Hey all, I've began work on a new version of Blaster Master using FCEU. I've already completed levels 1-3 and would like some feedback before I continue.
Blaster Master: Levels 1-3
This movie ends after defeating level 3's boss and returning to level 2. Compared to my old version it's 20 seconds faster at this point. Improvements include:
- Using frame advance to pause at the earliest possible frame to skip the scrolling animation inbetween rooms
- Using frame advance to shoot backwards without losing momentum
- Using frame advance to select weapons while paused
Level 1:
- Destroys more enemies in the first room to avoid slowdown
- Faster route through the dungeon by destroying blocks
- Faster boss fight by using frame advance to shoot behind me as I walk
- Doesn't get hit by the miniboss guarding level 2
Level 2:
- Nothing specific
Level 3:
- Affects randomness so I don't have to jump in the beginning of the second room to avoid getting hit by the worm
- Better use of special weapons
- Destroys more enemies
- Better boss fight
- Does a better job of destroying blocks in the room before the boss
- Demonstrates a few interesting glitches while killing myself that show you still control your character while bouncing after taking lethal damage from a fall
That's about all I can think of off the top of my head. Any comments and suggestions would be welcome. Thanks!