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I think the elevator was OK - a bit of a time to collect oneself after all the insanity.
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canada done I'm sorry about the elevator, but due to the upward movement, Tony can't jump properly to perform tricks. There are no grind spots either. However, Chamale actually made a good point about the need of a pause.
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finished I also did the bonus level for the stats and finished with a picture of the maxed out stats to make up for the skipped credits. Please tell me, if I should delete this. Submission text and youtube stuff will need a little time, as university starts again tomorrow.
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Much MUCH more fun to watch! Thanks for redoing this, it was certainly a great entertaining run.
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I'm considering starting work on a speedrun for thps 1. I would start on October 23rd. I think I'll do 100% for one character. If someone could find the speed address that would be great.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Needles to say, I'd love to see that run, especially from you. That's why I though, I should remind you, that today is October 23rd :) About the addresses: Good and bad news. Good news: These addresses from MHS seem to be the speed addresses (still behave a little strange and there seem to be multiple ones, so I'm not very sure about them) x-speed1: 010C1D2C x-speed2: 010C1F44 x-speed3: 010C4020 y-speed1: 010C1D34 y-speed2: 010C1F4C y-speed3: 010C4028 general1: 010C1C3C general2: 010C1C40 general3: 010C1C44 general4: 010C1C48 (of course, I don't know which one is x and y, so I was guessing) Bad news: Like in THPS3, these addresses only work for one level (warehouse), so they will have to be found again for each new level. EDIT: more strange addresses for second level (school) general1: 010BFDF0 (probably most useful) general2: 010BFDF4 general3: 010BFDF8 general4: 010BFDFC general5: 010BFE00 general6: 010BFE04 general7: 010BFE08 x-speed1: 010BFEEC x-speed2: 010C0104 x-speed3: 010C21E0 x-speedreversed: 010BFF04 (opposite sign) y-speed1: 010BFEE4 y-speed2: 010C00FC y-speed3: 010C21D8 y-speedreversed: 010BFEFC (opposite sign) general1 has low numbers, thus easier to monitor. general2-7 are nearly the same. The reversed x and y speed also have lower numbers, but opposite sign and tend to drop to zero more often (during jumps, grinds etc.)
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Hey, thanks a lot. I'm really glad your interested in this run, gives me a lot of motivation. I'll be playing around with it tonight.
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I think I worked out the fastest strats for wharehouse and school. I'm going to make a quick TAS first to get a feel for TASing this game and lay down something that can be critiqued.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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If anyone wants to work out some plaussible strats for downtown Minneapolis that'd be nice. I think there's lots of ways to do it and I don't want to overlook something.
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I can't figure out how to see the memory addresses. Do you need a special plugin for mupen? I just don't see any options for it. I want to be able to see the values for these addresses while I'm playing. Also how do I get a frame counter?
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Mupen does not have its own built in memory watcher, so you need to externally watch memory with L-Spiro's MHS Tool. The frame counter should always be there in mupen. It's in the bottom left corner.
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Ya I see it there when I am recording. Problem was I wasn't recording when I thought I was. What do you have to do to continue from a recording? I thought I did it before by justing loading a save state I made when recording. I know in SNES9x you play the movie without read only checked, then load a save state. If you don't have a save state is there anyway to continue a recording?
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
I know in SNES9x you play the movie without read only checked, then load a save state.
This is exactly what you're supposed to do, mupen is no exception.
Spider-Waffle wrote:
If you don't have a save state is there anyway to continue a recording?
Yes, you play the movie back in read only mode, and then when the movie has played to the point where you want to continue recording, make a savestate there (it will save a state, not load one) and then replay the movie in recording mode, and load the state, and you'll be at that spot recording.
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If anyone wants to work out some plaussible strats for downtown Minneapolis that'd be nice. I think there's lots of ways to do it and I don't want to overlook something.
I do not have as much experience with his game like you, but I thought I give it a shot. Also, with the map other player like Zurreco can give their suggestions easier. [URL=][/URL] One way is S,5,A,T,4,E,tape,1,K,2,3 (however, long way without grinds from S to 5) If you can get the tape without jumping off the roof and "T" from the other side, you could go S,1,K,2,3,tape,E,4,T,A,5 I don't think it is possible, but getting the tape right at the start, would make that route even faster.
