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lol, i didnt see that the first time either i guess i suck at life too...
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I have a new strat for the Takkuri. It should be the fastest way to kill it. please look at the image to understand it: - get out of the west gate of CT - do a fast ISS to the blue point (well the general erea) and charge bomb on the way - megaflip over the ledge - ISS the rest of the way to the bushes in the red circle (shouldn't be to far, a superflip from that hight will bring you far) - kill the red slime and get your bomb drops - sidehop 2-3 times to the yellow point - kill the Takkuri from here - the slime should have respawned while you were shooting and attack you when you are finished, at the yellow point - fast ISS of it - collect the orange rupee during the slide and slide into the milk road. @MrGrunz Did you find any speedtricks for the PF?
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haven't really searched yet yesterday, I just experimented with the new ESS I found a weird effect, that freezed my PJ64 in a weird way all the time. it seemed like a hardcore form of the crooked catridge glitch just without crooked catridge I know exactly, how to do it, so I'm going to try some things with it on muppen now. if we find a way to avoid freezing, we could be able to use this at certain places maybe ;)
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If it's not replicateable on console or if it requires in-game modification of the hardware on console, I guess those tricks aren't allowed. (and for a good reason imo)
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Kuwaga wrote:
If it's not replicateable on console or if it requires in-game modification of the hardware on console, I guess those tricks aren't allowed. (and for a good reason imo)
all it needs is a roll and a special koordinate for the control stick ;)
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Here's...something If we can find a way to gain access to this without cheating, it could really help with speedruns.
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I haven't really experimented with memory hack like OoT RBA etc. so I can't really help with this. getting ocarina on B or something (I know it's possible to get ocarina on B) shouldn't really affect anything with the song hacking sun's song in your inventory with any trick wouldn't be possible, because there's no place in the inventory for it any ideas on how to make this song playable?
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I personally don't think it's possible...and that's about all there is.
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romani ranch access with new hyper ESS: I think stabbing is slower than a normal sword attack, because the stone is on the right side of link and link does stapping with his left hand
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petrie911 wrote:
Here's...something If we can find a way to gain access to this without cheating, it could really help with speedruns.
Ive always said RBA wouldve been a much more useful glitch in MM than OoT. Much more things can be stored in bottles and theres much more to unlock. For w/e reason though, the programmers fixed the code so that RBA will not work in MM
Comicalflop wrote:
I don't recommend HISSing at parties though, people will think you're a snake.
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I guess the reason is that they were planning to use B as a fourth C-Button or something similar at some point. More than just a sword button in any case.
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petrie911 wrote:
Here's...something If we can find a way to gain access to this without cheating, it could really help with speedruns.
It looks like they didn't actually change how it worked...just, y'know, umptillion more things are tied to the clock. Yes, wait three days, good sir Link, and your biggoron sword will be finished right up. ;)
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As I want to get better at TASing, it would be cool, if someone like swordless or petrie could answer a few questions: 1. How do I do frame perfect backwalking after changing my camera angle? If I hold backwards, while link changes his camera angle, link doesn't walk backwards, he does sideways walking. 2. What are the perfect frames for a backwards superslide? 3. How can I do frame perfect Bombchu Hovers? There are a few frames, that let me backflip directly after the explosion again, but link is still holding his shield, if I do rapid backflips, so I can't reach perfect high this way. Afterwards, there are 3-4 frames, that doesn't allow me to backflip, and after those few frames, I can do bombchu hovers to reach perfect high. Do I understand it right or is there a trick to bombchu hovers with perfect high directly after the explosion? 4. Perfect frames for playing a song? 5. If I'm doing a long TAS, is there a way to go forwards to the frame, I want to go on at? Or is the only thing I can do movie playback? big thanks to the guy, who answers this :)
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4. Just find the first frame to play the next note. Shouldn't be too hard. 5. Very few emulators have "skip to frame x in movie". Mupen does not have it; you'll have to watch your progress from the very beginning, especially to check for desynchs. If you want to see how a room looks, you can keep one savestate at a beginning of a level to see that level, but you won't know if it desynched or not.
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Are you planning on doing a long TAS?
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hmm, no, not really. the only 2 games, where I have a pretty big knownledge are MM and OoT and there are much better TASers for both games than me ;) I just wanted to know it, in case, if I do a full game TAS or something someday. It would be just pretty practical for every TAS, wheter it's a long one or not. oh, and swordless, I thought about doing a snowhead with goron mask TAS. should I do it or shouldn't I do it to keep the "WTF" factor for your TAS?
