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For those interested someone over at the SDA Forums is running the single player campaigns, not sure about the difficulty tought. You can find the .avi's Here i would've also posted the thread concerning it but the forums seem to be down
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19 over here
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Since Dan surpassed my run with Lecarde, i decided to leave him to dan and i'll do a run with morris, i've completed stage 1 with a time of 3:22.48(from when i gain control to when i collect the orb) Since i lack webspace, if you want to see the run you'll have to pm me so i can send it to you. The run was done on expert.
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Wow..., best run i've seen so far, you even managed to max out the score, i have a feeling that the time you achieved won't be beaten for a long time. Best.. Run...EVAR! (for now at least ;P)
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Whoa. I never tought ecco could be this fast, keep working on it, i want to see how fast you can do the later levels hehe
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Just Tried the one you reuploaded this one wont even start, it just sits there at the press start screen ,wierd. And it has a rerecord count of a couple million, i think it got currupted again...
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Same thing for me, using the (U) [!] rom, tried with both 3buttons and 6 buttons settings and still nothing, maybe Jyzero can enlighten us on the issue hehe
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I just finished Stage1 with LeCarde and got a time of 3:09, got hit on purpose to get past the bone dragon. I might be able to get a faster time but i'm not sure how, there's only a couple mistakes that would save bearly a second. If you want the .gmv feel free to pm with your email or contact me via msnm. EDIT: It was done on expert btw...
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I managed to watch it all the way throught, after reading what you posted in Jyzero's Rerecording Genesis Emu topic. I switched the player one joypad to 3 buttons(was at six) and i was able to watch it right trought the end. Looks like we're gonna have to record with the p1 buttons set to 3, doesnt really matter only a few games actually require 6 buttons, Beyond Oasis comes to mind but its really only a matter of convenience than anything else. Great run by the way!
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I tought about it and i'll prolly do a normal difficulty one. As for the choice of characters i'm prolly gonna do a run for each of them, i find that Lecard's Spear Vaulting is much more useful than Morris's Whip Swing, and i think that Lecard might walk a touch faster than Morris(might be my brain playing tricks on me). Morris is stronger in terms of attack, so the boss fights would most likely be faster, but Lecard can get to some places faster than Morris can.
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I know his name, i just refered to him that way because i tought it'd be funnier that way and besides Bombahead wanted a run with the spear dude not with Éric LeCarte ;P
BombAHead wrote:
Castlevania Bloodlines (Using the spear dude, dangit~)
Post subject: Castlevania: Bloodlines!!
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I've been waiting for a game i had enough interest in to finally make a run on, looks like i found it :D. I'm currently doing some "planning"(not much to do, but i'm playing from begining to end a few times to memorize which candle gives what and and to get to know the bosses). It might take awhile till i actually finish the run tough, i'm very hard on myself when it comes to my gameplay, i might make a few(read:alot) of "Test" movies. And also because i'm only gonna use the rerecord features to get back to the start of the stage, no savestates in the middle of the stage. Granted you cant tell if i use them, but this is a challenge to myself (yeah i'm THAT crazy).Plus i'm gonna use slowdown but only at 50% lol Oh, if you guys want to make a run you go ahead, as i said it might take me awhile to complete mine. I'll be using "Spear Guy" for this run. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up that i'm working on this, since no once actually(sp?) said that they were gonna run this game i tought i'd run it myself. If you're also working on a run for this game please post here so we can share some info and such.
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Can't wait to see it Sleepz, i'm pretty sure it's gonna be awesome. Since Sonic is all about speed :D.
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Sounds good dan, i think your run would flat out beat the other one thats out on the SDA. As for downloading the file dont have any other links but i could send it to you via msn messenger or IRC wichever you prefer, i have fairly decent upload speed(80KiB/s). Looking foward to seeing your run!.
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Nope Still cant download it, it will start but it just stops right after, tried firefox, IE, and getright, all give me the same result. you could use bittorrent ,since its a small file it would be easy to seed.
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He means This Site wich is on fileplanet, if it was ran on actual gameboy hardware, Radix(the guy who runs the site) will probably host it for you, just get it touch with him and see what you can do for you.
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I think a sub-50 run is feasable, there's much to be optimized in that run, also doing it level by level will make it easier to obtain faster times, and easier to calculate the time it took to go trought the level. If you messed you just have to reload your game and restart the level. I highly doubt he even used rerecording since the number of errors are too numerous. Like Gigafrost mentioned most of his boss fights can be optimized i.e Jetstingray and Split Mushroom.
he seems to use the generic weapons on each boss, except one. seems he could save quite some time on the bosses
Well from what i've seen while playing the game is that some bosses simply dont have weaknesses against Zero's Weapons. Because some bosses just give you abilities like double jump, a stronger Z-Saber and air-dash. Here's the boss order he used for those want it:
    Magma Dragoon (fought with robot suit, dont recall what it is called lol) Cyber Peacock Frost Walrus Web Spider Split Mushroom Jet Stingray Storm Owl Slash Beast
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I know it can be hard to do a "perfect run", but it doesnt seem like he practiced alot. Apparently(sp?), dieing is allowed in Twin Galaxies, but still it doesnt make for an entertaining run. A 100% run is possible no doubt but not with the cut scenes(as it would make the file too big for nothing). You might be surprised somebody might be working on runs for other Megamans, but i doubt you'll see one for X7, god that game sucked.
Post subject: 1:03:54 Megaman x4 Run(With Zero)
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Just wanted to give a heads up to all you Megaman Fans (Especially(sp?) Boco lol). Its available at SDA for those who know where that is,if you don't know where that is. Here is a direct link to the page Didnt watch it yet, 1:03 seems a little long tought. It was done in one segment tought , well i'll just stop babbling now... hehe EDIT: Just Finished watching it, looks more like a practice run then anything else, he skips 2 heart containers(the ones in Split Mushroom's Stage and in Jet Stingray's) while he gets all the ones in the other stages, dont remember if there's one in Magma Dragoon's Stage in wich case he misses 3. I understand he didnt want to die while trying to get the one in Jet Stingray's it can be tricky to get. But he did die in that very stage right before the boss room. As for the order i'm not sure it's an optimal one.Plenty of errors in there, but he's only human right? ,that, and the stress of trying not to mess up can make you do weird stuff. Like he got the Big Energy Refill in the Web Spider stage wich isnt on the way to the boss, but its only small stuff, maybe 1sec time loss at best. Getting hit also slows you down and pushes you back too, about 1 second loss there,but with all the hits he took it adds up pretty quick. His Sigma fights were pretty good, but then again Sigma's pretty easy to beat in this one. I'm sure someone will do better, having played the game alot i might step up and try to beat his record. Woah, i think thats the longest edit ever... so what do you guys think?
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Suprnova has the best trackers, if not the best then the biggest to my knowledge. I dont know about making your own tracker as it would need a computer on 24/7 and always connected to the internet. I say Suprnova is your best bet for now, it'll be easier to spread with bitorrent. If you need seeds i'll be happy to help you (my ul maxes out at 80k/s) just email me at or contact me on msn at the same adress.
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Wow, that looks like an entertaining run, given that Zero 2 is one of the hardest games in the megaman series, least thats what i think lol. You could try to get the torrent on one of the suprnova trackers, or maybe try to get it added to PlanetQuake's Other Games Speed Demo Archive( . If you can get it on there. the files will be hosted on Fileplanet, no worrying about the bandwidth cost :D . Here's hoping we get to see this run soon !