I've tried figuring this one out, based on other submissions...so I'm a bit confused.
I've studied the following two submissions, and crossed them with my own understanding (a few of my own accepted submissions):
NES Burger Time
I bring this one up, due to it have 256 stages...something similir to what I'm about to ask.
NES Duck Hunt (Game B)
With Duck Hunt, DrD2k9 identifies at round 27 that the hit box gets as small as it will and the speed has been capped.
My newest, un-submitted, TAS is a C64 version of "Omega Race". My observations show that the game repeats after 5 rounds...which the games states "Droid Force 1 Eliminated". Afterwards....it appears to continue over again at the same level of difficulty. The address of 0x27 shows an incrementing value of the round being played. I've "Poked" the address with various numbers, all the way to 255, and I'm seeing the same count of ships and speed. In addition, the pattern of mobility seems to be similar...except that RNG does affect things because of the frame that inputs occur on. Because of that, it is not a situation where inputs can be copied to complete future rounds...based off the last round of difficulty increase.
Any ideas on confirming an ending for this?