Posts for StarvinStruthers

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new tas final input frame 24,023 most frames saved in shark fight a few frames saved in first ursula fight
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feos wrote:
When a new prereq is out we usually report that, and if it's not installed, bizhawk will warn you, so don't worry.
StarvinStruthers wrote:
3. i tried several quick ways that might put the fights back together but no complete luck 4. i dont mind fixing this up i just dont want to do it today lol maybe i'll fix soon.. i will let you know if i have given up hope
If you can't resync it, I'll accept the current run, just take your time and make sure it does or does not sync.
Spikestuff wrote:
StarvinStruthers wrote:
but when tastudio is involved i get a big red X over the piano roll no idea how to steer around this.. oh well
(Late Response) Basically. Load your bk2 into TAStudio. If you get the big red X close out of TAStudio. Relaunch TAStudio with no bk2/tasproj file attached. Within TAStudio load the tasproj up.
StarvinStruthers wrote:
also 5. oh FRIG bizhawk 1.12 is out i should get that
StarvinStruthers wrote:
do i need to run the prereq everytime i update bizhawk?
word thanks yall i will try this next time i boot up bizhawk spike and feos.. i think this submission needs to be taken down there is ~1sec of time save i overlooked in the very first fight i need to remake/resync the entire run basically
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feos wrote:
That's odd, I have it working well at importing this movie with a fresh unzip if 1.12.0. Does this one work?
ok a couple things 1. that worked.. idk why i have troubles with rewriting bk2 sometimes 2. nice strat.. i tried capturing the lower guy to use to hit the higher guy and it lost frames.. didn't think to try your trick 3. i tried several quick ways that might put the fights back together but no complete luck 4. i dont mind fixing this up i just dont want to do it today lol maybe i'll fix soon.. i will let you know if i have given up hope also 5. oh FRIG bizhawk 1.12 is out i should get that here is a question.. do i need to run the prereq everytime i update bizhawk? i assume no but im unsure
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feos wrote: I improved leaving the room before the first Ursula fight by 2 frames. Would you like to resync the latter part and have the movie replaced?
no i'm also not even understanding how to get this bk2 to be rewritten i can get it to play on bizhawk no problem but when tastudio is involved i get a big red X over the piano roll no idea how to steer around this.. oh well not at all worried about 2 frames in this game
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mklip2001 wrote:
In general, you would want to look at the pages at However, I don't see one for The Little Mermaid there. I looked at the previous publications for the NES version as well. McBobX's current run mentions a strategy change on the Walrus fight, but I don't know if that applies to this run. The previous publication by AnS has comments here: He mentions a trick involving pressing A at the right times to pick up objects without slowing down. Perhaps something like that is useful here, I'm not sure. I'm sorry I didn't catch this run on a forum thread earlier; I've only been able lately to watch the submission queue these days. In any case, you did a good run, and until someone actually demonstrates significant improvements, I'd say this should be published.
yo thanks man i may look into it in the future but i think i've had enough with this tas for now i've got a project i want to get started and also a background project that im working on the background project is fairly simple but i have to make stage maps as i go because there are no maps i can find on the interwebs and the stages dont always have a direct path so there's some exploring to do and different route options thus needs a map and with 80 stages its gunna take a little while also for the record i dont recall picking up any items and getting slowed down but i may have overlooked that and i did the walrus fight like 5 different ways and they always ended on the same frame but if there is something im missing there, then definitely could be improved
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^^^ these are solid forum posts
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mklip2001 wrote:
Honestly, I'm not sure if L+R is what does that in the NES run. I thought it did. I believe there's a Tricks page for the NES run, and you should see if those tricks work on the GB version too if you haven't already. Nice Kid Dracula icon, by the way.
lol tyty do you know where this page of tricks might be?
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mklip2001 wrote:
Not bad! This seems to be basically the same as the NES run but with worse graphics and sound. Your boss fights seem pretty good to me, but I'm not really familiar with the game's randomness. The NES run has a couple tricks to keep momentum, like quick turnarounds (I think it's because of Left + Right). Does anything like that work in the GB version? It looks like you lose time every time you want to change direction.
oh so in the nes version you press left and right at the same time to lighten the hit of horizontal turning? i dont recall even trying that but that could work out a notable trick while turning in this game is to not turn into a wall unless you're going to move vertically after the turn if you plan to move horizontally after the turn and you aren't turning directly into a wall you can get a lot of horizontal distance during the turn if you hold that direction this was a trick that atroz did in rta at a specific spot because he thought it to be faster when i implemented the trick in the same spot he did it.. i ended up saving 8 frames so with that in mind.. when i did the final draft i went through and made sure not to turn into any walls and saved some frames that way
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Pokota wrote:
For the purposes of TASVideos in particular, userfiles is the suggested method, as then the uploads are both on the site directly AND are connected to your name (so that if I were to take your BK2 and make changes to it without completely rerouting it, it's easy to know who needs to be credited).
