredible 120 stars unassisted speedrun
  • If you've helped in some way PLEASE send me a pm so I can mention you. I'd feel very bad not to -_-
Thanks everyone.

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MikeRS wrote:
I wonder if it's possible to hexedit AKA's input sequence onto the 120-star run's fight :)
It would desync becuase of different camera settings.
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Joined: 8/17/2004
Posts: 377
Voting Very Yes on this, except that Very Yes isn't an option, so regular Yes will have to do.
Former player
Joined: 10/19/2004
Posts: 142
full collection of savestates this is updated with a save at Bowser 3 completing this run was truly a feat, great work FODA
Joined: 11/15/2004
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Thank you for the save states, Spezzafer. This run is easily entertaining enough to watch from beginning to end, but I've seen most of it dozens of times thanks to the WIPs. Being able to jump to a specific course is fantastic. And yes, this run is improvable. BLJing into some of the rooms on the first floor is faster than waiting for the unlock animation, so there's a couple of seconds. In most cases, mere frames can be saved. At least for now, the improvements relate to frame precision rather than improvable strategy. FODA does a tremendous job with the camera in this run and uses it to add surprise, or to make the ordinary or mundane look exciting. If someone starts now, they may be able to shave several seconds off of this time, but good luck making it more entertaining. This is star material all the way.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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Pasky13 wrote:
I disagree with moozooh, the run should be starred regardless of length, its entertaining the whole way…
Starred movies are NOT the "best" or "most entertaining" movies. Starred movies are the ones recommended to beginners — including those who haven't ever seen a TAS or a speedrun at all, and those who haven't played these games. In this case, having the short run starred is preferrable, because: 1) it's nearly 7 times shorter; 2) the AVI is much much smaller; 3) most of the tricks of the long version are present in the short one as well (not being exclusive to a certain place out of the short route, at least); 4) there are much less dull moments in the short version (watching the beginning of DDD for 3rd or 4th time is really boring, believe me); 5) the short version carries out its mission of demonstrating the TAS concepts and results good enough. So you may disagree all you want, but it's really better to have the short version starred due to pretty much every reason.
Pasky13 wrote:
…and there is a very tiny % that doesn't know or doesn't like mario 64.
Dude, not all of us had N64. ;)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Those are good points, moozooh, but I see no reason why the any% and the 100% runs can't both have a star. They both will shock and amaze newcomers, and there are a lot of cool things in the 120 star run that aren't in the 16 star run. Recommend them both and let the viewer decide how much time they want to spend.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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hopper wrote:
Recommend them both and let the viewer decide how much time they want to spend.
Oh, that's easy. Here's a very good example of what is best to be done in this case. :)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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There could be a "recommended for experts" section on the site XD
Joined: 11/16/2006
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I'll wait for the AVI before passing judgement on this, but I'm sure I'll be very impressed. I would also vote Yes after viewing said AVI.... if I could.
Signature under contruction, still.
Skilled player (1412)
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moozooh wrote:
Oh, that's easy. Here's a very good example of what is best to be done in this case. :)
Here is a good counter example :P
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I understand that was only half-serious, but recommendation of the 100% run in that case was mainly because the any% was severely outdated on every account, and the AVI of it was of nearly the same size. When Saturn finishes his any% run, it'll most probably have the star and the link to the 100% version, like with SMW.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Experienced player (763)
Joined: 5/6/2005
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You don't get to watch the speedmockspringball in the any% version :D
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Baxter wrote:
moozooh wrote:
Oh, that's easy. Here's a very good example of what is best to be done in this case. :)
Here is a good counter example :P
And here is the best of them all moozooh, is wrong, kill him.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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AngerFist wrote:
And here is the best of them all moozooh, is wrong, kill him.
Hahaha, your example proves nothing! NOTHING!!! HAHAAHhahahh1111
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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hopper wrote:
And yes, this run is improvable. BLJing into some of the rooms on the first floor is faster than waiting for the unlock animation, so there's a couple of seconds. In most cases, mere frames can be saved. At least for now, the improvements relate to frame precision rather than improvable strategy.
I disagree with that statement I personally beleve that most of the time I was frame precise, but thats not the main problem, the main problem is knowing whats the best strategy to use as there is literally hundreds if not thousands of ways to achive the same goal, I mostly go by my own imagination rather that brute forcing every possible move in as opposed to a 2D game, which is why they have higher re-record rate per frame since as I just mentioned they try to optimize every frame as opposed to optimizing every movement, I know they sound simalar but there quite different in concept. It could and will most likely take another 4-6 movies till we get something which is most likely perfect. (refering to 16 star run)
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(probably should be continued in the Star Nominees thread)
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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AKA wrote:
hopper wrote:
And yes, this run is improvable. BLJing into some of the rooms on the first floor is faster than waiting for the unlock animation, so there's a couple of seconds. In most cases, mere frames can be saved. At least for now, the improvements relate to frame precision rather than improvable strategy.
