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Sorry for asking stuff about sotn again but... I would like to put "bad ending" on my list and since you sayd low% would be standart wether I use sram or not, would this also apply ? I cant fortell if it will have any other consequences than skipping dialogues at this point, but it is likely to be the only reason to use sram. Thx in advance for answers.
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Yes, cost 8mp each and have max 34mp, also you need 10mp to switch to mist (despite it cost zero technically) The normal mode has some different routing, im only hoping it can go in playground (no biggies if it doesnt), but overall they are fairly similar. I dont think theres more entertainment value to it. I did it mostly to make sure this one was the fastest route, but I did enjoy making it anyway.
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How would starting from sram preserve the glitchy value ? if it survive somehow after booting up the bios (in the memory card) you just need to make a seperate verif movie to produce sayd sram. If you actually meant a savestate I think thats not allowed. That been sayd I think quiting your game to set the glitch is fine, real question is how slower or faster this will be compared to not starting a new game, if its slower then I guess its playground. But hey im not a judge so thats just casual answer.
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By this definition, it would be lowest time attack (boss) + relics. Provided it use sram, I suppose I will use it as well. Since the gameplay difference wont be very consequent with '1 relic", a run going for lowest room count might fall under alternative, or at worse "playground" provided the entertainment is likely going to be low. Thanks again for the guidance.
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Thank you for the guidance and answers, since I have no way to predict which is the fastest I have to finish both to determine that; im still working on them. While I have the bottom line for pacifist, unfortunately I now have questions for a different goal;
Rules wrote:
Lowest Completion: Completing minimal amount of content in a game in the fastest time possible.
I would imagine the term content is used here to make the scope of that rule as wide as possible because for every games content can be defined differently. In SotN it is ambiguous to define content; -the game use percentage but it is entierely based on room count, it uses a formula to determine the percentage (room / 9.42 = percentage). -there is no specific counter for relics ("items") nor they count toward map percentage. -there is a tracking system for bosses and important event called time attack, when you kill a boss it register in that list with the associated in-game time. -the bestiary tracks monsters you did attack or at least made collision with, but also what "rare" items drop they yield if you got them. -the inventory itself is not track either but it is very large, most of the monsters have "rare" drops and killing them is how you fully complete it, aside picking them up directly around the castle. So now the obvious question is what does "minimal content" mean in this context? Is it one of those 5 paramaters seperatly, or all of them together, or only a combo of some. The distinction is important for at least 2 of them; the lowest room count record imply to grab 2 relics, but grabbing only 1 relic imply to have 1 extra room, the time attack cannot be shrink further in either case, and the bestiary restriction means to be really carefull or waste time to avoid extra entries/get rare items drop. Sram usage is not mandatory but it will increase the run time consequently due to dialogues sequences (5+ minutes), I suppose unlike pacifist this matters since it would send it to alternative instead base line(?)(confirmation would be appreciated). Since you already made the analogy earlier, I know glitching or corrupting the room count/relics is not an option. By convention the SotN community was considering low completion to actually end at the last save room before Dracula, the main reasoning was that it is the last time attack entry; defeating shaft and Dracula is never "saved" in the data, once you step in you can still use a library card to save the room count but defeating them leads to the game ending, which is not "saved" per say since reloading your data afterward will still let you fight them again, unlike any other bosses they are not track in time attack. I realize this does not bold well with the rules, since the endpoint of the movie should be the ending, im only trying to be specific because in a low room count setting, or a low relic setting, accessing the end bosses is extremely slow and boring (read minutes) while you dont retain those data. A tas never cares to save the data anyway but hopefully you get the point, it does alterate the room count if you dont proceed to the end boss and the extra percentage would not be reflected on the game save itself, meaning if the score is 200 rooms for exemple, the savefile will say less due to not saving sayd rooms. Defeating end boss only writes "clear" onto the save, unlocking replay mode (skip cutscenes, librarian sell extra items like the duplicator). I would also like to mention some extra logic, it is not possible to combine pacifist and any of the mentioned low "content", you have to grab extra relics to enable the boss skips and lower kill count, which also imply to visit extra rooms, it is not related to bestiary tho; you can still unlock while not killing them trough collision (taking damage or invincible). It is also worth mentioning that unlike pacifist, low room completion is absolutely impossible without savestate; you could open extra rooms for save points but that would increase the score, while in pacifist you could save and reload as many times required. Overall it is much more "superplay" than any of the other movies we have because theres no hope for an rta runner to get that result while they are close for the other categories, arguably some might find it less entertaining tho, if only for the long sequences of climbing pixel by pixel in some places. I have an old draft showcasing the lowest room count record, the encode just skip the parts where the wolf slowly rise, the movie time is over 30min, hopefully it will provide more context than this wall of text.