for sure thank you but to be honest if you're planning on working on this thing just take it lol if the taser is honest they will give credit but i really dont give a hoot about this tas anymore its caused a lot of miscommunication and trouble
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Pokota wrote:
StarvinStruthers: You don't need to submit a run to the workbench to share the BK2. Posting it to userfiles is more than sufficient, and doesn't carry the stigma of submitting a sub-par run to the judging queue. Since, y'know, it doesn't get judged.
for sure i clicked my name in the userfiles and it shows my wip so i'm ok with that i might do it your way next time something like this happens hard to tell what to do exactly because people suggest semi-different directions for me to go none of them seem bad its just hard to tell which is most effective for sharing but thank you
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that'll keep em busy :3
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TASeditor wrote:
StarvinStruthers wrote:
anymore shitters out there?
Yes! Me! The way you have been whining over your submission is just far beyond normal behaviour. If you aren't willing to accept improving your capacities, but instead wanting to lower the entry barrier for getting a run published, you'll never get to a high level of skill. Just look at my past: My first runs are unoptimize garbage; I go as far and count many of my runs up to those of 2014 inclusive as garbage; I said that because I'm willing to go beyond my comfort zone and got better. Back when I started TASing I was like "how do people make so many (10k) rerecords?", and now I'm having the second highest of non-botted rerecords. And my way of abstracting the game rules also is no longer what is was, when I started. Heck, I didn't even had any abstractions back then. I went to this point where I'm today by accepting being critizied and having rejections. If you're not having fun when TASing, then don't do it. Most of it is labourious work. If you don't enjoy that, you have plenty other activities to go for. And if you really desire to become a very good TASer you should accept all aspects of it, including being critizied in a scientifically manner. Don't do it if you just want to feel intelligent by making TASes or if you only desire fame, player points and awards, these are worth a shit. There's nothing more worth than knowlegde when it comes to something like TASing.
this is some funny shit dont care to be the best or the smartest dont care for fucking fame otherwise i would probably be sucking these shitters nuts which im obviously not caring to do.. so where the fuck do you see me being fame hungry? because i posted my bk2/tas here? is that what makes me fame hungry? well fuck.... again im sorry for sharing my bk2 (looks like i'll be apologizing for this until the day i die.. should i just delete this thread?) i dont give a shit about the "fame" lost to the rejection of this easy mode gb tas lmao i cant believe i had to prove that point i can post it to youtube if i really want to bam... instant publication... but i am not doing that because i dont give a damn im cracking up at how much of a wall im probably replying to call it whatever the hell you want i am having fun making tas thanks again i dont plan to be the best im tasing gb and atari games........ and easy ones at that...................... not sure how that ranks me as best, smartest, or most popular and i certainly dont see how that would make me feel entitled to said ranks smgdhrnffs here we go as it stands im doing this because i see there are no previous tas made or i see improvements i can make on a previous tas (a little competition never hurt anyone) heck even if i cant improve a previous tas.. i can still make whatever the hell i want because fun i have played the games before and enjoyed them even lion king gb (holy shit i just went there) i dont see my reasoning to do tas exceeding these basics otherwise wtf is the point and i certainly dont care for apathetic peanut gallery comments about who i fucking am or what to do (example: thunderaxe up there didn't need to chime in but he did because he's a shitter) but hey if you're gunna talk some shit i might talk some back :) everyone needs a friend im just fucking lazy and salty that i had to go out of my way to share this (the forum shitters dont help) to anyone in the forums that hasn't been an asshole i apologize if i was being rude, annoying, or whatever we dont have to be pals but i was not aiming to be a dick to everybody warepire and evil3d up there were very helpful and kept it simple i apologize to them specifically for not being thankful for the help at the time i was very frustrated with this website understandable if yall think im a fuckhead but thank you both for the helpful info my anger seems more general because plenty of the forum posts i've read are from smart asses trying to tell me what to do or what i should have done or why i didn't do it this way or that way while successfully being 100% not helpful or constructive and as a new guy.. this is all sort of like one big entity against me (that is what it feels like) but now that i understand this website has plenty of shitters.. i can get on with my life i guess i had a higher expectation for this website and that is totally my bad if im supposed to wear a smile, listen, and respond to a shitters liking while they jabber off at the jaw.... just show me the door the very first forum post i read from this site was spikestuff mildly making fun of my first tas submission (hi spike) i understand i fucked up which caused him to be misinformed about it but he really set the mood for me here if im being honest especially him being an active publisher it immediately gave me insight of tasvideos and what to expect in the forums and so far i feel my expectations have been met and will probably continue to be met (if i do myself the harm of lurking these forums*) but this is the internet.. its how it goes.. its not like im surprised anyways... hey how do you block people on this website? i hate explaining myself to people that aren't comfortable with me (because its not my problem)
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you can all stop acting like its my life goal for someone to make a prince mode tas you're just proving me right is all notice the first line of the submission text anymore shitters out there? would love to see some more usernames to stay away from
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ThunderAxe31 wrote:
StarvinStruthers wrote:
but no i have to travel to the ends of the earth just to share this info
If you want to see a prince TAS you don't need to do that, there is a very simpler (and agreeable) way: stop demanding others to do it and do it yourself! And if you can't, just study hard in order to become a good TASer just like everyone did before you.
