Posts for CyruS

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Wow its been some time... ES and Tompa are you guys even around still? lol If you are, let me know how to reach you, I want to go back to tasing with you guys, or make stupid DKC videos. Fun times... back in the day, lol
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Great job CF, this run greatly improves your first run, its a lot more entertaining and its just plain awesome. Sure you dont remember me, but I had to log in, to say how awesome this run is.
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You need the rerecord verson (+10) for the wips here tho.
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1.- Who's knautilus? 2.- It will be published! eventually... 3.- Lets hope it does :D
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Its desynching right after you talk to the genie asking for a car, which rom are you guys using? i cant find a normal (U) (!) and mupen says my rom CRC is correct.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 11/3/2007
Posts: 31 Great example, not all of them are 100%, some are and the others just the biggest amount of hits possible. Kinda OffTopic the best final for a fighting game ive seen in my life.
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100% combos are always fun Tons of hits too, so if you can't make a 100% combo, go for the maximum of hits
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Don't worry, hes doing it, we talk on IRC almost everyday trying to find anything that will make it faster, since i'm doing DKC3 aswell (Any%) i check his wips, he checks mine, and so on, but he will release only 1 world at the time, and he just found an improvement in the belcha fight, so world 1, will be more improved than the one currently posted, dont pressure my talented man!!! :P ;)
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like if your making a car driving game, use a i forgot the word, i think its wheel. It doesnt matter, in fact, i think everybody uses a controller, mine sucks tho :(
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Very nice run, not a big fan of kirby's games, but its a decent platform game, thats why im following the wips, in the fifth stage you hit a wall like 3 times, that means your speed is back to zero, try to avoid that kind of things, nice run anyway ;)
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I'd do something at 200% speed but i dont want to encode it, that meaning i cant prove i did it at 200% speed
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Ok if for some people the poll by any means says "should be published" then we shouldnt have judges, the judges decide if a movie is published based on speed, damage taking or not taken, etc. And they use the general audience (us) to get an idea if a movie is entertaining, which is why the poll asks if you enjoy the movie or not. And by this means, entertainment is a very subjective point, thats why the judge cant judge by himself if a movie is entertaining. Sure, if for you a movie that is slow is not entertaining, then by all means vote no, but if you are entertained by it no matter how slow it is, dont take in account that it is slow, cause thats not the question addressed here. I dont know, maybe the poll is actually "should the movie be published" but i dont read that anywhere P.s: sorry my english is bad, im chilean.
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2263 how sad :(
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i can't believe people voting no when they had fun watching. The poll say: Did you like watching this movie? I love it, yes vote.
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He couldnt redo that part cause the bonus desynched and it ended up being slower.
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oh, i also know how to do a double roll after landing on a platform, if u mean without getting the 500 speed for 1 frame, then yes ill be very interested ^_^ (Kiddie roll)
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exactly, i mean, what can you do? you can't do nothing out of the ordinary anyway, so he sitting there, will be like a normal "previous-to-the-credits" "final" All DKC games, all Mario games, they all end up with the character standing for a few secs.
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When you do your last move to "kill" the final boss in any game an animation will begin, your movie must finish right when you do your last input, that will be the account of frames your movie has, the emulator itself will say "movie end" but the rom is still loaded so it picks it up where the movie ended. ergo the credits.
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Yeah i havnt not replied here, but yeah im obsoleting sami's run with the W-Barrels, first i thought it was going to be better to do a warpless barrel but many ppl think that a third category will not get accepted, so, im doing a Warp run now. Won't post any WIP's until i finish world 1. So far i've saved 20 secs, thats all i can say :O
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Take it, dont take it, no one will notice it, i assure.
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Well, i went back to check it now with the memory watcher, and tompa is right, 1008 is the max speed for rambi, and a normal roll with diddy is over 1100 so, it is faster to dismount and roll at the end. I use MSN and im in IRC a lot in case you want to discuss some things im working on DKC3 but for that ive studied both dkc and dkc2 runs just cause donkey's mechanichs are similar to kiddie and dixie's too (in dkc2 and 3) Id love to help you with anything I can ;)
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Im new to TASing as you all know, but that adress is not for hex editing, is so you can use another programa that watches the speed of the kong you are manipulating at the moment. s9xwatch.exe You'll have to add the info for DKC but sure tompa or arne can give you the adresses. (Thanks ElectroSpecter for teaching me this :D)
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Lakeside Limbo 1849 frames = 30.81 secs Anyone see a possible improvement? Anything at all, im new to TASing but i have patience and time to do the full run, i just need your critic eyes here, since i dont have anything to compare my time with. The Frame count is since the sound of entering the level until the first frame where dixie hangs on the flag.
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ElectroSpecter wrote:
Using some knowledge imparted unto me by Comicalflop, this new Lake Orangatanga WIP is 190 frames faster. Improvements come from more optimized rolling (the double roll is pretty much useless unless I have a good momentum going, so I cut a lot of that out).
In Doorstop Dash did you try the Koin bug? could be faster, you probably did but just in case.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 11/3/2007
Posts: 31 something like that, arne does it better in his 101% run but i did it in real time, but, you get the idea.