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If you don't want to read the wall of text, just answer the poll question please :D I hate avisynth! I've been maintaining the TAS Encoding Package since 2012, and from having had all this avisynth experience, I can say that I absolutely hate it. And the most complex thing in the package has always been the subtitles. We do 3 different types of encodes, and with every one of them, subtitles needs special treatment. For SD encodes we need pixelated font, because default avisynth subtitles (as well as .ass via plugin) have hardcoded antialiasing that makes them blurred as hell at font sizes like 10. Having huge font will be very hard to make it fit into the screen (especially for lowres consoles like GameBoy or A2600). So we use a thing created by natt called FreeSub, it relies on bitmap fonts, so we can make them tiny and pixelated, and they remain readable. For HD encodes we have to use ng_bighalo, because default avisynth subtitle halo is also hardcoded, and it looks tiny in hires encodes where font size is huge. And while ng_bighalo matches avisynth subtitle functionality, FreeSub does not, so every time we need to do some custom tweaking, we have to tweak 2 separate codepaths and then make sure to remember to tweak them back. This is further complicated by primary mkv encode, because it needs to be done at native resolution without any stretching in the encode. We stretch it in the video player via certain arguments. What makes this a nightmare is trying to match how subtitles appear in all the encodes. Consistency is easier to maintain as a user, but it's now completely impossible to maintain it as a developer. Because in order to make the subtitles appear in the same place, we have to guess exactly how much we will resize other encodes for aspect ratio correction, and account for it in the primary. Not only positioning is hard to do consistently, but also dimensions of the subtitle font, because in some encodes font will be too wide or too narrow, depending on which side of the video we have to stretch to apply ARC, and how much (sometimes twice!) Add to that consoles with tiny resolution that need to be stretched (A2600), and it becomes completely impossible to make the subs look decent no matter what you do... while also maintaining automation! There's also VirtualBoy that has 2 screens and we need to make them anaglyth, including the subtitles. Perfect consistency and automation would be possible if we switched to some subtitle method that works equally well in all encodes, but that method either doesn't exist or is a hell to set up and configure.
There's also an option to just drop primary mkv encode... Most people watched on Youtube last time I asked. And while youtube is unique in that it offers space for indefinite amount of videos of indefinite resolution, it's doing weird things with bitrate, and its compression ratio has increased over the years for things like 720p. So the better video you want to see, the higher resolution it has to be. Right now we're kinda overshooting and making 4K encodes (some do 8K), because those look great, but it may be non-trivial to watch them (and upload size is also gigantic). My guess is that most people watch in 1080p. Also there's a thing called takedown. Having everything on one channel is incredibly handy, but we need to be very careful and not accidentally get too many strikes. It happened once some years ago, and it's hard to predict how well youtube keeps behaving in the future. Also for years youtube has had capped framerate, and sometimes it was a real issue, and we had to use workarounds like ng_deblink (or even tasblend). Even today you can't get more than 60fps on youtube, and some systems do need to go higher.
So what about having an actual streaming alternative that's not youtube, doesn't have to be 4K to look good, can have any framerate, and has good and consistent subtitles? I'm talking about turning compatibility mp4 encode (512kb) into that! Most of our systems are TV based. TV based systems (consoles and computers) generate 240p type of signal, and it gets doubled vertically on a TV and always occupies the same field every frame (as opposed to 480i footage that occupies alternating fields). It's why some people saw the scanline effect: the second field was missing, so there were gaps on high TVL sets. But currently, due to limitations in soft aspect ratio correction, we can't force height to double and then adjust width to something specific. We can only do that before encoding: pre-resizing can only be done in compatibility mp4 and in youtube HD. Primary HQ mkv just makes the video player stretch height by uneven factor, which makes things look very weird. To be honest, the entire aspect ratio correction thing looks very bad on native resolution video! For anything that's single pixel in width, you get jumpy artifacts when the screen scrolls, and pixels are constantly unequal. And it's never an integer resizing factor either! If you don't use pixel filter in your player, it may not look as jumpy, but then once you try to zoom in to be able to actually watch it, the whole thing becomes very blurred. Which is why I want our new primary encode (compatibility mp4 stream) to be point-resized to 2x native resolution, and then aspect ratio correction to be applied with lanczos filter. If we do that, subtitles don't have to be pixelated anymore, because now resolution also matches what subtitle developers had in mind, and hardcoded antialiasing will look nice. And we could use the same exact functions for SD and HD encoding, for example .ass, which is much more professional and adjustable than bugged avisynth subtitles. No problem with hardcoded halo width anymore either. There could probably even be some cool movement/masking subtitle effects in SD encodes too!
Legacy 15 years ago it was important to compress encodes like crazy, because youtube was not a thing, other streaming media sites were limited (they still are!), and people were actually paying for every extra megabyte they'd download. This is the only reason we remove duplicate frames from primary encodes, and apply aspect ratio correction to them via video player (so we don't have to resize them, making them bigger). But back then, subtitle business was also much, much, MUCH simpler. People would just put a giant black box covering half the screen, including the main character, and write movie info inside that box. Sometimes way before gameplay even starts. Then 10-bit 4:4:4 encoding appeared. It allowed us to get rid of chroma subsampling that we had to allow in regular encodes. Because compatibility mp4 that we used for streaming sites would be impossible to stream if it had those fancy encoding methods, as well as frame deduplication and soft-ARC. But guess what? 10bit444 encodes are heavier than compatibility mp4! There's more data to process, so in a whole bunch of cases those things meant for minimal size were even bigger than 8-bit 4:2:0 mp4 encodes! Somewhere along the way, filesize stopped playing the huge role it used to play. So to actually maintain some kind of encoding standard, I'm personally ready to reevaluate what we need to encode and how, and I'll be interested in seeing how we can compress 480p compatibility mp4 to make it a good youtube alternative while also feasible for downloads. If a publisher actually wants to do some extra encode (for example for .ass subtitles? or maybe lossless? or extra hires?), I would absolutely not mind, but I'd like to get primary HQ mkv off the official encoding scripts!
