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FitterSpace wrote:
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Here is my attempt at TASing the F.N.G. training mission at the start of the game. I get an in-game time of 9.342.
Special thanks to Klooger for helping me with this mission. He holds the F.N.G. world record on PC and gave me a lot of advice on improvements I could make.
I'm tied with the PC world record going into the last area, but I lose some time there due to a version difference. It's not possible to shoot through the outside wall and hit the last two targets on the Wii version. Because of this, I have to take a worse line at the end so I can shoot the targets from the outside. Unfortunately, sub 9 seconds doesn't seem possible on the Wii version.
"Pretty good Soap, but I've seen better"
Ok, sure.
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alec kermit wrote:
Yeah seriously, who are the idiots who made this TAS anyway?
Jokes aside, this turned out very well, really glad to have been a part of it! (and thanks to everyone who voted!)
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MUGG wrote:
Tried to investigate (super) yoyo glitch but didn't get anywhere. I learned this much though:
* If you place a hitbox on the ground and an opponent does a strong attack on it (it makes a clank sound), Ness will be repelled briefly. I tried having Ness in various situations while someone attacks his hitbox like that, but nothing special happened. If Ness gets thrown while he's supposed to be repelled, it just freezes him and the thrower for 3 frames and then resumes.
* As you might know, the game remembers the last 12 things that have been hit by one hitbox.
Assuming you are in training mode and have your hitbox hit several Mr. Saturn:
Mr Saturn (1) is hit.
Mr Saturn (1) leaves the map.
Another Mr Saturn is summoned, then this one will be (1) now. It cannot be hit.
If two Mr Saturn are summoned, then (1) cannot be hit but (2) can be hit.
You need to summon three Mr Saturn in order to hit a third one, etc.
Basicly, if an Mr Saturn was hit and leaves, a new one can replace it and the hitbox won't "realize" that it's not the same one. You can summon only about 12 items in training mode, but if you use the debug code you can summon pretty much until all slots are used. I'm guessing there are 32 slots. Maybe player characters and stage objects etc. are included in those slots.
There is probably a list for each hitbox that tells what slots have been hit. This list can only carry 12 entries.
I tried finding this in memory but I'm not good at using Cheat Engine and it takes minutes to make one search...
It would have been interesting to see such a list actually update before my eyes so I could understand the conditions for when a hitbox will ignore something or hit something. Super yoyo glitch, as you might know, will just hit the same thing repeatedly. I guess the game fails to put the hit object in the list so the hitbox can hit something every frame or so.
Of course this is assuming Super yoyo glitch isn't a hoax after all.
* The game will treat phantom hits differently from normal hits. Hitboxes will remember if they hit something by phantom hit, so the same hitbox cannot phantomhit a thing multiple times (unfortunately). I'm wondering if phantom hits have their own "list".
This is extremely interesting MUGG. The Super Yoyo Glitch, assuming it actually exists, may have something to do with phantom hits. Have you tried performing the glitch and then getting a phantom hit to see what happens? Also what you explained with the lists, it could be possible that the game somehow immediately fills the list and allowed the hitbox jacket to always be on.
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Yeah, they stopped letting you choose your own codec. I'm not sure which codec it is they use, but it is high quality and opens with the editing programs I use. (VirtualDub and Adobe Premiere)
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There is another thread about Timesplitters 2 and 3 here, http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10028 , but I am making a separate thread for just TS2.
I started working on a WIP of this game's first level about a month ago, and I finished it recently. Abahbob started this level a few years back, but never completed.
I went mostly off of current speedrunners of the game, however most of them play it on Easy, since that is the quickest difficulty. I decided to try TASing the first level on hard difficulty.
Link to video
2 times in the run, I let the sniper hit me because it gives a walking boost like in Goldeneye. I also decided to save as much time as possible, and therefore I took a lot of damage. At the ending part, shooting the helicopter at first with a normal gun is the quickest way to beat it, since it dips below the dam and you cannot shoot it with the mounted turret until it rises up. I think it is pretty optimized, although I may be able to save a few more frames at the end if I use the middle turret which is next to where the portal appears.
If I am missing some timesavers, let me know!
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Ok, I finished the second level Alpine Escape:
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Some notes on this run:
- In the beginning, I found that shooting the tower with a grenade ASAP gives you a 20ish frame boost into the next cutscene.
- At 1:38, shooting the snowmobile once before and once after the cutscene starts saves a few frames, since it takes you more time to kill him if you wait until after. Interestingly enough, shooting him twice before the cutscene makes you go slower than if you kill him with 2 shots after the cutscene. It is also a few frames slower if you shoot him immediately after the cutscene ends instead of waiting a second...