StarvinStruthers wrote:
this website sucks ass just saying
So are you ranting this website just because no one here is willing to TAS in your place the game you like? Do you really think that people should accommodate any request just because you want?
i couldn't give a shit if someone actually makes this tas this website sucks because its filled with undertoned shitters i'm "demanding" this tas be made because the cub mode tas was rejected obviously people think the prince mode tas would be super easy to make its the higher ups that are demanding this prince mode tas be made, not me get it? im really fucking sorry that im giving my bk2 away i should feel terrible
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Warepire wrote:
If you log in to the main site using your forum details, and scroll down to the bottom, you'll find a link called "Upload a WIP...". Uploading your bk2 there will make sure it doesn't disappear. Alternatively, if it's the same bk2 as you submitted, just link the submission, the submitted movie file will not be deleted even if the run is rejected.
is there any place else i should be putting this thing? its funny how this video could have just been published (especially considering nobody has ever made a better tas) would have been really easy to obsolete the video when someone makes prince mode but no i have to travel to the ends of the earth just to share this info this website sucks ass just saying
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Patashu wrote:
StarvinStruthers wrote:
word! thank you i will try and get that started up would it work for me to just post feos youtube link in the thread?
Yup, though if feos's encode is unlisted you may want to make your own public encode if you want it to be discoverable via a youtube/google search.
this is fair.. guess its finally time to make a struthers youtube account
Post subject: Re: alrighty then
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feos wrote:
StarvinStruthers wrote:
but i have another bk2 with less input frames that still beats the game please let me know if you would prefer the bk2 with less input frames and i will post a mediafire and also edit my submission text
I want to at least see it.
its an extremely minor difference in my opinion the better igt is the better tas (not saying this tas is remotely good or entertaining) also i believe i forgot to mention that ascending seems to cause a decrease in speed and descending seems to cause an increase in speed this is why continuing to descend causes a better igt
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feos wrote:
StarvinStruthers wrote:
eh i give up.. leave it for the next guy
Lag differences don't count when comparing the runs for optimality. Only the actual gameplay. If the game allows you to do some action later on a more accurate emulator, do it later, and we'll only compare how optimal that action itself is. Can you discard the lag and just adapt the better strats from the old submission?
i have no idea leaving it for the next guy doesn't mean i want to delve back into this game
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I am starting this thread in hopes that one day someone out there will prove me wrong and make a prince or king mode tas (or rta?) of the lion king gb this person will probably not find this thread but here's hoping they do this is the cub mode tas that i have made this covers the first half of the game according to prince/king mode i understand why this was rejected but i still wanted this to be available (also there should be room for improvement on stage 1 if you can figure it out) Link to video here is the zipped bk2 also here is the forum for the rejected cub mode submission adding this in case my submission notes are helpful god speed
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Patashu wrote:
PS - i still want this tas to be able to be viewed publicly for the prince mode taser that everyone seems to think is right around the corner throwing this submission in the dumpster isn't really what i was going for how do i go about making this a resource for people via this website? or is leaving it here the best i can do?
I would suggest making a thread for this game in the Game Boy Games board (or bumping it if one already exists) and linking the input file and an encode of the TAS there.
word! thank you i will try and get that started up would it work for me to just post feos youtube link in the thread?