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Im sorry, but the conclusion is that I should do the lvl8 or lvl3? (or both?) its the same kill list, lvl8 needs to do the lvlup to increase mana, lvl3 use the glitch because it doesnt need the extra mana. lvl8 supposly slightly faster than lvl3. I realize your answer was oriented to have a result that does NOT glitch the counters so I believe it means lvl8, but I just want to confirm this (and also in the unlikely event that lvl3 somehow ends up a couple seconds faster it wouldnt matter). Edit: after investigation I realized it would make no sence to not get the extra mana for normal mode by glitching into lower level (3), so both mode will be lvl8, unless we glitch on purpose to be lower lvl, consenquently making it slower due to less mana. which round back to your observation that glitching the lvl only matter if it makes things faster, but not for the run actual "score" (kill count and lvl at the end) I hope this is correct? The sram or nosram is no longer a question I think, the difference is stricly speed related (adds an extra 10min(+dialogs-duplicator) to the run to comply with nosram) and like you sayd it wouldnt bump it to baseline anyway, it would still be alternative. Originally the extra value in term of gameplay for the SotN community was completly different and unrelated to speedruns; each level up can be used to glitch one square(room...) on the map, which in turn would increase the (glitched) map completion, hence starting to glitch the map at lvl1 had value over starting higher. That mean you could make a speedrun of the highest glitched map completion with this technique, which is a totally arbitrary goal (and unrelated to pacifist).
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feos wrote:
Is it possible to get lower level while being less pacifist, in either version?
"low level" is only happening because of a glitch/technique that prevent exp/kill count to increase while still killing things (the game is tricked, but the viewer clearly see the kill happening), it doesnt work on everything tho. The premise of the old pub is that despite killing 5 targets, you stay at lvl1 and 0 exp because of that trick, it works on every versions. It appears that my assumption to reduce that to 4 targets was wrong; sorry about that, I wrongly anticipated some details and after investigation, it still require 5 kills so theres no improvement on that. It is possible to kill hundreds of monster and stay at lvl1/0exp with the glitch, but a few select bosses or monsters are immune to it (this is why the route is not straight to dracula). It is also possible to corrupt the save data to trick it back to lvl1, regardless of your current lvl. The new run do 3 kills but doesnt trick the game kill/exp counter and end up at lvl8, it starts with "luck mode" meaning you have 1 mana, the levelup are required to increase your mana over 30, without 20 mana you cannot get the bat relic and then cant skip medusa boss (who isnt affected by the kill/exp glitch). It is possible to do the same new run at lvl3 by using the glitch on doppleganger, but require to start the game in normal mode to get 30mp like the old movie is doing, it is in theory slightly slower than luck mode. I was intending to do both lvl8 and lvl3 run (even if only one is publishable...) since they dont use the same startup, its just I havent started to work on the normal mode run yet so the time difference is still pretty vague, could be a few dozen seconds, a minute, or even a tie, I cant really predict it with accuracy. Both solution are only working on jp, and its not possible to stay at lvl1 because im switching one of the target to acquire the mist (trough a levelup) instead of getting the extra heart refresh from the caverns (kill glitch) since im spending the startup one on skiping the first boss(es). If the "low level" can be put into playground (falling short of others categories) im also motivated to port it to biz 2.10, but ultimatly if its not even worth to put in there then maybe ill avoid doing that and save some efforts. The premise in obsoleting is obviously that while the glitch trick the game, you are still doing the kills, if that premise is wrong somehow (!), it cannot be obsolete at all, or only by reducing time (jp exclusive end glitch should be able to do that).
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I meant I could submit the jp3kills and an updated "low level" together, the old movie been on psxjin it would benefit to upgrade to current bizhawk If you think they cant coexist then ... I guess I just submit the jp to obsolete it Edit: how about the new "low level" going into playground? is that possible ?
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Do you mean visiting different stages doesnt matter or that it would only be fine with a more recent bizhawk? Actually I though it was the alternate stages but its the opposite, it exclude all alternate stages and go for normal ones.
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Should I uncancel #2311: arukAdo's PCECD Castlevania: Rondo of Blood in 25:03.72 since it could go for alternate or playground? It is fairly good quality, was made to be sure what route is the shortest before submitting the others movies, it visit all the alternate (') stages.
