After reading your route, I have come up with this, but this leaves your magic cape route a bit hard to do, Hopefully you can fix this.
Now, firstly, I want to let you know the correct names of the dungeons, and they are:
Hyrule Castle
East Palace
Desert Palace
Tower of Hera
Palace of Darkness
Swamp Palace (this is crystal 2)
Skull Woods
Thieves' Town
Ice Palace
Misery Mire (this is crystal 6, the one you confused me with)
Turtle Rock
Ganon's Tower
Now I see that you're doing 1, 4, 3, 5, 6, 2, 7.
I will refer to the heart pieces as the numbers you have assigned to them.
When you get your book, ignore the 1st heart piece altogether.
With your current route, you plan to get 8th and 9th after the flute, don't do this, it requires too many unnecessary warps.
After your flute (which you get in the light world), stay in the light world and go through Kakariko as you normally would in a normal run and get to the warp north-west of the town. On your way, get the bird and buy the jar if you have enough money. Don't get the jar in the house, the net, or the 10th and 11th heart pieces.
Once you reach the warp and in the dark world, make for the treasure game and get your 12th heart piece (by the way, I don't remember it was possible to collect 300 rupees from a chest in here). After this, go straight to and complete Thieves' Town.
After Thieves' Town, get the 300 rupees, then go south, and don't grab the smithy's partner but jump down the ledge and go left a screen, you will end up
here. Now warp, and you will end up
here. Play the race and grab the 1st heart piece. Walk back through the fences back to your mirror warp and back to the dark world. Jump down the ledge in the first screenshot and play the digging game. After the digging game, go back and grab the smithy's partner, but do not rescue him, just save and quit right after you collect him. The reason for this is because you cannot play the digging game with the smithy's partner following you.
From the pyramid, dash your way to the magic shop equivalent, warp to the light world, and deliver the mushroom. Warp back, get quake, flippers, and the 17th heart piece. Save/quit into the mountain cave. Collect ether, fly back to the magic shop to collect your magic powder, fly to Kakariko, get the jar in the house and the net and return the smithy's partner. Pay them to get your sword done. Once outside, upgrade your magic meter, then fly back to Kakariko, get your 10th and 11th, warp back to the dark world via the north-west warp. Grab your magic boomerang*, collect the heart (the one where you mash the stumps), warp back to light world, collect your sword, dark world, purple chest, back to the light world, fly to spot 4 (Link's house), warp BACK TO THE DARK WORLD (at this point, I'm getting tired of all the warping), get to the Bombos part, WARP BACK TO THE LIGHT WORLD, get your bombos, open your purple chest. Fly where ever from there (Skull Woods perhaps?)
* only if it's the only chest of it's kind
Here's a
.smv of it. There is a mistake I made after collecting the purple chest, I save/quit, I think it's quicker if you warp back to the light world and fly to Link's house. Also note that I have the blue boomerang, so when I open that chest, it appears as 300 rupees. Also, I don't have the mushroom, but pretend that I do.
I also nearly forgot to say, the 8th heart piece:
After completing the Swamp Palace (crystal 2), go left and up and collect your 8th, then save/quit to Link's house, travel south and grab that warp and travel to the bomb shop like you planned.
I have doubts about my own route, so don't take my word for it. Think of it more as a suggestion. It's really difficult because there are so many ways for doing it, it is very complicated, and I praise you for what you have come up with.
ALSO, if you have any questions about my decisions, please ask, I should have a reason for everything that I've suggested.
Oh and...I know redoing the East Palace is a bloody bitch, but I think you should, for the bomb for the heart piece after the Desert Palace. But I may have a method which might work, and may be quicker. After you collect your 21st heart piece, just go back outside and jump down to the cave. I'm not sure if that's possible but give it a shot.