Posts for georgexi

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if that's the case, i'd certainly consider redoing that stage. my determination for when an enemy "takes damage" is when he flashes. after his flash he's invincible for 2 frames so an optimum boss fight has him "flashing" every 3 frames. during the stealth bomber fight, it's true that he is invulnerable for 40 frames or so as he glides onto the screen. i tested this because he didn't "flash" when i attempted to bomb/shoot him. however i begin assaulting him the very first frame he's allowed to "flash". i don't know anything about memory watching but if someone determines that i am wasting ammo during this fight, i'll reconsider the boss fight. who knows maybe there's a "weak spot" too (the 1st stage boss has a weak spot).
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MeowMixTypeTwo wrote:
Excuse my necroposting, but this video: 1. Is on nicovideo right now. 2. Is not joint stereo and never has been. It recorded only the left speaker. The left speaker data was then used to represent both speakers. This may also be part of the reason why some video players play it at double speed. I know this because... 3. I used to play this game extremely frequently. The unavoidable emergency base attack rescue from stealth bomber sequence used too many weapons, because it's not possible to damage the stealth fighter before a certain frame when it has already reached the far right side of the screen. This probably led to the acquisition of too many weapons, and thus delays on the bonus screen. 4. Is otherwise extremely awesome. I hope an improvement may come someday. I don't want to do it myself, because lurking is much easier. And I hope the forum name isn't too offputting, it's very old. Please don't ban me. Thanks!
1. what's nicovideo? i did a quick google search.. is it some sort of japanese steaming video site? regardless i don't really care if someone hosts the video as long as people enjoy watching it :) 2. me and several others in this thread requested a re-encode but no luck. i've actually made an encode for my own personal use but i used generic encoding settings and the file is quite large :-/ I may attempt a re-encode myself once i figure out how to do it properly. 3. i'm not sure what you mean here...? all special weapons are exhausted during every boss fight. in fact i spent quite a lot of time calculating the exact number of special weapons needed for each boss so that i'd know how many to spend before the big fight. 4. the only way i can see a major improvement is if you reduce the lag. or maybe find a glitch to skip an entire stage (ie: skip the stealth bomber stage). my goals were 100% kills and No Damage... you can save a few seconds on the boss fights if you break one or both of those rules but that would be lame ;)
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i'm on the final missions against sturm on this game and would like to see a TAS of this. are there still sync problems with replays in this game? if not, anyone interested in maybe tackling this game as a group? the missions are pretty much independent of each other so we should be able to divide the workload among several people to get it done.
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not to be a pain but is it possible to get a re-encode of this? the sound only contains the left channel data instead of both. there are no sound effects coming from the "right" side of the screen. ie: at 1:28 when i fight the first boss, you dont hear any bombs dropping when the plane is on the far right of the screen. any enemies destroyed on the right of the screen dont make a sound
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Has a fixed AVI been posted? The sound doesnt work on mine either :/ I'm thinking about posting a copy on YouTube too.
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Is there anyway to lookup who voted no? I know the movie has been published but I'm just curious :/ I know you can't please everyone but if someone didn't like the movie, the least they could do is man up and tell me why. And thanks ccfreak2k for doing the encoding.
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I would love to do an arcade shmup TAS. Those games typically have tons more action with no lag along with gobs of eye-candy. If the Final Burn Alpha emulator bugs get ironed out, I'd like to tackle one. What are some of you guys favorite arcade shmups? The ones I'm familiar with are the Gradius and Raiden series. moozooh, I took a look on youtube of Psyvariar and Touhou.. games look pretty cool :)
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Boco wrote:
I think I'd rather see a screenshot of weaving between bullets launched from multiple cannons in that level, something that looks like it came from a bullet hell shooter...
Like this?
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Thanx for the yes votes guys :) It's encouraging to see people enjoy the video and all that hard work is paying off. I voted yes for myself... is that illegal? lol If I had to pick one of the bot screenshots to use for the submission pic, it would be this one:
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Thanx for all the comments guys.. both positive and negative. Some of the stages didn't have as much action so I did what I could with what they threw at me while satisfying the requirements. I was hopin utterly annihilating the bosses quickly would provide the entertainment for the "slower" stages. Perhaps that's something only fans of the game would appreciate.
Tristal wrote:
Loved watching this TAS. Two concerns: 1) You say 100% kills, but you skipped two of the levels. I wouldn't expect you to play the optional Truck level, of course. 2) I'm surprised at your choice of plane for the last two levels. Wouldn't having the level 6 Vulcan kill the bosses faster, or does it make no difference?
By 100% kills, I meant every plane, helicopter, tank, etc was destroyed in the stages played. Even the boss "minions" are killed. I picked the Tigershark for the last two levels because of the special weapons. The cannon alternating with bombs, falcons, phoenix is by far the fastest way to kill the bosses. Level 6 cannon does a little more damage than the level 5 but not nearly enough damage to justify having no bombs and fewer falcons/phoenix.
Zurreco wrote:
This was an easy Yes vote for me. I wish you had done the air duel level with all the purple bombers, but it's no big deal. During the Frigate boss fight, isn't there a score star hidden somewhere near the control tower? If so, could you have gotten it without losing time? I think it would be rad if you could tack on another 10000 points or whatever.