I disagree with that statement I personally beleve that most of the time I was frame precise, but thats not the main problem, the main problem is knowing whats the best strategy to use as there is literally hundreds if not thousands of ways to achive the same goal, I mostly go by my own imagination rather that brute forcing every possible move in as opposed to a 2D game, which is why they have higher re-record rate per frame since as I just mentioned they try to optimize every frame as opposed to optimizing every movement, I know they sound simalar but there quite different in concept. It could and will most likely take another 4-6 movies till we get something which is most likely perfect. (refering to 16 star run)
I wasn't saying that the strategy isn't improvable. I was saying that, so far, no one is aware of a superior strategy. I haven't done a side-by-side comparison, but my impression is that, while your 16 star run was x frames faster in some places, I don't think you exposed any major flaws in FODA's strategy. There could very well be ways to reduce the time of the 120 star run by several seconds per star, but I don't think anything has been discovered that should prevent this run from being published, or suggests that a significantly better run is just around the corner. With regard to the suggestion that the 16 star run gets a star and links to the 120 star run, I guess it's a matter of whether we want to suggest to people that the 16 star run is the run they should start with, and the 120 star may be of interest to them if they happen to enjoy the 16 star run. I see no reason not to put it on the same page as the rest of the star runs, to acknowledge that it is equally deserving of being watched first, if they have the time. Also, with no disrespect to AKA, I feel that FODA's run is more artistic. I got a good laugh out of Mario's antics during the carpet ride, which included everything from incredible wall jumps to Mario crawling around like a baby. In Bowser 3, Mario fools around on the pieces of floor as they fall. Little things like that just make my day. This run is absolutely a masterpiece. And that's the last thing I'm going to say in this thread about the star.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
Skilled player (1102)
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I couldn't wait for the AVI, so I just watched it. Here is my feedback, FODA, if you are interested. The strongest point of this run was the entertainment. What you provided was artful movement; you showed creative methods of getting stars within the guise of complete optimisation: it was asthetically beautiful to watch. I also noticed (remember that I have not played this game in nearly as much depth as this) that it showed that it was a year in development. The early levels (mainly Jolly Roger Bay), which I can only assume were done a year ago, showed dated methods and in some cases (luring the snake from the ship, getting the red coin from the shell on the sea bed) seemed unoptimised. Of course, I can't confirm this without trying myself, which I won't because on the overall quality of the run I don't think it matters. As the later stages came along I spotted nothing that looked unoptimised and the high entertainment standard was maintained successfully throughout. In all I would say this is a masterpiece and it is my favorite TAS to date. Excellent work FODA. I imagine this will be your magnum opus, of course, I would love to see you somehow make something better.
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Easy yes vote. FODA, how much time do you think could be saved throughout the course of the run? Also, in regard to the debate as to which SM64 run should get the star, has anyone given any more thought to Tub's idea which conveniently links all movies of the same game? This would ensure that newcomers see both runs, regardless which has the star.
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IMO it doesn't matter if a run is starred, it just depends on whether the viewer is predisposed to liking speedruns. When I watched my first speedrun and tas I immediately got hooked to SDA and tasvideos respectively, since it's my nature to be amazed at video game feats. When I showed my friends the same videos, they never showed much interest in it. Their personalities just don't match with speedruns, and I found it useless trying to show them more starred runs. So instead of starring videos, just upload a lot of them to youtube or google video and provide clear links to tasvideos and maybe some people will be converted.
Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
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Can't wait to see this. Going to have to wait for the avi though since my computer doesn't like mupen. This space reserved
Joined: 12/28/2004
Posts: 210
No wonder bowser always loses. Yes vote.
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I think that both movies deserve to be starred. I feel that they very different, to the extent that they both have something worthy of showing newcomers what TAS is all about. The 16-star one shows what breaking the game badly looks like, through crazy BLJ in places never expected and completing certain stars out of the intended sequence. It serves the purpose of showing how TASes can exploit game engines to complete a game fast, which is extremely impressive. The 120-star run is entertaining on very different grounds. It exhibits more variety with the different stages and it keeps the viewer wondering all the time why is something being done and which stars are going to be taken next. This element of surprise I can say is equally worthy of crediting. The length may be an issue, but I was thinking... just publish the m64 together with save states, or encode the movie in several parts, each featuring a world, and then make a torrent of the whole thing. It's a long movie I admit, but if the concern is that it becomes too long and that the viewer doesn't have time for it, rather than it becoming repetitive, then breaking the movie up will definitely make it look less intimidating. I hope both runs get starred... they deserve it, and beginners ought to be introduced to both
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
Player (225)
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<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
Joined: 5/29/2006
Posts: 138
Ah just give it a moon. It deserves a star but I don't think Bisquit will allow two runs of the same game to get a star.
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