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Hey thanks for the strat. Also, there should be nice color maps available online, I have them all DLed. When I put in the memory pak I get this message saying it's damaged from the game, without the mempak I get a message saying there's no mempak. If it could be possible to put in undamaged mempak I think might be able to skip a message. For now I'll continue without the mempak, disappointingly it still asks if you want save at the end of each level. I had warehouse basically finished, ending at 1:37 left, I think I might just barely be able to get 1:38 this speed address and frame counter should help. That general1 address for speed is great, it seems to be very accurate. It can be hard to count the digits though with no commas.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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For the DT strat, here's some things you can do: You can get the E at the very start with a wallride (wr) and land with a grind on the ledge below. If you have enough speed on this ledge and high enough ollie stat you can wr up to the lower roof and get the tape from there. There is a small chance you could wr up to the lower roof from the ally you start in. Which would make starting off tape, S very quick. You can get T from either side. If you can do the quick E>tape I like: E,tape,S,1,K,2,3,4,T,A,5. Even if you can do the straight to tape wr I'm not sure if it'd be faster than getting the E first and doing it from that ledge, because having to get E>4 later would slow you down. Another totally different route I like is: E,4,T,A,5,S,1,K,2,3,tape. Just not sure how fast 3>tape would be, I think about the same as 3>E if done well. Another thing I'm not sure about is which character to go with. I know it's one of these three: Tony Hawk, Bucky Lasek, or Geoff Rowley. The character select screen takes a long time to go from one character to an other, so that's why Tony Hawk is an option, he has the highest speed along with Bucky, 2 less ollie than Bucky, but is 3 less characters away. I didn't think the 2 ollie points could make up the 5 seconds it takes to select Bucky unless it made a new macro strat possible. Which could be the case for DT level. I don't think it will matter for any other level. Geoff is option because he has a special grind and this would make the competition levels faster. Geoff has the best stats of the special grinders and is 2 selection scrolls. Thing About Geoff is I think he'd lose major time on school and mall with 2 less speed, but would be full speed by DT I think. There is the possibility of doing the levels out of order. Such as doing chicago before mall or school, or even doing school up to the secret tape and pro score, quiting out and coming back after Chicago to get SKATE and tables. It's very hard to say who would be best I think you'd need to try them all and try the different level orders for geoff and possibly tony.
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For what it's worth, the route I use for DT is S-1-K-2-3-E-4-5-A-T-tape. While this is suitable for an untimed all-goals run (because T -> tape is relatively easy in real time) its value in a TAS is questionable. Also, keep in mind that S -> 5 is slow because it's uphill. One thing to check out: I have occasionally managed to get a lot of height by going from a quarter-pipe straight into a wallride. The easiest place to do this seems to be at the start at San Francisco.
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I've been testing out the routes and it seems the best ones go to 5 early and then T, 4, finish with 1,K,2,3
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Was going for a shortcut to the secret tape on downhill. Launch off the end of the top QP on the dam, I can almost make in real time. If that doesn't work I can still launch from there over to the place where you normaly jump to get the secret tape.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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How did you find the general1 speed address for warhouse? that was very usefull. I need to find that for the other levels now. Warehouse finished in 22 seconds almost 21. But I did have to wait for tony to drop from the T to the HP below before the level would end.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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22 seconds is amazing! I can't wait to see it. About searching for speed addresses: I don't know the fastest method, but this is, how I search for them. It's basically the equal/not equal zero method, as zero is the only value, that does not fluctuate much and is independent from the direction you are facing: -face a direction that is not parallel to a likely coordinate system, to prevent the unlikely case, that the y- or x-speed is always zero -come to a complete stop (plus some frames, due to occasional offset) and search for "equal 0". Then accelerate for a good amount off time (due to delay) and search for "not equal 0". -repeat the steps until there can't be more filtered (maybe 20 addresses, with the new script of L-spiro, that doesn't take long anymore) -then look through each address, if it makes no sense (like having only 2 different values, or not having some proportionality to the speed). To erase them, I pause emulation, when my speed is not 0 and right click on the address and click something like "reset to 0" and filter it afterwards by searching for "not equal 0". -to see, which address it for x and y, I usually grind something parallel to the coordinate system and see which one goes to 0. The remaining addresses (general, x and y all together) are, what I posted here. I possibly didn't tell you anything new, but I thought, in the case someone knows a better way, he might post it here afterwards :) In case you overlooked it, I also posted the addresses for the school here. Getting the secret tape in downhill that way would save a ton of time. However, playing around in real time, I could not even get close to it. Good luck there. offtopic: With your next post, I think you'll be a vested member.
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School was coming along nicely I was almost done, I thought it was pretty kick ass almost perfected. But then I accidentally deleted the replay. I hit record movie instead of play, selected the movie that I wanted to play, then I guess it just records over it without prompting you if you're sure. Really seems like there should be a prompt for that. I kind of don't want to redo my progress now as it took a long time, maybe later. I was kind of enjoying it though. I'd rather work on ridiculous always special combos though, which I was going to do after I finished the TAS.
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Try loading a savestate where you have all the movie stuff still there, while recording the movie. That should recover the file. I've deleted stuff and saved it that way.
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I tried recording the movie, then loading a save state. It loads the save state and is still in recording mode, but when I stop recording then go back and play it, it plays just that part before I loaded the save state.
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Hey, just saying I plan to run THPS 2. I'm going to complete all the goals in every level. I made a few attempts already, but I ended up being ineffective and slow. I was having some trouble route-planning the first level... Are there any unfinished WIPs? Any advice? Thanks in advance.