I coulnd't find a thread about f-zero, so i started this one, even though i have no movie for snes9x, i played some f-zero on zsnesw 1.36. It's a good starting point for anyone trying to make a movie for this game, unless you are able to finish the king circuit on master difficulty already.
King league, master, Fire Stingray
Queen league, expert, Fire Stingray
Knight league, expert, Fire Stingray
Knight league, master, Blue Falcon (can't win death wind, i think it's impossible...)
Queen league, master, Golden fox (can't win)
King league, master, Wild Goose (can't win again)
The way i see it, fire stingray is by far the best car. No need to even try the other ones. The game works differently on 478 kmph and above, and the firestingray's max speed is 478. trying to stay there is a must.
The fire stingray doesnt slip on normal conditions. the curve radius is a constant, making a perfect arc if you have a constant speed. the curve radius is the same from speed 1 to 477. but on 478 and above the radius increases instantly (i'd say about 30%). so if you want to make a tight curve let go B so your speed drops to just below 478 and you can make a tighter curve.
- Maintaining 478 kmph is the primary goal.
- Pointing the vehicle to the next "waypoint" as soon as possible is another goal. the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, keep that in mind for accurate fastest laps.
- Using the nitros when at lowest speeds is the way to go. Watch the video to know the best spots for each track to use the nitro.
- The firestingray doesnt lose speed on the "dirt" areas of the track while using the nitro.
- Using L & R buttons, you can slide to the sides. i dont think it affects the forward speed. i mean, walking straight or pressing L and R all the time should make no difference, but it's something worth a test using frame count.
- Also about the L & R buttons, they just move you to the sides, they dont really help shorten the curve radius. The best spot on a curve to start using the R button would be by the moment you have turned 90 degrees and there's just other 90 degrees to go. i'll try to make myself clear by using this ugly diagram:

i might be wrong about that though. it's all about vectors and straight lines connecting point a to b. i find it very complex to perfect this kind of game. i dont think i'm gonna try it, but i had to put what i know about the game here.