I like this idea. A lot. It might actually work, depending upon how hard a L230 Oddish is to kill. My assumption is *very* hard, but I'll definitely be trying this out.
Insta-kill move time! You'd need to be faster than the Oddish, but even at Lv.230, it can't be that fast.
...do you actually realize the purpose of this site? Because rerecords and slowdowns aren't only allowed in a TAS, they're pretty much mandatory. If you just want to show off your skill with the game, record it on a console and send it to SDA or Twin Galaxies.
3) Prior to the FC I'm begging for AP and I need 2-3 random encounters to set up the sketch glitch. This is not optimal. Then, immediately afterwards, I waste 20 AP without putting it to any use. To set up the sketch glitch Terra needs 20 AP on Stray, Setzer needs 20 on Shoat, and Relm 15 on Siren. This is almost free, but then nobody uses their magic ever again. (Terra does use Muddle on the tiers, but so couldn't anyone else.) Thanks to the Atma Weapon, the Naughties, Nerapa, and the WOR bosses Setzer learns Doom for free and he doesn't even want it. This looks bad. Can I solve #1 and #3 by swapping Setzer for someone else? Give me just a minute.
Gau might work. He's definitely the other quick one to pick up in the WoR.
The Muddle+Phantom trick does work, but Kutan can't do it. So because Kutan is a brick I think I need to stick with Setzer/Kutan, Mog/Edgar, and Gogo. Flying the airship, getting in one battle and waiting for a special event is the common price of either Gau or Gogo. Gogo just requires another 80 seconds of walking. Replacing Gogo with Sabin+Gau and using Muddle+Phantom is a remote possibility. But Sabin has the advantage of speeding up Kutan. (Have I ever mentioned how much I hate Kutan?)
Hmm...Kutan can't use Muddle, but he could use Phantom via Magicite. Would that be workable?
The first thing I tried was 2 Blitzes or Chain Saws and a Tiger Break. Then I realized that it would be much faster to manipulate one extremely high damage attack and use just one. Unfortunately, one Aurabolt does a calculated and verified [578..658]. Sabin's Tiger Break basically does 2615 if I do the 'right' one. Combined that deals a total of 3273 damage, which is 3 HP short!
What's Sabin's equipment here? Is there anything you can put on him to boost his M. Power?
Actually, that was the reason I wasn't looking forward to this game being done. Using Joker Doom on everything is just plain boring, especially for a long run like this.
Bosses where Echo Screen/Joker Doom or Vanish/Doom are available:
Flame Eater
Ultros (Thamasa)
Air Force
Atma Weapon
All bosses in final dungeon (I/S/R, Guardian, Doom, Goddess, Poltergeist, three tiers/Kefka)
Bosses where said tricks are NOT available:
M-Tek Armor
Ultros (Lete)
Doom Train
Tunnel Armor
Kefka (Narshe)
Ultros (Opera House)
Number 024
Number 128
That's leaving out some mini-bosses and battles on both sides, and ignoring the fact that using V/D may not be practical for some fights (Nerapa and Tentacles, I'm looking at you...) Around half of the bosses in the game will be killed by conventional means. It's hardly as if every boss in the game would have that same strategy of instant death.
Wolfman's right At least for the Chance star, if everyone ties, no one gets it. But three people can tie for it and all get it, so it's not so bad. I'm not sure if this applies for the coin stars too.
Well, one of the guys at GameFAQs confirmed for me that the DAs can only be used once each for all three tiers plus Kefka, unfortunately. So that gives us three to five DAs to play with, depending on who we get. They also suggested other strategies, but most of them so far weren't really applicable. You can check out the thread here.
dunno, check the algorithm FAQ; i checked battle timing, and it mentioned nothing there. i honestly dont know. however, if they all count as one, then remember only one can be used per character per battle.
Yes, but you could let characters die on earlier tiers and have the replacements use their attacks too. Theoretically, everyone you collect could slap Kefka with their DA (well, not Gau if you get him.) I'll check in the forums and see if anyone knows, but we may just have to check manually. Anyone got a convenient save state?