- At 2:08, shooing the explosive barrel just before you see the enemies saves more time. In the old run, I shot the barrels too soon, and didn't get the boost afterwards.
- 2:23 shooting the doors after the cutscene gives you a boost, like I did in the last TAS. Shooting the doors before the cutscene would therefore be slower.
And that's all the specifics. Now, the in-game timer says 4:03, but the video itself is less than that for some reason. The in-game timer must be including the cutscenes at full length or something.
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FitterSpace wrote:
Yeah I would love to work on a new TAS. I was thinking about waiting until the summer to start. My reasoning is that new stuff is being found every day and i'll have more free time during the summer. I'm definitely on board with having both of you work on the TAS. My only condition is that I do Phoenix Fire and Chain Reaction (which is my favorite level). I would also like to work on parts of other levels like Night Shift but we'll have to decide that later on.
I don't know if you've been following Nightfire for the past few months, Gamerfreak, but it's been crazy. Tons and Tons of new improvements have been found. If you have Discord I would be happy to invite you to the Nightfire server. I can show you all of the new stuff there.
Edit: I PM'd you an invite, gamerfreak
I'm all in for this! Glad to hear even more improvements are being found. Can't wait to see it! btw, I accepted the discord chat invite.
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Wow, this stuff is incredible FitterSpace! With all this new clipping stuff and even more timesavers, I would be willing to try a new TAS of this game, with your help on all this new stuff of course.
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JosJuice wrote:
The memory leak fix that's mentioned in the previous post has been merged and is included in 4.0-8735 and newer. Unfortunately, using 4.0-5400 or older is still necessary for avoiding the bug that makes frame advance unpause randomly.
I found that the weird frame advance behavior does have a temporary solution. If you pause and then load a savestate, press the frame advance 3 or 4 times very slowly, like once every second, and then after hold the button down for a few seconds. After that, it should behave normally. Kind of a pain yeah, but the unpausing thing doesn't come back for quite a while, at least for me.
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Wow, this is one of the most entertaining things I've seen in a while lol. I couldn't stop laughing at level 2 where you just kept shooting civilian's tires for no reason. And that Lenny face... just perfect, lol. Awesome that the game works without desyncing now.
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Heisanevilgenius wrote:
Has anyone had any luck getting Perfect Dark to work in BizHawk?
I'm trying to make a Youtube video on Goldeneye X (A port of Goldeneye weapons, characters, etc. into Perfect Dark) and it freezes in random parts. Perfect Dark itself does the same thing. Mupen64-rr works fine with both.
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zeromus wrote:
bad installs dont make games freeze once they start running. bad roms or cheats might, or buggy gpus, if its bizhawk freezing and not just the game
I tested various other games including Smash 64, Super Mario 64, and Goldeneye, all work fine without freezing. Both revisions of Perfect Dark freeze at random points, sometimes right at the beginning screen, and sometimes in the middle of a multiplayer match. Weird thing is, Bizhawk doesn't crash, it just keeps running at a constant frame rate once it freezes. It's very unpredictable, and it happens with any video plugin, I tried disabling the sound but that didn't help either. I tried all three graphics options, OpenGL, DirectX, and GDI+, all act the same, so it might be something completely different going on.
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I'm getting some freezing/hanging when I play Perfect Dark on the latest Bizhawk version. It freezes at so many random points of time, I can't really know what the problem could be. I've tested all the video and audio plugins and the same problem occurs no matter which one I use. Could someone test out Perfect Dark for me just to make sure it's not a bad install or something?
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Oh, yeah, I was looking all over to find out what the problem was with the new versions. Good, now I know what it is. I'm just using the AV sync hack for 4.0.2 for now.
Lol, give yourself more credit! I thought it was pretty cool...
Btw, I have a new TAS up, I don't usually post my videos on here, but what the heck:
Link to video
Just like in Numeric's Samus TAS, I overused the Super Wavedash, lol. Decided to try out some music and texture hacks as well. A little more variety to make things interesting.
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sack_bot wrote:
The TASVideos standard is to use hardest difficulty. There's been a move away from this, but it's still relevant.
One question. What if you drove diagonal and mashed L or R so you moved on a straight course?
My best guess would be it would be faster to just go straight, however testing may prove the opposite.
Felix wrote:
I saw that after I uploaded my video! I hadn't thought of quick-dashing to aid turning, helps a lot in some places.
After quite a bit of testing today I've discovered a few things.
Before you start anything you have to navigate to the options and set the game to easy mode or else enemies take a million hits to kill... the game defaults to the hard difficulty and you'd be wasting a ton of time if you don't switch it to easy at the start...