Doing the other two levels would've made the video longer than needed... I did consider it though. I tried to find a way to avoid the stealth bomber stage but no luck. I do know about that star next to the smoke stack on the battleship but it only appears on the 2nd pass and unfortunately he doesnt survive that long :)
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Alright folks. This project is finally complete and has been submitted. Hope you all enjoy it :)
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Kyrsimys wrote:
Wow, you're STILL doing this? That's awesome. This has got to be the longest TAS project ever. Your first post about it is dated 02-13-05, so that's about 2 years and 8 months?
wow.. i had no idea it's been that long! i work on it a little... then i get busy and don't touch it for weeks or even months. then i get some motivation and work on it a little again. rinse and repeat a dozen times. but honestly it is so close to being complete. i am hoping to have it done by the end of the month so i can finally put this "long-term" project to rest :)
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cowgod wrote:
i registered on these forums just to express my excitement to see this completed. u.n. squadron is one of my favorite snes games of all time and i would love to see what you have in store.
almost done. maybe by the end of the month :)
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Zurreco wrote:
Err, are the mechanics at all confusing and or complicated? If it's simply getting 100% kills/no misses/entertaining without any need for serious effort, I could help you out. Do yourself a favor and take in to account the last two sentences before responding.
yeah it's basically 100% kills/no misses/no damage/be entertaining with the main emphasis on "be entertaining". the only tricky part is how many special weapons you have to "spend" prior to fighting the two bosses which i still have to calculate. i believe i have an interested person who's willing to do the final stage for me in an entertaining manner (which is the lengthy part). i'm going to handle the mini-boss and final boss myself since i know exactly how to abuse the special weapon exploit. thanx for offering
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i have most of this video complete but i dont have the time nor the motivation to finish it. wondering if any kickass UN Squadron players out there is willing to finish for me. All that's left to do is complete the final stage in an "entertaining" manner. the tricky part is saving exactly enough specials to kill the two bosses. i have a demo of me fighting the final boss so i know exactly what is needed to defeat him quickly. we'd still have to calculate how many specials are needed to defeat the helicopter miniboss before him. the rest of the specials you'd have to "waste" on normal enemies and of course get 100% kills without missing a shot. but anyway if anyone is interested, let me know. i would love to see this get published at some point.
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i had most of it done but lost it all when my harddrive crashed. thankfully i had it backed up and all that's left to do is the final stage. i just havent had the time or motivation to finish it yet. kick-ass videos take a damn long time :/
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i'm thinking doing these test runs with just 1 fight isnt enough. we need to be able to get 3-4 consecutive fights in a row with no desyncs. that's where people were having problems before. the desyncs happen at random times. one fight sometimes isnt enough time to get it to happen but over the course of an entire run it will most likely occur
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the Final Burn Alpha arcade emulator doesnt support MK2 so that's out of the question :( believe me i looked into it already what exact settings do you use to prevent the desyncs? i unchecked "Volume Envelope Height" but still get desyncs. does "Use WIP1 timing", "Fake Mute", or the others need to be checked/unchecked as well? i'm using snesx9 1.43+ and MK2(U)1.1 btw
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i wouldnt mind doing a MK2 run myself if someone could find a way so that it never desynced and the sound didnt crap out. i was a mad mk2 fan back in the day. i've beaten the arcade version several times without continuing. matter of fact me and another MK2 buddy of mine still duke it out occasionally on the PS2 (MK: Shaolin Monks has MK2 on it). i'm kinda waitin to see if an arcade re-recording emulator becomes a standard. the arcade MK2 is superior sound/graphics-wise and hopefully wont have the desync problems.
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i tried to watch your video but it desynced for me. i have US version 1.1 (1049088 bytes) if you look at the Lemmings thread in the NES forum, someone else already started a SNES Lemmings run. i havent seen any updates in a few months so i'm assuming it's dead. it was entertaining to watch though so you should check it out to get some ideas. you need US version 1.1 to watch it though
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For some reason I was disappointed in the SNES version of MK3/UMK3. The graphics and sound took a huge dive from the arcade version. MK2 on the other hand was converted over nicely.
Post subject: U.N. Squadron
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I'm creating a new thread on this since I kinda hijacked the other one :) It's been a couple months since my last update so just some new info for those still interested. This run hasn't been cancelled... I simply dont have a whole lot of time to dedicate to it. Basically I'm working on it piece by piece whenever I get a chance. Hard to believe it's been over a year since I started :O 1. Redid parts of stages 1 and refought the stage 3 boss. Now every stage I end with no special weapons in inventory. This shaves about 1 second off the final time. 2. Turns out the Submarine and Wolf Pack stages can be skipped entirely! This saves a lot of time so there are only 8 stages to complete instead of 10. 3. 7 out of 8 stages are done. I'm currently trying to figure out the fastest way to kill the final boss. I can already tell this final battle is going to be annoying since there are lots of guns and probably a lot of lag.
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we were having problems doing a run for SNES Mortal Kombat 2 so i figured i'd look into an arcade emulated run (the arcade version of MK2 is much better anyway :) problem is FBA only supports a handful of arcade games (MK2 not included). any chance we can get the rest of the arcade games working on FBA? what about a rerecording mame32?
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Kyrsimys wrote:
Have you given up on this, georgexi? I just played this again and dreamed of seeing an awesome complete TAS of this.
havent given up yet. i just dont have a whole lot of time lately :( it's about 2/3rds done.
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yeah lookin forward to these runs :) acmlm you should start a lemmings thread in the supernes forum