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feos wrote:
2 pacifist branches co-existing would be something that hasn't happen yet IIRC. So for it to happen there would need to be really big difference between the 2. Hard to tell if it's possible with this game. I wouldn't worry about it for now.
Im asking because in that case I would submit them both together, the low level still been on psxjin it would make sence given theres an actual possible improvement over it (1 less kill) Does the wip is not enough to determine this ? My 2 cents about having 2 pacifist run on the same game would be, after looking at the pacifist runs on the site, none of those gameplay would allow for refining the "pacifism" to that level of details. Another way to look at it would be rpg-based games with pacifist runs, we have none of that, but I would assume in a rpg it would be possible to have different sub objective on how to treat the pacifism question, like special mechanics that remove targets but dont give experience as result. This is not a rpg of course, but it contains rpg elements so thats why im trying to make an analogy with them. Edit: the wip was refreshed, it turns out you need the duplicator, not to kill dracula but simply for infinite mana, providing much faster movement with the wingsmash, despite its not as optimal as usa since they cant be chain together, it still is way faster. Ironically dracula is slower without the shield rod but the whole rest definitly is, so a no-sram run is approx 2min slower (excluding the 8min of dialogs)
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feos wrote:
Can you explain the differences more extensively between 2 saveram pacifist movies if they were done on different versions of the game? Also dropping saveram anchor from the new one would make them more or less different?
Yes I can explain, like I mentioned on usa version you need to do the long (~30sec) chain of Heart Refresh at the end to skip the boss before dracula, this can only be done with the duplicator, which the librarian only sell in replay mode (dirty sram). This jp original release contain a bug that let me avoid this long sequence (it is fix in usa version) The premise of the "new" route is to avoid gaibon and slogra (first boss) by "wasting" the free Heart Refresh you get from prologue, and since you dont need to get extra Heart Refresh for jp version (exclusive bug) it mean the duplicator itself isnt required either, if forgo sram usage the other big difference is the ~8min of dialogues that you are forced to wait on, affecting slightly the route you have to take. I dont have yet strong evidence that this new movie would use the duplicator as im still trying to use an alternative for killing dracula quick; the difference of getting the duplicator seems less important than I would have imagine at first and in term of speed it should be within two dozen seconds at worse of gameplay. I intend to verify and accuratly determine this speed difference, it could very well be that skipping the duplicator is actually faster and not slower (!), meaning sram usage would only affect dialogues in the end. The expected result (sram or not) for this new movie (jp version) is 3 kills. The current (usa) movie is 5 kills. A new movie that would obsolete the current (usa) within same subgoal of "low level" is expected to be 4 kills , it would be essentially the same movie but different targets (skip first boss -2, get one more Heart Refresh in caverns +1) The jp movie cannot end with "low level" because a level up is required to achieve 1 less kill (ironically) and usa cannot skip to end boss because it lack the extra bug (forcing duplicator usage). It is also possible to make a "low level" movie with jp but then you would end up at 4 kills like if you were to obsolete the usa one, this would make little sence since it can achieve 3 in the first place, it would ironically also skip the long sequence of Heart Refresh at the end while still needing to get 2 in the first castle, so on the paper its possibly faster but jp cannot use fire boomrang (crash the game... fixed in usa) crippling the speed in several places. Also worth mention in jp you cannot link wingsmash one after another, which is consequent speed difference in any tas provided you have enough mp and even more so if you have infinite mana prism to replinish them. Hope it answered your question, I realize I just explained the "result" difference but not gameplay; it boil down to visiting different rooms and obtaining different relic. So if you put side by side "low level" and the jp 3kills, there will be gameplay or time difference, (edit: you can have a look at this wip to get an idea) this sound a bit vague but it is hard to quantify with precision; the first ~7min are very similar, one then goes cavern while the other go olrox/colloseum and backtrack to entrance, different way to obtain the bat, then in reverse castle one go colloseum the other olrox. just for the sake of asking, what core I am suppose to use? nymashock or octoshock? is theres even a difference anymore?
