Another progress reprt.
To start out, my current
WIP, and probably my last one before completion. It ends on frame 36912 (multiples of 3), about a third of the way up the first wizard trial. You'll notice that I went for the long sword; sorry folks, but skipping it seems to be a "Deborah Cliff" glitch right now, so I didn't use it :(. It just wasn't working out for me. Maybe a future run. In fact, I'm not entirely sure it's possible to fall through there. However, there still is hope...
Watch this. I discovered this one while working on my WIP and have managed to replicate it. It tells us a few important things about falling through a floor:
1. You have to hit a corner; this I already knew.
2. Once you're in, you can get out as demonstrated. If you stop the movie as he's jumping, he'll fall off the screen.
3. You'll have to hit the ground near the peak of a small jump.
4. You'll have to be at full speed.
Keeping in mind these last two things, I present to you this diagram:

Start from the right of that dip, jump into it, jump from there onto the platform to the left of Kuros (you must miss the platform Kuros is standing on), and take a tiny hop on through. At first I was trying to get through from where Kuros is standing, but it wasn't working. This plan, though, so far is equally fruitless, but I have managed to solicit some very strange behavior from it (I've had Kuros glide up that slope like an air hockey puck into the barrier). I hope it works there, but for now, I'll just focus on completing this dumb run.