WIP #1, coming along reasonably well. I feel it moves fast enough to not be a boring game choice, but it occurs to me that some people might not find this game too exciting. There are 30 levels plus a boss, so I'm not quite halfway done.
Play back with sound rate at 22050!
About the randomization:
- The level layout and item colouring is seeded by start time, as is everything else about the first level. This sets the layout for EVERY level that follows, nothing else will change it. Interestingly enough I start only one frame after the earliest possible moment and get a good result.
- Combat affects everything, in different amounts depending on types of attacks and whether they hit or not.
- The items laying around on the current level affects the items on the next level, although it's a bit inconsistent.
- The start position is affected by a bunch of things, mostly combat but it's possible to attack an enemy from a distance without changing the start position of the next level.
- Combat results seem to vary with each turn, to a certain extent. Still not based on anything realtime.
- Except, getting confused ("You feel like dancing") randomizes EVERYTHING except the level layout by time, including where you move to with a directional press.