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I have difficulties to make decisions about obsoleting [2657] PSX Castlevania: Symphony of the Night "pacifist, low level" by ForgoneMoose in 21:08.62 I'll try to be specific; The pub movie does 5 kills (gaibon/slogra/doppleganger/venus/dracula), and use replay mode (dirty sram), the reason for this is to acquire the duplicator and make a long chain of Heart Refresh at the end to skip shaft boss, without that it would be 6 kills (and lot faster as well). Now im planning on using a different version of the game (the original jp release) that allow to skip shaft without the long chain of Heart Refresh due to a bug present only in this version, and reduce kills to 3 (doppleganger/sword master/dracula) because you dont need to kill anymore the venus. Because I dont need anymore the duplicator at the end, should I not use dirty sram? This does have multiple consequences in term of routing and/or speed, aside the duplicator use for skiping shaft, it enable to buy the shurikens (infinite uses) to kill dracula quicker or replinish mana. If I forgo sram usage, killing dracula will be notacibly slower, it will also force me to go trough at least 4 dialogues sequences, they can only be skip with replay mode and they ammount for several minutes (more than 5). I dont really believe having a pub with and without replay mode would make much sence (for a pacifist run anyway), the gameplay differences would be relativly small aside the extra time spent to kill dracula but there is some differences. That been sayd if it helps in the decision making, I could make a seperate movie for both options if thats the best course of action, but it is time consuming. Lastly, the current pub is labeled as "pacifist - low level", while my movie will have less kill, it will also have higher level/exp gain, does this mean the current pub could potentially been a seperate branch on its own? or should this sub-category "low level" just go away ? (just to be clear, this would mean theres room for obsoleting it with a 4 kills run on usa version). Any guidance will be much appreciated
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Does it mean if I write PSX_Firmware_J in the hearder its enough to avoid problems (with the submission)? If the verif movie is syncing with redump I suppose it doesnt really matters what dump I use? Edit : the "asia" is likely HK (honk kong) version referenced on the decomp git Edit2: well nvm that, I guess ill just rather copy the input.log and resync whats broken also the intro fmv playing after the end fmv didnt happen with the "good" dump how can I verify the others 6 are "good" dump? thx for the help
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I am using JP10, it is not on redump (there is only 3 versions on redump but 7 versions exist), and bizhawk say "unknow rom", it is not easly found on the internet. note: you can use SLPM_860.23 timestamp to figure what rom you have This is the bios splash screen, or at least the normal one Link to video When I run my rom, there is no red/green/yellow central logo, its just the text. Link to video At this point I dont know what is what anymore and I have no way to figure what to do. If I have to trash my verif movie User movie #638725815786349130 just for this might has well give up, im not really whilling to remake a new one and toss my run just because the emulator force usa on its own. Bad dump is the same thing; theres no way to recover from that, and its obviously not a bad dump, just a rare one. That been sayd I would imagine the timing is still correct regardless what is happening here, so theres probably a bigger chance this is salvageable than not. I did test all other 6 versions and the bios splash is "normal" only jp10 does this, and all 7 are "unknow rom" according to bizhawk. Edit: I have another movie for rtype delta jp, in the movie header it does show up as PSX_Firmware_J so this behavior only happens with this specific rom (my luck!)
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YoshiRulz wrote:
You can override the region in PSX > Settings > Sync Settings > "Default region to use."
This was already set on japan (I did not change that) and the movie header (after making a new movie) still say "PSX_Firmware_U 0555C6FAE8906F3F09BAF5988F00E55F88E9F30B" Am I suppose to write PSX_Firmware_J B05DEF971D8EC59F346F2D9AC21FB742E3EB6917 in the header ? The psx bios splash is pretty different from usa to jp, so I can tell it is actually loading the jp one, despite the movie header is set on usa (so it seems to at least detect and run the correct one)
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Im not sure if its a bug but when I record a psx jp movie it use the usa bios, is it a problem to make a movie with the wrong bios region and in that case how do I force him into jp? To be more specific; it still show the jp splash but the header say Firmware_U and the hash is indeed the usa bios, im not actually sure what it really use; like if the bug is just what he write in the header. The rom is unknow so it show up as "?" Also, in this version of castlevania SotN im tasing, the ending fmv is stuck for a few hundreds frames then resume so that must be an emulation bug there. Using bizhawk 2.10
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I was able to skip the gong room (thx to paulo for reminding me the trick), so the movie needs to be replaced it is now ~15sec faster. There is also a floor clip in the library and a weird glitch in keep I wasnt aware off, but im not sure yet if they can really be implemented or will save time. It may take a few days to refactor the movie, at worse by next weekend it should be ready. Edit: User movie #638730920850058888 note: I changed saveglitch into loadglitch because technically, we arent glitching the saving process but just the load/newgame one, it will also avoid confusion since on psx there is a saveglitch disturbing the save process alltho more of a data corruption technique (doesnt work on saturn...)
