"Revelations: The Demon Slayer" is a basic monster collecting RPG for GB/GBC.
This shouldn't be a difficult project for anyone who's done RPG TASes before.
Here is a route demonstration that completes the game in about 39 minutes:
(The real run might be about 33 minutes.)
I have failed to develop a script for manipulating the battles, but I have done enough testing to be able to plan the route.
In the current plan, the battle screen will be entered only 20 times:
5 intentional random encounters + 2 skippable fights + 13 bosses
In this game, almost everything takes a lot of time due to slow message speed.
This means that getting any extra equipment or level-ups is almost never worth it.
Also, the armor of bosses gets tough quickly, so it is not worth it to let weak team members live and get level-ups (level-up messages waste lots of time).
On each level-up, 1 point can be freely assigned to one of the stats.
The main character needs only strength (or maybe 1-5 points of luck somewhere late in the game, if the RNG favors it and gives better damage output).
The sole exception to the general slowness is auto-fighting in the battles, which is very fast.
Auto-fighting mode uses turns in rapid succession without any messages until the player cancels it OR the player dies OR the enemy dies.
The main challenge of the TAS is to manipulate the auto-fight to produce long sequences of successful turns in order to end bosses quickly.
The only common item worth using is Silph Wing.
Silph Wings allow exiting caves and teleporting to previously visited towns.
However, the overworld is so small that even the Silph Wings are worth using only 5 times.
One Rune is needed to advance the plot. It is fastest to get it as an item drop from a random encounter.
(By the way, go to VGMAPS or GAMEFAQS for a good overworld map of the game.)
Here is the route plan:
First rename the three main characters to save text scrolling time:
El --> A
Kishe --> B
Uranus --> J
(Maybe use different names for luck manipulation?)
Talk to Zodia
Equip sword (Timing of this event is used for luck manipulation.)
Get random encounter: Harpy
Kill Harpy to get EXP. and an item drop: Silph Wing
Get Lete Water
Go to Town of Arrow (Lete Water is required to enter)
Boss: Jabba
Buy 4 Silph Wings
Get Medicine
Go to Remlia
Use Medicine, get B to join
Talk to shrine master
Go to Mt. Palo
Boss: Devil
Use Silph Wing #1 to exit
Get random encounter: Lich
Kill Lich to get item-drop: Rune
Go to Remlia
Talk to another shrine master to get Pass
Give Pass to B (otherwise character A runs out of item slots later)
Visit Harappa (get in and out)
Go to Magan tower
Get three random encounters for these three monster types and make them join by letting B talk to them:
1. Cancer
2. Golem
3. Wings
Get Light Charm (+1 strength)
Enter menu: Use Light Charm, summon Cancer, summon Golem, summon Wings
Talk to woman
Use Silph Wing #2 to exit
Go to Ramuh
Get Sol ring (allows talking to animals)
Use Silph Wing #3 to warp back to Harappa
Enter Harappa
Talk to a duck to get Black Key
Go to Zord Nest (Black Key required)
Mini-boss: Zord P
Mini-boss: Zord H
Boss: Buster
Talk to J
Go to Harappa
Get J to join the party
Use Silph Wing #4 to Ramuh
Go to Tilmun
Talk to two people (to advance the plot, a dolphin is now available)
Get Arce Sword to advance the plot (it just happens to be a good weapon too)
Ride a dolphin into the cave of Orthrus
Boss: Orthrus (Maybe we can let Cancer, Golem and Wings die here, because they deal almost no damage at all on the later bosses?)
Give Rune away (to advance plot)
(Maybe talk to Orthrus to make it join the team? Orthrus seems useful only for the next boss though.)
Exit the cave onto the small island.
Enter Menu: Summon Orthrus, Equip Acre Sword, Use Silph Wing #5 to Tilmun
Go to Sage Mountain
Get Emblem
Ride another dolphin to Zord Castle (Emblem is needed to enter)
Boss: Morgan (It is probably worth it to let Orthrus die here.)
(On level-up, maybe give J a point intelligence, IF it increases her chance of success, when talking to Bones?
Choosing intelligence wastes 2 frames though, so it may not be worth it.)
Go to Atlantis
Talk to shrine master
J talks to Bones (to skip a battle)
A talks to Bones (to skip another battle)
(The second battle needs no intelligence, because it is skipped due to one instance of Bones already being on the team.)
Get Jail Key (Give it to J, because otherwise A runs out of item slots later.)
Go to Dalo
Use Jail Key
Get Bard (Give it to J)
Go to Zord HQ (Bard is needed to enter)
Get Photonsword
Equip Photonsword
Boss: Zodia (Let J die here!)
Boss: Memphist
Go to Crotona
Get Lapis
Go to Atlantis
Give Lapis to the man
Talk to the man again
Get the flying ark
Fly to petroglyph
Boss: Vaerial
Fly to Luciferium
Boss: Baal
Boss: Lucifer
This RAM address is related to the RNG: 0xff9c
However, there is more to it, and I don't fully understand how the game works.
I did discuss it with DarkKobold (thanks DK!) more than a year ago, but I guess we both had more interesting stuff to do and this got forgotten.
Here are some helpful scripts:
Anyone interested in TASing this or helping with the RNG manipulations?
No, not you Bones!