2. You unequip the boots after the first mega jump, it would have been great benifit to keep them on since there is a shortcut after you climb climb the ladders in the pushing block room.
Im trying to find why you posted this. Explain please.
The subscreen glitch tacks on roughly six seconds per pause.
no prob, just cut the pause delays from the avi and voila, sub 2h!
Idea thief. Only joking.
Anyway, I don't think cutting the pause menu lag would work on an AVI because the music doesn't sync. The music sontinues to play while the pause screen lags.
My current project: Something mysterious (oooooh!)
My username is all lower-case letters. Please get it right :(
I know for a fact that route 2 is the fastest. Here is my proof:
I need to learn the Prelude of Light which will warp me directly to the ToT. Why learn it if it has no use, esp. when you HAVE to learn it. That way, after doing what I need to in Lake Hylia. I can warp there and avoid having to take the owl or supersliding to the Market and just have direct access to the ToT. Also, the superslide from the Market to Lake Hylia is about 5-7 seconds longer of a superslide than from the Forest to Lake Hylia. Route #2 from mwl's earlier post is the fastest method.
That was the logic I used when I initially planned out the route. (Acryte and AKA contributed options 1 and 3, respectively.)
However, AKA has made some convincing arguments in support of his route, and I've lost a bit of confidence. First, you could reappear in the Temple of Time following Lake Hylia by deathwarping. The time needed for an Ocarina warp is around 25 seconds, whereas the time needed for a deathwarp is 17-18 (!) seconds. Also, exiting the ToT after learning the Prelude involves traveling through four loading zones before reaching Hyrule Field, compared to two coming from Kokiri Forest. And lastly, as you said, the superslide to LH is slightly shorter from KF than the Market.
Whatever the case, I'll trust your judgment, though there's no way to know for sure unless you time the difference.
laughing_gas wrote:
Does the pause delay count against the internal time (the time stored in the .m64)?
It does, unfortunately. And it can't just be cut out because everything else is still playing in the background.
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mwl wrote:
However, AKA has made some convincing arguments in support of his route, and I've lost a bit of confidence. First, you could reappear in the Temple of Time following Lake Hylia by deathwarping.
Will the settings still be the same? i.e. Will my bottle be on B when I reappear? I thought that the settings would reset itself after dying, which is why I thought option #2 was the best.
Change my sig. again, and I will murder your pet fish.
Ah, I meant how Jabo's plugin has that "Copy framebuffer to RDRAM" option thing, and I think one of the other plugins has something like that, but I don't feel like looking it up right now.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
BOMF, as was explained earlier in this thread, "copy framebuffer to DRAM" with any plugin that isn't rendering in software can cause desyncs and will probably give the encoders a headache. There is no stable software rendering plugin yet, so the best option for now is to live with the delay.
If you can death warp after getting no sword then clearly route 3 is faster, here's why:
You will get to LH faster because the super slide is quicker and KF to HF is faster than, death warp + ToT to HF. Then death warping to ToT from LH or fishing pond is faster than playing the song. So that is: after FT to FP route 3>2 and FP to ToT 3>=2.
If Acryte thinks 1 is faster than 3 I would at least do a quick run through of that to see if it's anywhere close.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
If you can death warp after getting no sword then clearly route 3 is faster, here's why:
You will get to LH faster because the super slide is quicker and KF to HF is faster than, death warp + ToT to HF. Then death warping to ToT from LH or fishing pond is faster than playing the song. So that is: after FT to FP route 3>2 and FP to ToT 3>=2.
If Acryte thinks 1 is faster than 3 I would at least do a quick run through of that to see if it's anywhere close.
This is a reiteration of my analysis in a previous post.
I asked FIERCELINKMASTER about deathwarping and he said he wasn't sure. Hopefully someone here knows the answer.
There's a gameshark cheat which nullifies the pause lag but in only works on PJ64.
There is no pause lag whatsoever on Project 64. And emulation glitches (at least for this title) are virtually nil.
Actually he is right, it has the cheat built in to get rid of the pause mostly, the same thing for a few other games as well. I would assume that that is the main difference between it and mupen's compatibility with games.
I have SOME lag in the menu on PJ64 with this game, but I don't use any cheats or anything.
The lag is virtually nil though. Doesn't interfere with me playing.
Phantom Ganon with the sword glitch:
I doubt it will work though, I'm sure that with the sword glitch you'll hit him with frame perfect timing, but he still jumps up.
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that was hilarious. I think that method should be used regardless because:
stylistically, it's better. it beats PC in an extremely humiliating way, which is good for a TAS
I noticed that it did hit PC on pretty much the first possible frame in all cases, when reflecting back the electric ball, and you hit PC in mid air as he was falling to the ground.
Except you have to consider that there's setup time to get the sword glitch activated, so it ends up being slower.
Guano can achieve the same result using frame advance.
I was hoping for a one-cycle K.O. with this trick, but guess not...
Forget it, then.
EDIT - Yautja, you're right about that. I stand corrected...