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Samsara wrote:
StarvinStruthers wrote:
im new here dont know how stuff works im only here because this is where people post their tas its becoming very obvious thats all i'll be doing here not going to spend much more time in these threads lol not much fun when people constantly telling you what to do without being supportive in any way
Smartest new submitter I've seen. Not even being sarcastic. If you want to keep your drive to TAS, don't even bother reading posts in submission threads from people without player scores, unless those people are named mklip2001 or Derakon, maybe a couple others I'm forgetting about. Most of the people who haunt submission threads with negativity and rule enforcement have never TASed and will never TAS, and thus they can safely be ignored since they don't know what the hell they're talking about. Submission threads generally get the highest volume of posters, which means they're going to be the most full of awful posters, so... Yeah, it may be a good idea to not take the threads too seriously. The best, most constructive and supportive feedback you're going to get is either in a game thread or just asking a TASer directly, with the latter being far more likely. Some of the site rules are badly explained and/or archaic, and I don't blame you or anyone else for not knowing or disagreeing with the rule that an easier difficulty cannot be used if it truncates the length of a game. The rule is referenced infrequently enough that Easy difficulty runs that skip content have been accepted and published before, and have had to be obsoleted by slightly less optimal harder difficulty runs in order to correct the mistake. I was a Judge for long enough to have memorized all the bad rules and the five good ones that I agree with, so if you're concerned about any upcoming submission of yours, you can always shoot me a PM and I'll answer any questions/concerns you might have. It sucks that this happened and that you got such a negative reaction out of it, but yeah please just ignore the assholes in the submission threads. There are plenty of people willing to give constructive and supportive feedback, sometimes they're just few and far between with all the awful, awful, awful, awful, awful, awful posters around here. Just don't let it get to you and keep TASing for as long as you're having fun with it. You've been making quality runs of underappreciated games (which are my absolute favorite things to see on the Workbench) and the site would lose something if you stopped submitting.
well you get the award for the coolest stranger on this website thank you for your words i have a few tas buddies i can come to with questions but i felt i had been bugging them lol thus i started posting in these threads in hopes for more answers/support (bad idea) so thank you again and if i have any questions i will shoot you a message :) also i hope you like my next submission i'm about 1/4 done with it its a long one PS - i still want this tas to be able to be viewed publicly for the prince mode taser that everyone seems to think is right around the corner throwing this submission in the dumpster isn't really what i was going for how do i go about making this a resource for people via this website? or is leaving it here the best i can do?
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fun game epic tas
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
StarvinStruthers wrote:
it is a complete playthrough of the cub mode difficulty which "doesn't finish the game" if you are to only compare it to the harder difficulties
Bingo! Sure, we want to reach the end credits quickly, but going into a menu and selecting something that automatically chops off half the levels really isn't viewed as a legitimate method of achieving that goal. End credits or not, you've only completed half the game. We want to see all of it. So yeah, no one's saying that your speedrun is bad. They just feel that it's incomplete and would like to see more. (do note that do we have plenty of runs that skip very significant portions of the game to get to the end, but those are done through some more extraordinary methods aside from picking something in a menu)
i dont care what people think anymore utilize the bk2 and make a prince mode tas or end the topic being a broken record is not enjoyable
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Dwedit wrote:
Played it on easy mode, and didn't even finish the game. Yeah...
just to be sure were you talking about yourself playing the game? or criticizing my tas? if you're criticizing then i'd like you to know that this tas does beat the game (on easy mode) its not an easy mode and also incomplete tas submitted for publication it is a complete playthrough of the cub mode difficulty which "doesn't finish the game" if you are to only compare it to the harder difficulties this tas set at this difficulty spawns credits thus it does in fact finish the game
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feos wrote:
StarvinStruthers wrote:
criticism is awesome when its constructive
People also post honest feedback about how they feel regarding what they have seen. This is why No votes are given: 6 people didn't get entertained by your tas. That's okay, being entertaining isn't the criterion that would lead to rejection if a run uses either any% or 100% goal. We have the Vault tier for such runs. But even for Vault, the game must feel beaten to get accepted. We don't publish runs that just reduce the challenge to make things easier, hence the hardest difficulty guideline. Simplifying things should be justified in terms of TAS contents, because even if we don't require a run to be entertaining, we still prefer it to be impressive compared to regular play. Basically, if the prince mode allows you to actually beat the game while not taking away any important gameplay aspects, this submission has all chances to get rejected for not having a solid reason for easier difficulty/game mode, exactly because it doesn't beat all the traditional Lion King Levels, and the viewer feedback shows that it's a significant downside in this case.
StarvinStruthers wrote:
perception is key in this situation perception also differs from person to person
As I said, nothing aggressive was said. So you don't have to feel bad.
again do whatever you want with this tas just make sure its available for the next guy to view/download i honestly thought stating i wouldn't be surprised if mankind perished before a prince mode tas was ever seen was a solid reason for the easier difficulty in stating this i was hoping people here would understand the concept or prove me wrong