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Nowaday I think the branch would be labeled with "save glitch" (not to confuse with save corruption) but it still is pretty ambiguous even if you use that term. Scenario feels a bit off for the simple reason that the run is actually played by alucard, despite starting with maria. (maria would not be able to pass trough bosses without killing them anyway) I say it feels "off" also because the game engine is not bound by its characters, its not a copy/paste of alucard game that would be "re-arrange" to fit the gameplay better, instead it would be more accurate to say that the character flag is a "preset". All characters adventure into the same castles, rooms, inventory, items and bosses, or base code. Cutscenes only trigger when alucard is active (if alucard then...), items (relics) are always present but maria or richter starts with all of them while alucard starts with zero, drops are also alucard "exclusive" but hearts, money or subweapon are shared, for bosses they have another system "time attack" and while alucard start with none, to avoid maria/richter doing bosses exclusive to alucard, they start with the 4 events at 00:00:01(meet death, meet maria, save richter, colosseum boss), bosses rooms triggers only when sayd events are not registred yet, there is a couple more flags(safety?) for cutscenes (thats how richter does not trigger maria dialogue at the castle center in the other movie, despite hes inside the cutscene room). In order to avoid confusing things further I did prefer to leave those subs un-edited, and wait see how its judge, tbh I still dont know how they should be labeled but the most logic is probably "save glitch". The glitch itself is fairly simple, after loading a save file, soft reset does not reset any of the player variable, so selecting a new character does not overwrite what was set previously (relics, bosses, whatever progression). The big difference between this one and "alucard scenario" is that you start with all relics, but also with different stats (200hp/100mp). Now wether one run has more merit than another, thats debatable, since they use different "preset" I suppose they arent directly comparable, note that richter is not fit since he doesnt have enough mp (so a 3rd run would likely not be possible, even with all relics you would not be able to use abilities). Provided the action is always with alucard, I think "scenario" is not really adequate, having all relics of course make it a lot faster but its debatable wether or not its a "cheat" and the psx run start with no relic, so in terms of obsoletion this run is probably not fit, despite it does achieve lower kill count. Since it didnt had much merit by itself aside the speed factor, making sure its not "unlocking" or "touching" things was the only real difference in pacifist "terms", thats why I did label it like this. Edit: maybe this would be more fit as "minimalist", the speed lost wouldnt be very high but it might make more sence overall. I wouldnt mind to rework it toward that goal, but in that case I would appreciate the judge rejecting it in favor of this option. Just to be clear, the other movie would suffer more for trying to minimalize interaction than this one (taking damage ect...), since it doesnt have mist for a large portion of the run it wouldnt be as minimalist as this one.
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I would propose to revisit #6901: arukAdo & EZGames69's Saturn Castlevania: Symphony of the Night in 10:11.80 There is actually 3 movies in there -the clean sram beats psx clean sram (18min) -the dirty sram beats psx dirty sram (12min) -the third run is far stretch and probly doesnt belong anywhere now since it might be a seperate category alltogether (reset glitch), I suppose it technically doesnt "beat" psx per say, its just they are shorter.
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Bigbass wrote:
When a submitter or author cancels a submission, it means that they do not wish for the submitted work to be judged.
The whole premise was based on the fact that its not the case, its more of a way to save time and efforts on both ends. Its not something I would sometime do and sometime not, all my cancels are based on that premise. Now im not saying that to have a discusion about the rules themselves, just that "they do not wish to be judged" doesnt match whats really going on, in some cases. Inactive authors are just inactive, so theres no way either they would just magically uncancel their stuff because you deemed thats how it has to be done. The only reason I did post this, is because one my canceled tas was mentioned in this thread, and was replyed that "he did can it", which I only did because I was assured it was gonna be rejected. Theres no point either in uncancelling movies that are on defunct emulators on the principle, aside that it could motivate authors to actually refresh their runs on acceptable emus, which I would do personally if I was given the incentive to do so, and wouldnt if I was simply told they are still unacceptable. Suspended in that zombie state (pun intended), I still dunno if its acceptable material or not, under the new rules.
