1:This Lua temporarily rewrites the bank number in 5(glitch emulate).
And, the appearing object number is traced. ( save or load is made good use of well)
If you save with the frame that rewrites the bank number in 5(glitch emulate frame), trouble is caused.
Therefore, please use S key and L key to the keyboard.
When the bank is 6(default frame), Lua is saved/loaded when you use the keyboard.
2:If the Rockman1Game mistake the bank with a specific frame, this Lua can measure "Object number".
3:And,the amount of instructions can be measured.
The mistake occurs when the value of "NEXT" becomes "1".
PRE:number of instructions of "NMIEnds->ChangeBank"
NEXT:number of instructions of "ChangeBank-> NMIStarts"
We should adjust this value to "1"
NOWBANK:Bank number of the frame.
"5" is a frame for the investigation.
"6" is a frame for normal game.
The NOWBANK changes like
Bank6 frame is only recorded in movie.
[6F0]..:ObjectNumbers. It is high of the possibility appearing in the same action and the frame.
2F,AF:object of DelayWaterCurrent
5D,DD:objcet of DelayWarpDeatch
75,F5:object of DelayStageClear

The DelayStageClear glitch will succeed if we can adjust "NEXT" to "1" by 4071 frame.

If "NEXT" becomes "1" by the same frame(4071frame and NOWBANK=6)... (Though The load instructions is insufficient in this example.)