VIP Mario is a series of japanese smw hacks. The hack is quite hard to play and therefore I think that it has lots of TAS potential; it needs powerup management, for example. Indeed, some of the new glitches were found while working on this series. VIP Mario 2 is the second sequel of the series, and is harder than the first. The ips of VIP Mario 2 can be downloaded
here; click
AA版 v1.52 to download the ips. Since I work on the rom of AA Edition and of version 1.52, other editions or versions will desync with my movie.
I started a testrun for all-exits run a year and a half ago, but lack of motivation kept it away from being finished. I finally finished a testrun yesterday and just want to share it:
I don't think my testrun has enough entertainment, but it may be instructive for those people who try smw runs. I'm not sure at all when this project will be finished.
There is another run for VIP Mario 2; "almost capeless and yoshiless" all-exits run by V (aka. 見習い):
There are also several runs for this series, due to ISM, V or myself. I'll maybe make a few posts here, or in other appropriate topics.
Edit: Changed the subject from
SMW Hack: VIP Mario 2 (aka. SMW VIP & Wall MIX 2); it would seem better to gather all the sequels of the series into this topic. The latest ips'es of the other sequels (of AA Edition) can be downloaded as follows (the upper ones are of normal (i.e. non-AA) edition):