Good luck with this, Erim. It'll be interesting to see a run of this that doesn't abuse Vanish-Doom or other glitches. I think there's probably room for both kinds on the site if any of us ever take on the other run.
Which characters do you plan to pick up in WoR? Going in the Celes/Edgar/Setzer probably isn't the fastest way. Sabin and Gau both are fairly easy to get and power up. Mog is obvious, due to the Moogle Charm. I'm interested in hearing your plans.
Well, if the advance version is exactly the same, I wouldn't mind as you can see the game in English (though you can rarely read something in a TAS run :P). But what if there are some differences that slow down the run? Like slower intro, fights, & so...
If it's like the FF4 port, there's a very good chance that there'll be an auto-dash added on. That would speed things up considerably.
the 3rd chapter talks about having somebody (Terra?) be levelled up to 99 in the "world after the collapsing", then dying. how that works or why they don't just use the Lete River in the WoB is beyond me.
I suppose if you can get to Terra in WoR fast enough, it'd be much faster to level her with the Exp. Egg against dinosaurs than the slow crawl that is the Lete River.
I guess that if you save at the Narshe Cave savepoint, then continue to play without saving up to level 99, then die, you will be back at the Narshe Cave with a level 99 Terra.
Oh. That's it? That won't help at all, since you'd have to record the powerleveling.
The thing with a game like FF3 is that it's always going to be improvable. Anyone who runs it has to accept that going in. They won't do a perfect run, at least not the first ten times through. Someone just needs to do the first one as best they can, and then we can worry about improvements.
Jyzero wrote:
2)The complexity of planning
FF3 isn't break into independant levels. You never know how a little action will affect your run :
-The scenario order
-To get or not shadow
-Which magic to learn, when, and with who
-Buying some items that you will use only 1 hour later without knowing how much exactly you will need (like rods, echo screens)
-Managing HPs for desperation attacks
-Manage EXP by running away
Scenarios: Terra's is fast and has no real rewards. It can go anywhere. The real question is whether to do Sabin's or Locke's first. If we don't get Celes, then Locke's has no real treasures, and he could probably use some of the equipment from Sabin's scenario. The optimal order is probably Terra->Sabin->Locke, but that does need more testing.
Shadow: The only time he might help is in Sabin's scenario. There's enough required battles there that another party member will almost certainly speed things up more than the time it takes to get him. He's too far out of the path in Kohlingen, and there's no battles that need to be fought on the Floating Continent (Atma goes down to ES/JD.)
Magic: You get too few magic points to learn anything useful before getting Setzer and his slots. The only battles you have to fight afterwards can all be done with Rods. It might be faster to teach Locke Vanish and Doom to take out Flame Eater and Ultros 3 without Rods.
Items: Only going to be figured out by playtesting, I fear. Even that's not exact for Smoke Bombs and such.
HP: Doesn't really need testing, but is going to be very tedious.
EXP: I'd imagine the bare minimum will be fastest, but this needs testing too.
I don't really think it's as bad as it seems. A good testrun or two should give all the info we need.
Jyzero wrote:
Speaking of FF3, there is some discussion on SDA forums about Japanese speed runs. The current best FF6 time is 3:21. Here's a document about it :
I don't understand japanese, but from Google translation, it seems they find a way to have Terra at lvl 99 early in the game.
...is that even possible in the American version?! I know they took some bugs out...maybe there was some sort of massive EXP-giving test creature that the devlopers missed?
Yeah, there is one Ice Rod in the burning house (and one Fire Rod.) A Morphed Terra can use them to OHKO Flame Eater and instantly make Relm appear vs. Ultros, which is probably the best use for them. Kutan really shouldn't have to fight too much, luckily (I think just Number 024 and Tentacles?) So we shouldn't need to buy too many rods, if any at all.
Daniel, Lord Bahamut wrote:
The three-month bump. I'm not even sure who's working on this now, if anyone.
...I don't think anyone's currently working on this. I'm kind of tempted, but it's a little overwhelming for my first TAS.