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MrGrunz wrote:
As I want to get better at TASing, it would be cool, if someone like swordless or petrie could answer a few questions: 1. How do I do frame perfect backwalking after changing my camera angle? If I hold backwards, while link changes his camera angle, link doesn't walk backwards, he does sideways walking. 2. What are the perfect frames for a backwards superslide? 3. How can I do frame perfect Bombchu Hovers? There are a few frames, that let me backflip directly after the explosion again, but link is still holding his shield, if I do rapid backflips, so I can't reach perfect high this way. Afterwards, there are 3-4 frames, that doesn't allow me to backflip, and after those few frames, I can do bombchu hovers to reach perfect high. Do I understand it right or is there a trick to bombchu hovers with perfect high directly after the explosion? 4. Perfect frames for playing a song?
I haven't TASed the game, or even TASed any other N64 game... so I might not be of much help... but the first four questions seem to be just standard questions on how to get something perfect. I'd say the answer for any of such questions is just trial and error, by using savestates (and frame advance of course). For instace, when playing the song, try pressing the button on frame X, see what happens. If the game plays the note, load the savestate before frame X, put in the input on frame X again, make a new savestate, then move on. If you don't have the required result on frame X, try X+1, then follow the same procedure. If you are unsure about which frame it is, try X+10... if it works, X+5, if it doesn't X+8 and so on. Just trial and error, and find out what the first frame is that the right input is accepted. If you are unsure about the input of something, like in the first question, I'd suggest watching a movie where it is done frame by frame and checking the input.
MrGrunz wrote:
5. If I'm doing a long TAS, is there a way to go forwards to the frame, I want to go on at? Or is the only thing I can do movie playback?
Just set the movie to "read+write" instead of "read-only" and use a savestate to start from the point where you left of (assuming of course you made a savestate there).
MrGrunz wrote:
the only 2 games, where I have a pretty big knownledge are MM and OoT and there are much better TASers for this game than me ;) I just wanted to know it, in case, if I do a full game TAS or something someday.
People weren't born with TASing abilities. You can learn to become as good as anyone with that. The only thing you can't really learn is inventiveness, and coming up with surprising stuff... but in this aspect, you seem to excel. You should just TAS whatever game you like, and not worry too much. Remember: competition breeds perfection. Another thing is that it's relatively easy to get to know how games work when using an emulator. You don't need to be a pro at the game at all to make a TAS of it. The basic knowledge of the game is learned pretty fast, and soon you will have knowledge of it that people who just regularly played the game never had. I think lots and lots of TASes at this site are made by people who had to get really familiar with the game first.
Experienced player (543)
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oh, and swordless, I thought about doing a snowhead with goron mask TAS. should I do it or shouldn't I do it to keep the "WTF" factor for your TAS? With Goron Mask? You mean like the one that was in my old WIP before I restarted (only with superflips and such)? Go ahead.
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thanks As I did a non-TAS MM run and a lot of glitch discoveries, my basic knowledge on how the game works etc. is huge already. you're right, the questions are just how to do something perfect, but I can't seem to find the solution for the first 2 questions ;) link just don't want to take his shield away, if I do the quickest way to backflip again, so I have to use the second time, I can backflip at, although swordless and mukki's bombchu hovers seem to be quicker than mine :/ when I watch backwalking in swordless TASes, he seems to rapidly backwalk after changing camera angle, but this causes link to do sideways walking, when I do it
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Swordless Link wrote:
oh, and swordless, I thought about doing a snowhead with goron mask TAS. should I do it or shouldn't I do it to keep the "WTF" factor for your TAS? With Goron Mask? You mean like the one that was in my old WIP before I restarted (only with superflips and such)? Go ahead.
without sry, forgot that "out"
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In that case, I'd rather you didn't. :P
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Swordless Link wrote:
In that case, I'd rather you didn't. :P
hmm, maybe i'll still do it, because the TAS has enough WTF factors already and most of them come from my discoveries, so I should be allowed to steal one of those WTF facors ;) oh, and could you please give me the perfect frames for a backwalk superslide? I want to test, wheter hyper ESSes or normal SSes are faster ;)
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Um... Why did you even ask if you were just going to do it anyway? >_> It would be easier for me to just give you an m64/st with a perfect backwalk superslide in it, because it's extremely difficult to put it into words, so I'll post it here shortly.
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thanks because I'm thinking about not doing it anymore now ;)
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Alright, here it is: I took the bomb out 3 frames before moving Link at all. While this obviously isn't necessary here, it's how it works when you've just entered an area (in other words, it lets you use items 3 frames before it lets you move). Before rolling, I shield for 13 frames. You should do this as late as possible. 13 frames is the lowest number you can shield at the latest time and still have it work. The infinite superslide (>_>) stuff at the end was just for fun.