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Please use subXoffs to move the subs from the black area on the left.
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Can somebody please translate what this man is saying? At least the general idea. Link to video
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Can you delay the second subtitle entry to appear when the second room starts?
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I don't know where it came from originally, but it was the same wrong hashsum as in the previous publication. No ROM matches it. EDIT: Actually it's from
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Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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1) Consistent-ish loads sounds like something upstream would want indeed? 2) Creating savestates during movie replay and loading them is fine, though it may make encoding the run non-trivial. 3) If it's still an official (older) version of the game it's also fine. What kind of files in the registry though?
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Publication Manual wrote:
Always make sure that your subtitles don't cover any important in-game elements, action, overscan area or internal game borders (avoiding screen transitions is also a good habit).
It would be better to move the subtitles to the top left corner for this game.
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What facts?
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Does anyone have a screenshot suggestion?
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So I guess resyncing in this game is not really a thing with this amount of changing lag?
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You can TAS Flash 9 games in libTAS through gnash-sdl. Instruction linked at the top of this post. You can also run standalone Adobe FlashPlayer in libTAS, but its support is incomplete. There's also work on supporting Ruffle. If you're crazy, you can also run Adobe FlashPlayer inside PCem inside libTAS (inside Linux or WSL). Setup is described in Post #471467 onward. We already have submission support for Flash inside libTAS, but nobody made an optimized movie (that would also sync for judges and publishers) of it yet.
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Subtitle positioning is absolute (don't ask me why, it's because avisynth is disgusting), and aspect ratio correction for Genesis stretches the video vertically instead of horizontally like most systems. So if you put subtitles at the very bottom, the preview uses 512kb mp4 settings so it looks ok (it's ok in that encode too), in primary mkv they are slightly out of bounds, since we don't pre-stretch primary encode. So only the SD mkv needs to be redone again. EDIT: Actually hold on, the youtube encode shows only a few minutes of duration in MPC-HC, but plays fine beyond that. I'll see how well yt decodes it.
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10 frames faster Baxter. The rest of the movie desyncs tho so I trimmed it.
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Sounds like we should call this branch "map glitch"?
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The previous run was rejected for being sub-optimal and using a route similar to existing branches, but since there's a new submission with the same route, probably we need to give it another chance? Here's the encode of this submission: Link to video Here's a route comparison table across all CV3 branches: While this movie uses the same route as in the Sypha branch, it uses a unique character for it, so it's probably a decent addition to Sypha and Grant that use this route too? Also this route is the opposite of the existing Trevor only branch, which might also be a plus? What does everyone feel about how this movie compares to existing branches in terms of entertainment and unique content?
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I could Delay for 1 more month, but then it'd probably be best to cancel until things are sorted out.
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CasualPokePlayer wrote:
I mainly didn't actually do it entirely due to issues I had with my lua script, although granted, that was with an older version of the lua script which also had issues with the JPN version, which I was able to resolve for that version, so perhaps it might work fine? I'll look into it when I can.
Any news on this?
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Why is the Baxter fight 18 frames longer?
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Clarification. Real DS does have a firmware screen on boot-up, and it requires both real bios files and real firmware file to get that screen in emulation. But since real firmware files are a nightmare to manage, they are only actually required if the TAS changes system settings mid-game. In other situations we want the TASers to have an option similar to desmume and dolphin where you just load into the game, because that way less potential desync risk is involved if identical firmware can't be found.
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IIRC appveyor builds debug, and in debug waterbox has some extra code when reading memory, which makes it VERY VERY slow. Try release build.
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Is there a way to mark it as hacked in the db so people don't accidentally rely on it?
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Anyone interested in testing the new version of melonDShawk (ported from scratch by CasualPokePlayer, waterboxed), please grab this package
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If you count the time between lag end and lag start, this movie only has it 1 frame faster because the IGT starts ticking 1 frame sooner. If you count from IGT start to lag start, the time is the same (1017 frames). If you count from fade out to lag, this movie is 1 frame longer. Since everything is fluctuating due to accuracy changes, I'd prefer to rely on something that doesn't fluctuate. I copypasted the new input starting with the first non-lag frame, and the IGT ends at the same frame as before, though lag starts 1 frame sooner with this input. What I mean by loading times is that if you count from when the ship appears in the first level, to movie end, this run is 9 frames longer. I'm not saying this improvement is completely invalid. I'm saying a gameplay action only makes non-gameplay 1 frame shorter. If we have a consensus that this is a valid improvement, I'll accept it. If we look at our glossary definition of gameplay, this improvement is on the edge, because it doesn't improve the in-game puzzle, but it kinda improves the overall TAS puzzle.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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