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This is going nowhere. The "question" (and I use the term loosely) has been asked and answered. LOCK'D
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FODA wrote:
i would really like to see you kill more enemies, instead of just hitting and getting through. he is batman, not spiderman :)
From a personality standpoint, Batman is probably less likely to kill a criminal than Spider-Man. I actually think the ending of this game is pretty cold; Batman just throws the helpless Joker to his death. The movie wasn't like that and the comics were nothing like that. This game should probably have one of those "pacifist" runs, actually ^_^
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Looks hot so far. Don't forget that the Key Weapon Crash can hurt enemies too, provided they touch the key. I think it uses one heart if you do that.
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suraimu wrote:
feitclub wrote:
This reminds me of that non-issue over SpongeBob Squarepants being "gay." It was all a distortion of someone's objection to a video using popular children's characters (like SpongeBob) to promote tolerance. Instead of challenging his objection to tolerance (which seems like an odd position to have these days), the media claimed he thought SpongeBob was gay.
Actually, he did. He claimed that the promotion of tolerance was a thinly-veiled pro-homosexual agenda. This is because he was a right-wing bible-thumping nutjob.
Claiming the tolerance video promoted a "homosexual agenda" is not the same as implying SpongeBob the character is gay. That's my point. He said what you said but the media reported it as "This guy thinks SpongeBob is gay." Very different assertions.
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Could someone explain the battle between suitless-Samus and the mirror-hieroglyphic-thing? Samus waits for a long time in between some shots, but not always the same length of time? How is this battle timed? I must say I am shocked, shocked and appalled that Gunpei Yokoi is not acknowledged in the credits. Yes, he is dead, but as the creator of the original Metroid he deserves at least a "Special Thanks," as Hirokazu "Hip" Tanaka received for his original Metroid music.
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I panicked when I first heard about this idea, but reading the article shows me that it's not nearly as drastic as some people might think. The Cookie Monster will continue to be The Cookie Monster and he will still be known for gorging himself on cookies. Tempering that image with a message of "moderation," as The Demonic Dr. Bill Frist said, is a fine idea. This reminds me of that non-issue over SpongeBob Squarepants being "gay." It was all a distortion of someone's objection to a video using popular children's characters (like SpongeBob) to promote tolerance. Instead of challenging his objection to tolerance (which seems like an odd position to have these days), the media claimed he thought SpongeBob was gay. Similar thing here: a press release says Cookie Monster will help promote healthier eating habits and the media screams "OMG what about teh COOKIES?!?"
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Dan_ wrote:
Presently, my favorite band is Foo Fighters. This is bound to change in a week or two, because I listen to a lot of different musics.
I find this ironic because you have an image of a singer as your avatar but he's apparently not your favorite? Anyway, my personal habits vary tremendously, including singers from other countries who I can't understand but I enjoy their music all the same. A quasi-random sample includes Gackt, Tool, Cibo Matto, Guns 'n Roses, Wesley Willis, Korn, Paul Oakenfold, and Pizzicato Five. I like to sing but I'm hardly my favorite singer.
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bmecoli wrote:
I'm going to be honest and blunt with you. If you want a computer to use for emulation (and gamijng for that matter) buy a PC, seriously the selection of software for the mac is piss poor (especially for games) and anything the mac can do ,the Pcx can do better just my 2 cents
That kind of sentiment is not very constructive, is it? He's asking for software help, not computer-buying advice.
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braceyj wrote:
There is a version of Shinobi for NES, just to let you guys know. It's kind of crappy though. Maybe Sega made it that way to get people to buy the Master System version! =)
"Kind of crappy" is an understatement.
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Yeah, somebody already submitted a run of it.
Several runs were submitted, in fact. The only open topic is this one:
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At first I was deeply offended, because I thought "Ignore Mod" meant "Ignore Moderators" and you were trying to ignore me. That hurt. Now I get it though.
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Boco wrote:
I am not really that good at these games even though I love them.
Story of my life...
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OK then, YES from me. PS: Is it a coincidence that you are from Minnesota and you are now known for playing The Lost Vikings?
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Bag of Magic Food: My bad. My English auto-corrected the dialogue a little. nifboy: Exactly. Bisqwit: Yeah, that's what I was hinting at. I know, wrong topic.
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Deviance wrote:
A profound and paradoxical statement. I think the problem here is that it seems that you are using this forum as a place to project your anger. It comes off as if you're using nesvideos as your stress doll.
Saiya-jin are defined by their anger...
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One quick question: In the first "candyland" stage, there was this odd moment where Olaf and the running viking were just waiting in front of a pump for about ten seconds. Then they used it to fly away. What was happening there?
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I stopped watching aftera few minutes. You need to read and think about the guidelines for making movies. Specifically, I noticed a problem with way too many missed "shots" (axe swings, in this case):
Bisqwit wrote:
Be accurate. * Don't miss your target. o Even with autofire, don't shoot more shots than you need to.
Furthermore, a greater effort must be made to keep moving. Don't stop for creatures or obstacles unless absolutely, positively necessary. Taking a hit that pushes you forward is no problem.
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Post subject: Re: I've raised the bar a little higher... + FCM + AVI
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Bisqwit wrote:
feitclub wrote:
Actually, Morimoto went G->E->C->I->F->B.
No, that's what I did. Morimoto did G->C->E->I->F->B.
D'oh...I've seen so many Rockman time attacks I've mixed them up. Speaking of which, Bisqwit, when will you SET US UP THE BOMB Man? </off-topic pun>
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Speed > Stealth
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Post subject: Re: I've raised the bar a little higher... + FCM + AVI
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Omega wrote:
I've raised the bar. I've got it down to 24:32 now (minus a few seconds because I ended the movie pretty late after dealing the final blow)... it's the highest tier run as far as I know because of the frequent usage of the Magnet Beam. It uses Morimoto's route.
Actually, Morimoto went G->E->C->I->F->B. He fought Elecman using the Power Arm. Very nice work though. Kudos.
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Much tighter this time. I could see the differences in HARD. I think he needed the life-refill because he had only one hit left. He took two hits fighting the final boss. EDIT: Also, you should edit submission text to include "Uses Death as a shortcut"
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Dan_ wrote:
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Should Clever Dan give it another try?
Clever Dan has at least one other project he'd like to finish before starting this up. Rest assured, if Clever Dan does decide to make another Strider movie, he will use the hardest difficulty setting.
I thought he meant me. Dan is my name too. ^_^
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If you are trying to be funny or being sarcastic, you failed terribly. I have no internet connection at home anymore and I'm posting this reply through my college library. Therefore I have not much time to scroll or read all the 10 pages on this thread, so your input were pretty much a waist of time if you were trying to be funny by giving this threads link.
OK OK, settle down. I'm sure he didn't mean to insult you or waste your time.
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Bladegash wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Viewer wrote:
Die, monster! You don't belong in this world.
It's a quote from the US version of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Ritcher says that to Dracula who is not impressed. Many laugh at the cheesiness of the lines (and the acting), but I dig it. The Japanese audio is floating around the net for anyone who wants it.
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Omega wrote:
Hmm. I wonder if there's any way to shoot those damned bombs in Bomb Man's stage out of the sky. I'm having a really hard time with that stage. Latest run is sub-26 minutes, though...
Do you mean the ones that fly up and then burst into four charges? They're easy to dodge if you wait a second. Running through them, however, is very hard yes. Maybe they can be frozen with the Ice Slasher?
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