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Warp wrote:
Does EDF 2017 have an actual storyline, or is it just a melee-type game, where you just kill enemies and more enemies, without actually advancing any kind of plot and progress in the story?
There is a story that is told over the radio by your commander and some other people using the radio. It's your basic "The aliens are coming, shoot them!" plot and due to the bad voice acting and all the other stuff, the radio communications are kinda funny. You don't need to really care about the plot though, you just go around shooting bugs and giant robots with your awesome rocket launcher, but it is there.
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Dante's Inferno is absolute trash. If you want a 5 page rant on why... ask I guess. but I would rather not talk about it. it's a bottom of the barral god of war clone. If you like that kind of game get Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 or Devil May Cry both are MUCH better. Shadow Complex is an excellent XBL game, and an excellent game period. Mass Effect 2 is probably the best game I have ever played. I have beaten it 7 times, and there is a huge mount of DLC. I am also a big Gears of War fan (NOT THE SECOND ONE) because of the exciting and innovative cover-based FPS action. GTA4 is very fun.
JXQ's biggest fan.
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VirtualAlex wrote:
Shadow Complex is an excellent XBLA game, and an excellent game period.
Shadow Complex doesn't utilize any other Xbox Live features than the leaderboards. I think you meant to say that it's an excellent XBLA (Xbox Live Arcade) game, right?
...because of the exciting and innovative cover-based FPS action.
Gears of War isn't really a First Person Shooter ;P Also, I disagree with the exciting part. The enemies just take too much lead before they die, so it's not very exciting to sit there in the cover and wait for them to pop their heads out. It's a great co-op game though, but not worth the "BEST GAME EVER!!!" reviews in my opinion. EDIT: Oh and Gears of Wars' graphics suck, unless you like Unreal Engine slimyness and grey and brown.
Post subject: Re: The best games for the Xbox 360?
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nfq wrote:
GTA IV is the best game for 360:
I'm not sure I would completely trust a "top Xbox 360 games" list that includes "Pac-Man Championship Edition DX" in it. (I'm not saying that it's a bad game, but better than a myriad of other great games? Come on.)
VirtualAlex wrote:
Dante's Inferno is absolute trash. If you want a 5 page rant on why... ask I guess. but I would rather not talk about it. it's a bottom of the barral god of war clone.
Too late, because I bought it, played it, and thought it was ok. Perhaps not the greatest game ever, but certainly better than average. (Perhaps more variation in the latter half of the game would have been good. Seemed to get a bit repetitive.) A game being a "clone" of another popular game doesn't automatically make it inferior or bad. Gameplay originality is not what makes a game good. Else for example HL2 would be a crappy game because it's "just" a Quake clone (or Doom clone if you really want to go back).
Brushy wrote:
Gears of War isn't really a First Person Shooter
Yeah, it's more like a "over-the-shoulder perspective shooter" or "third-person shooter", or whatever the term might be. It's close to an FPS, but not quite the same. There are gameplay differences between the two perspectives.
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If you liked GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas, you might not like GTA IV. They really cranked up the realism (which, in some regards is impressive, but to me makes it a lot more boring). Also, it gets really repetitive, especially towards the end. Also, the multiplayer is total garbage. Some of the shittiest people ever play online.
VirtualAlex wrote:
Dante's Inferno is absolute trash.
But... but... demon dicks with realistic phsyics!
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ElectroSpecter wrote:
If you liked GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas, you might not like GTA IV. They really cranked up the realism (which, in some regards is impressive, but to me makes it a lot more boring).
by "cranking up" the realism, i assume you mean they made it more realistic (english is not my first language). how do you mean that made it more boring? i mostly just noticed better graphics and physics, but it still lacks a lot of realism. for example, people don't lose any body parts when you drive over them at 200 km/h and there are no animals or children in the game. i agree it might get repetitive at the end (haven't reached the end yet though), but i've always liked to just drive around mostly in GTA games and do crazy stuff.
Also, the multiplayer is total garbage. Some of the shittiest people ever play online.
i tried online multi once and got slaughtered. but since i haven't even unlocked the whole city in the game, i'm not so good yet.