That was a thing of beauty. I would love to see a whole playthrough like that, but I'm probably in the minority. ^_^ Failing that, a two-player TAS would be great. How bad is the lag on it?
Nice to see you're looking to improve the run. It was fairly impressive to start with, so it'll be fun watching you trying to speed it up.
Tilus wrote:
- Mega Punch (picked up in Mt. Moon, replaces Tackle) <- I cannot believe I overlooked this; an 80 power Normal move this early in the game!? This will save massive amounts of time on the Nugget Bridge gauntlet, and is probably worth redoing the run just by itself
You get 15 PP of this, right? If you use it immediately, will you have enough to carry you through Nugget Bridge in one go?
Tilus wrote:
- Body Slam (Found on SS Anne, replaces Mega Punch) <- Huh!?!! Okay, maybe this makes sense from a real time timeattack perspective, since it has "perfect" accuracy compared to Mega Punch's 85%, but is definitely not worth it in a TAS (only 5 more power, and has 5 less PP)
Definitely not worth it. One of the great advantages of the TAS over the conventional speedrun. ^_^
Tilus wrote:
- Blizzard (picked up in Pokemon Mansion, replaces Ice Beam) <- Hmm.. very doubtful this is worth it. Might merit some research, however.
How often did Ice Beam fail to OHKO its target? Combine that with the fact that Blizzard only has 5 PP, and I can't see that it's even a question.
Tilus wrote:
- Fissure (won from Giovanni, replaces Earthquake) <- This is really the one decision that has bothered me about my run before I ran into this walkthrough, I'll definitely have to test it out.
Blastoise isn't very fast. How many items would it take for him to be able to take out Lorelai's crew? Still probably faster than grabbing Machoke.
Tilus wrote:
This probably is enough to get me to do the run over again.. if I do, I'll start back up on it shortly (which likely means I'm going to leave FF4 to someone who better knows what they're doing).. I might want to do a bit more investigation into this guy's strategy before I officially start again, though.
It's too bad that you're dropping FF4, though. I'm sure Phil will do a great job, but I'd rather see the SNES version than the GBA.
A yes vote from me. I enjoyed it very much, particuarly the boss fights with Guardian Bot and Giga Gaia. Always nice to see them get creamed. ^_^ I do have a few questions/comments.
-When you're fighting the large group of Acids and Alkalines in the Factory Ruins, why not just use Crono's Cyclone on them?
-You mentioned manipulating Magus into only having a Shadow barrier, but he has a Lightening one the last few times. Why the change?
-The fight with the Golem twins seemed sloppy. I'm not sure why Crono used Lightening 2 at all, and Lucca used Hypno Wave twice in a row once.
All in all, a very good run. Just curious about those points.
So, if both of the easy leveling places are gone, how do you plan to get the levels needed to beat the game? It's going to be time consuming no matter what. Have you found a decent place for it yet?
Walker Boh wrote:
In every TAS or speedrun I've seen of a RPG, the dialogoues is scrolled as fast as possible, which IMO is not fun at all. The main part of a RPG is the story, which is brought forward by dialogues. It was quite some time now since I played FF4 on any system, but I can't imagine that the dialogues would be any slower here. Thus I wouldn't mind seeing a glitch I've never seen before because the story is sort of doomed anyway, because of the fast text ;)
I agree completely. I tend not to be interested in RPG TAS's or speedruns for games I haven't already beaten for that reason. Plot-skipping glitches shouldn't really matter if you can't keep up with the text anyway. It's a moot point here though, since the glitch is simply unavailable.
I watched most of the run (desynched slightly before Octomamm, but that was because I couldn't find the right ROM.) It looks good so far. The menu manipulation is very nice, and the battles were all very well done. I only have two quibbles. First, is there any way to manipulate the NPCs out of your way? You got stuck behind them multiple times in the desert town. Second, did you need the item drop from that first battle in Octomamm's cave? That seemed pointless to me, and a waste of a second or two.
I'm looking forward to more of this. Do go on with it. I'd love to see a complete run.