Congratulations to the SNES TAS of 2023:
[5232] SNES Chrono Trigger by arandomgameTASer & keylie in 2:16:08.40
[5628] SNES Mega Man X2 by Akiteru in 30:59.02
Nominations are now open! Please nominate eligible candidates, a list of which is available at the following link:
Wiki: Movies-Y2023-SNES-BSX-Obs
Nominations will be open until, at earliest, 23:59 UTC on January 7th, 2024. Should any unforeseen circumstances delay this time, the delay will be accounted for during the voting period to allow at least one full week of voting.
You are allowed and encouraged to nominate multiple candidates, and you may not self-nominate. Keep in mind that two or more separate nominations are required for an option to make it into the poll.
Voting is now open! Please vote for the choices in the poll above. If an eligible option is missing from this list, please let staff know and we will correct it as soon as possible.
Voting will be open until, at earliest,
23:59 UTC on
January 14th, 2024. Should any unforeseen circumstances delay this time, the delay will be accounted for during the TAS of 2023 voting period to allow at least one full week of voting.
Full list of rules and guidelines for nomination and voting.