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ElectroSpecter wrote:
VirtualAlex wrote:
Dante's Inferno is absolute trash.
But... but... demon dicks with realistic phsyics!
This must be the only (non-pornographic) video game in existence with full frontal male nudity (even if a demonic one).
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Wasn't there some in GTA IV or one of its add-ons?
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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nfq wrote:
by "cranking up" the realism, i assume you mean they made it more realistic (english is not my first language). how do you mean that made it more boring? i mostly just noticed better graphics and physics, but it still lacks a lot of realism. for example, people don't lose any body parts when you drive over them at 200 km/h and there are no animals or children in the game.
Basically, there aren't super ridiculous hidden vehicles and jetpacks, and the trademark GTA humor is limited mostly to the radio stations instead of basically everywhere in the other older ones (like the cutscenes and character personalities). The story and characters just seem deadly serious for the most part, gritty and real. Which is most definitely a draw for most people. I think I just got spoiled on SA.
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Brushy wrote:
Warp wrote:
(Yeah, guess what is one of the games I bought recently... :P )
Did you get EDF 2017? It's pretty cheap and if you have a friend to play it with, it's so much fun. There's nothing like shooting giant alien ants and spiders and robots with ridiculous weaponry and big explosions. It's all arcade and it's all so so much fun. Everything is fun about this game and I really urge everyone to try it.
Did you know in that game the friendly fire is on, If you play multiplayer with an opponent, you can actually kill them, as well as other EDF members. its fun to kill alll of them, then go in a s the two lone survivors.
[19:16] <scrimpy> silly portuguese [19:16] <scrimpy> it's like spanish, only less cool
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funnyhair wrote:
Did you know in that game the friendly fire is on, If you play multiplayer with an opponent, you can actually kill them, as well as other EDF members. its fun to kill alll of them, then go in a s the two lone survivors.
Yes I did. Me and my friend used to grind level 43 (Extermination 2, I think it's called) on Inferno to get all the weapons (that is the first one with the Lysander Z drop IIRC) and the AI guys used to be on our way all the time, so when we shot our rocket launchers, they would hit them and we would be dead from the explosions, or we would be flying for a while letting the spiders get in too close. So we just kill the allies with assault rifles.
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Dante's Inferno being a clone doesn't make it bad. It's poor gameplay, and level design is what makes it bad. It had excellent potential also so I was very unhappy with it. I could talk about it in depth but it's probably not worth it at this point. Gears of War is 3rd person, but when you hit the "AIM" button it becomes first person and that is how I spent most of my time? Either way, it's a shooter, and I really enjoyed how different it felt than Halo and COD and all the other run and gun games.
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VirtualAlex wrote:
Gears of War is 3rd person, but when you hit the "AIM" button it becomes first person and that is how I spent most of my time? Either way, it's a shooter, and I really enjoyed how different it felt than Halo and COD and all the other run and gun games.
The great thing about the Gears of War gameplay (although it's most probably not the first game to use it, although it's certainly one of the most popular ones) is that it allows for tactical playing that is difficult and awkward, if not outright impossible, in first-person shooters.
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Did you ever play Chronicles of Riddick - Escape from Butcher Bay for the Xbox or PC? If you didn't, go find Chronicles of Riddick - Assault on Dark Athena. It's one of the by far most amazing games I've ever played, if you are into semi stealth-action.
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
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Cardboard wrote:
Did you ever play Chronicles of Riddick - Escape from Butcher Bay for the Xbox or PC? If you didn't, go find Chronicles of Riddick - Assault on Dark Athena. It's one of the by far most amazing games I've ever played, if you are into semi stealth-action.
Yes, I have them for the PC.
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Gotta get Bayonetta, its an amazing game.....all the action of Devil May Cry with a dash of blatant sexuality and some over the top humor :)
If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried before :P
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ElectroSpecter wrote:
- Assassin's Creed (I and II): If you're into the whole "Christianity is a conspiracy / Dan Brown" thing, this is a fun series.