Doing adventure mode from scratch will mean there's a certain sequence of cars to use throughout the game.
MS-T Suzuka for missions 1-3 (44 speed, 40 grip, 30 stunt)
Jaded for missions 4-10 (62 speed, 50 grip, 60 stunt)
Greased Lightnin' for mission 11 (70 speed, 30 grip, 40 stunt. Mission 11 is two long sequences of driving/avoiding obstacles so having a faster car here will definitely help.)
Vulture for mission 12 (80 speed, 50 grip, 90 stunt)
Arachnarod for missions 13 and 14 (92 speed, 25 grip, 50 stunt)
After beating adventure mode you get the "HW Prototype 12" (100 speed, 25 grip, 60 stunt) which will be the fastest car to use for the challenge levels and while collecting things in joyride.
Yeah, using the fastest car possible while during adventure is obviously the best idea.
I'm excited you want to make a run of this in the future! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help with the run. I played this game all the time as a kid haha
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Felix wrote:
Nobody seems to speedrun or TAS this which is a shame because there's some big potential for an entertaining run (which I aim to make sometime in the future)
It's basically your typical hot wheels game; wonky physics, reboot-tier cutscenes, and lots of fast.
Current exploits that I've found so far:
Quick-Dash - The game has an "Attack" mechanic, when you press the L or R triggers you will quickly side-dash in that direction. There is a 15 frame delay before you can dash in the same direction again, but there is no delay between alternating side-dashes. You can dash to the right, wait 5 frames, dash to the left, then dash to the right again on the next frame, which allows you to spam dashes and cancel out the delay. This helps for sharp turns and maintaining speed.
Object Boosting - Side-dashing into objects/other cars/walls at certain angles can give you a large speed-boost or send you flying up into the air, which makes it possible to perform shortcuts in some levels. This can be exploited heavily throughout the game, however it requires a lot of re-recording because slightly different angles, what frame you side-dash on, and what other buttons you're holding can hugely affect where the boost sends you.
Quick-Turns - Similar to Object boosting in that you side-dash into a wall, however at certain angles your car will bounce off the wall, turn ~90 degrees (depending on the angle you start at) and continue in that direction with minimal speed loss. On some levels it saves more time/speed than attempting to drift around a sharp corner.
Note: The in-game speedometer does not accurately read how fast you're going. It is reading a simulated engine instead of the actual velocity of the car, so if you gain any speed from an object boost or other exploit, it is not going to show up on the speedometer because the speedometer is capped to whatever "maximum engine speed" the car you're using is set to. You could be flying through the air at 300 MPH and the speedometer will read 0 because you aren't holding the A button.
Here's a test TAS that I made the other day, using some of said exploits.
The attempted object boost in this run was a bit of a failure, I would aim for much better in an actual WR attempt.
Link to video
There is a story mode and a challenge mode to the game, I was planning on running the challenge mode only. Getting the fastest car in the game requires you to beat the adventure mode first but I'm not sure a newgame+ run is allowed in TAS?
I did a little TAS run of this challenge a while ago:
Link to video
It's not optimized though, I actually didn't know you could skip the ramp... (and I realize you can't use the car I used when you start the game)
Those L R attack bumps are very useful when boosting I've found out, especially when you can use L and R right after each other.
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I tried working out a little glitch I was talking about, heres a try of the first mission:
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The way it works, is you powerbrake turn into a car and sometimes you go flying off in a sideways direction you choose. It will save a lot of time for sure, except I only improved this level by 1 second. I'll see if I can get it faster.
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jlun2 wrote:
gamerfreak5665 wrote:
I have been having trouble with video audio syncing in a few Dolphin versions after the supposed fix (I'm using 4.0-4235). During changes in frame rate (when the frame rate drops to around 30 and the VPS stays at 60), the video goes faster for Super Smash Bros. Melee, and as a result the video is shorter than the audio in the end. I haven't tested other games, but I would assume the same applies for most other games. On the 4.2 a/v sync version here, it works perfectly fine.
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I have been having trouble with video audio syncing in a few Dolphin versions after the supposed fix (I'm using 4.0-4235). During changes in frame rate (when the frame rate drops to around 30 and the VPS stays at 60), the video goes faster for Super Smash Bros. Melee, and as a result the video is shorter than the audio in the end. I haven't tested other games, but I would assume the same applies for most other games. On the 4.2 a/v sync version here, it works perfectly fine.
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I don't know if this can be improved... unless you get a bat the whole time, maybe. Stupid Pikachu though, he always gets sent upward instead of sideways with the bat...