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Every run I did cancel (and not just me I think) was because I was told it was gonna be rejected, so to save time or efforts on both ends. If uncancel is not a thing done by the site, most of the cancels for that reason will not be uncancel, either ppl are not active anymore or god knows what other reasons. I dont exactly see the problem since the credits are respected even while uncanceling. Lets not mention that many times, and im not alone in that case, runs were done on all difficulties to provide ground for the audiance to decide "we prefer easy mode over hard" or "we prefer this route over that one, makes more sence", all those runs would actually find a home now, would not mandatory need an encode (since they probly have one already) but instead a new submition, which there again inactive member would not be able to provide either. I suppose one way to "restrict" uncancel would be for exemple, do not "publish" things done on emulators no longer supported for submitions. So the re2 claire tas would be valid to uncancel, since its done on psxjin then no publishing, but at least it would give ground to redo the tas on bizhawk since it would be "accepted" material now. Edit: ok sorry in re2 case it was a dolphin movie not psxjin, the argument is still valid, and I know for sure there are others re2 psxjin movies in that same situation that got either rejected or canceled. (actually I even got one myself, with 90% upvotes)
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Zakatos wrote:
It also made me wonder if a 100% Richter/Maria run on the Alucard scenario (meaning Richter/Maria beats every single boss, including Alucard's exclusive ones) is possible.
Yes such a run is possible, I might attempt one later. Because they was very lazy, they made it so that the only difference is when you start new game with richter or maria, they have 5 time attacks unlocked directly. -defeat minotaur, defeat death, defeat sucubus, save richter, meet maria (all set at 00:00:01) if you set those to 0, you will do the bosses when you start with alucard and bug switch to maria or richter, those events are still at zero (locked) note that doing sucubus result in a soft lock, the cutscene doesnt proceed. note also like in this run, if maria or richter try to "meet maria", the access to olrox will be locked as the cutscene cannot proceed like it should. so per say, doing this will get you 2 extra boss, death and minotaur/werewolf (and maria boss too, but she can be access just by doing the statue glitch, shes not part of the 5 unlock, they forgot it I think). maria and richter will inherit alucard stats, so you better not turn on luck mode or you will have 25hp/1mana if you have 75hp/30 mana, then you will be able to perform all of maria spells, except the invulnerability one
Zakatos wrote:
a lot of suboptimal choices of his own
Ok just to be clear, theres indeed a lot "choices" that are suboptimal, but the only one that matters is going by the reverse clock tower instead of chapel, the rest are worth only a couple of frames each(prologue, items, wolf) Also, the run doesnt aim at been the fastest possible, but rather at completing the game without killing or hurting anything, by definition this is a slower behavior than just kill everything, and require extra steps, yet, ive tryed to be as fast as I could, while trying to be a little entertaining, it is more fun I think for exemple that I use richter + maria instead of just maria, or use some wolf instead of just backdashing in the early part. This is more a playaround than purely a speedrun. But the action is at optimal speed within its parameters, or at least to my knowledge extent.
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Like ive explained on the sub, Im considering those elements (vase/candles/switchs) as scenery and not related to monsters/ennemies, the run aim at lowest interaction with monsters, it is already a very big restriction that the psx run doesnt do, the difference been speed, there is multiple occassion where you could just bounce on monsters to go faster. Yet your question is very valid and just to be clear, it took me a while to figure how to handle this. It is totally possible to do a run where you interact with nothing, technically even if you dont destroy a candle you still "touch" it, so you could just fly with mist for 20+ minutes and touch nothing, theres nothing superplay or tas-worthy in this idea, anybody can do it. So to answer your question, it wouldnt be hard to avoid breaking candles, but for speed strategy its going to mean to walk instead of using wingsmash, also for exemple in the second castle you will have to fly with mist for many entire rooms, because you dont want to touch or hit a monster, and without the wingsmash, it mean slow mist flying around. It is most the time a case where you have to aim precisly the wingsmash to get where you want, so avoid candles is out of question, im only bouncing on a few candles but there again, it will only be slower to avoid it or heavly cripple your capacity to speed. I believe excesive mist usage or walking wont be publishable material. If people absolutly want to see the difference, I mean I can always try to make something but, im not sure its worth the efforts. Edit: just to make sure, but around the 6min mark im hitting nothing (?), its mostly later in the run, some candles look like chandeliers, the only "vase" (not a candle) im hitting is the one with the garnet gem in outerwall. (Originally it was "3 hits" but due to how im excluding scenery from the run goals, well its only 2 hit on dracula)
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EZGames69 wrote:
You might as well just start your TAS in the save file where you last saved before Labs, because the only difference I see is how the save room gets glitched out.
This would defeat the purpose of the bug, the difference is you start a new game, and not just load an existing one (in that case you could just save at dracula) It can be seen as a password, or by other definitions (cf the donkey kong run), but it is not just loading end game and redo the end fight, it use a "new game"