I had Assassin's Creed for the PC but had serious stability issues with it. It worked ok on the starting city and on the way to the second city in the game (was it Jerusalem? I can't remember now.) However, there the game started being really unstable. It would work for a while, but start get more and more jittery until the game would freeze or crash. Lowering graphics details helped somewhat, but didn't remove the problem. I just couldn't get it to work so I had to stop playing that game. (This type of instability happens quite a lot, which is one of the reasons why I bought the Xbox 360.) I couldn't really get a feeling of how good or bad the game was from that short playing experience. However, I bought Assassin's Creed II for the Xbox 360 due to your suggestion. (Well, your suggestion more like reminded me of its existence.) I wasn't expecting much because I got quite immunized to open sandbox games by Oblivion (which was great, but became boring after some weeks, when the initial amazement passed). I have tried other open sandbox games (such as Far Cry 2 and Fallout 3) but didn't find them very enticing. I was pleasantly surprised by Assassin's Creed II, though. I really liked the game. I can't really explain why, but I liked it. It also has superb graphics for such an open sandbox game. (The Xbox 360 tends to often fall surprisingly short on the graphics side compared to a top-of-the-line PC, most probably because of the limited amount of RAM available. However, with AC2 they really seemed to take the most of what the hardware has to offer, and it shows.)
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There's story continuation from the first game and in my opinion the cities in the first game were more fun to roam, so be sure to get that one too. I've seen used ones at Gamestop for 10 euros.
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Yeah, I can't wait to see where they go with the story. The ending to the second one is INSANE.
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Warp wrote:
As for Tales of Vesperia, I'd love to get my hands on it, but it's RIDICULOUSLY priced (for example at you can get a used version for a "mere" 143 euros, and new at 200 euros; I'm not paying that kind of money for a 3-years-old game that would normally cost about 20 or 30 euros at this point).
What is it with this game in particular? I have been watching the situation regularly to see if anything changes, but no. There seems to be no rational way of getting hold of this game at a reasonable price. My two regular online shop sources of games are and In the former the game is still listed as 150 euros used (200 euros new). In the latter it's more moderately priced (66 euros) but not in stock, hence not available. As a curiosity, I checked on Here's a list of prices for several JRPG's for the Xbox360 (all for new condition games): Blue Dragon: £8.76 Final Fantasy XIII: £12.69 Infinite Undiscovery: £8.22 The Last Remnant: £11.20 Lost Odyssey: £11.96 Star Ocean: The Last Hope: £12.97 Eternal Sonata: £11.76 Resonance of Fate: £12.02 Tales of Vesperia: £145.95 Whoa. What makes the last game different from all the others? Does anyone have any idea where I could get this game for a reasonable price?
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Only a very small number of PAL discs has been produced.
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Kuwaga wrote:
Only a very small number of PAL discs has been produced.
I didn't know they made different versions of the game disc depending on which continent it's intended for. Does that mean that one should be very careful about buying Xbox360 games from outside Europe because the game might not actually work? (Does it make a difference that I'm using the Xbox360 with a VGA monitor and not a TV?) I don't remember ever seeing an online store specifying which version of the Xbox360 is required to play the game...
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On the 360, some games are region free while some are not. It's up to the publisher to decide. For PS3, all games are region free. EDIT: So yes, if you buy an NTSC disc of a region locked game, it will not play in your PAL console.
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Kyrsimys wrote:
So yes, if you buy an NTSC disc of a region locked game, it will not play in your PAL console.
I was looking if the game could be bought from the US cheaper, but I suppose it's out of the question...
Post subject: Re: Bayonetta
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LightningRT wrote:
Gotta get Bayonetta, its an amazing game.....all the action of Devil May Cry with a dash of blatant sexuality and some over the top humor :)
I just bought and completed this game ($20, it's cheap now) and I'll second this. There's a lot of stuff to collect / unlock if you're into that, and they do a good job with the collecting not being too excessive / repetitive. And yeah, it's campy like DMC but the whole aesthetic is different as well. DMC was really dark and hellish and demonic. Bayonetta is often bright and empyrean. It's definitely at least worth a casual play through, and it's not that long.