Posts for ivmaddnessvi

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I tried to do this with a buddy of mine and we failed badly at planing and we gave up. I played this recently on my psp. Quite a fun game.
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Come on guys we obviously know what he is talking about. Star pieces.
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Bumer. If it is loaded from a .st it won't work as you probably know. My best beat is that it is not working right now. Just reload the page or wait a couple of hours and try again.
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Another thing to note. What you experienced was a desync which is where the movie does not play back properly and can screw up the movie. Just check the movie file every 10 minutes while TASing to make sure it does not desync.
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ZeXr0 wrote:
If there's no major difference between OoT and MQ, then MQ won't be published.
Im pretty sure there are major differences such as the dungeons.
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here is what we have so far We will have the best 'Quality' and best 'time'. Here is our route. We have thrown ideas back and forth and this route is not set in stone. 1. Get sword by regular rupee route 2. Get shield by regular rupee route 3. Ess out of the forest 5. SS off peehat to zora river. 6. Obtain 10r from the bushes. 7. Use Mrgrunz's boulder skip and get beans. 8. Sidehop to peehat and SS to a grotto for 20r 9. Go to Lake Hylia 10. Plant bean and play fisherman game and get gold scale 11. Show letter to zora king 12. Take owl to hyrule once it is am 13. Collect 40r from the chains. 14. DoT skip and become adult. 15. Go To Kakoriko town 16. Go to graveyard and get shield. 17. Get bugs from the kakoriko town. Thats what we have so far and it is not Set in stone we are in the process of brainstorming.
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funnyhair wrote:
Don't go by a route that should work, you go by a route that WILL work. You obviously need more testing to be done. As for the game choice, I don't know if the run will be accepted. As everyone said before, its the same game, harder levels, for that reason, it makes it a bit of a poor game choice. What happened to the OoT run you were doing? you shaved about 14 seconds off of Bloobs run and then you stopped. If I were you, i'd wither finish it, or go ahead and TAS the Powerpuff girls. Which I think is for GB?
Please stop trying to put me down. We are CONFIDENT that the route will work. It is a different game and therefore we will have the record for MQ. It is a different game but has the same shit. We are not doing the dungeons. We are doing a RBA which involves NO DUNGEONS. The OoT run i was doing was NOT OPTIMIZED AT ALL. I learned how to optimize alot better and therefore can shave some MORE SECONDS OF THE RUN I AM DOING. And the powerpuff girls is for N64. I know what im doing if you would like to help than help I DO NOT APPRECIATE NEGATIVE COMMENTS AND COMMENTS THAT MAKE ME FEEL LIKE SHIT.
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Phallosvogel wrote:
What would be the point of MQ BA anyway? The only difference between normal OoT and MQ are the dungeons, as you said. And since you wont finish one, the runs would be quite similar
The point of a MQ BA is when SWordless, aka and bloob finish theirs for OoT, Me and link will still have the best time for MQ.
funnyhair wrote:
If that is the case, then is RBA possible for Master Quest?Just because it is a OoT remake does not mean it has everything OoT has in terms of glitches etc. Nintendo might have gone in and cleaned up the game a little bit. You should find this out before you spend time doing it for nothing
Well i already found out. xlinkxzelda has a route that should work. Its the same game just different dungeons.
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funnyhair wrote:
MQ originally came out for the gamecube. I would know, until a few weeks ago I had the game. It was a remake of OoT and had harder levels, though the graphics were the same at OoT, the controls were more adapted to be played on the GC. It came with The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker when you ordered it. If that is the case, should we be doing the GC games on the GC emulators?
Its a N64 rom. It came out in japan for n64 and failed. But it is a rom for n64
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funnyhair wrote:
an MQ RBA? what did I just say? The run is ALREADY BEING WORKED ON. There would be no point for you to do it. On the other hand, the all dungeons need to be completed, so like you were already, work on the all dungeons run.
You are wrong im pretty sure a RBA for OoT is being done but not MQ OoT. Bloob already did a all dungeon. Pleae tell me nobody is working on a RBA for MQ or me and link are going to TAs the powerpuff girls
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andymac wrote:
When I play it, it syncs to where you exit through the tunnel, then desyncs. I used the pause fix mupen and the exact same plugins. Are you sure you are using the same ROM? or is it (V1.1) or something. If you want my opinion, do whatever is the fastest. Complete the game in the fastest way possible with disregard to any other restriction. I actually haven't played OoT from start to finish, so I can't really help you with any route planning.
Yeah im pretty sure im using 1.0 ill tell you the name. Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.0) [!].z64 Also me and xLinkxZelda are going to do a MQ Rba
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andymac wrote:
I couldn't get your run to sync. do you know what the rom name is? The one I am using is "Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.0) [!]" Also, I suggest you watch JNX's rejected run, Groobo's run and PDot's rejected run for strategies if you haven't already. I haven't seen them, but only because I couldn't get them to sync. I would probably say that you will need to get under an hour in order to have your run published. And great work. You're improving very fast.
I use the rom you said i think i did it on the pause fix. Should i do a RBA or a 3 stomes 2 medalion run.
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The deku tree Improved my time by 19 seconds. I could have saved time in 3 places and youll be able to know what places they are. i enter the blue thing at 11 15 and go white screen at 11 20
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Zurreco wrote:
ivmaddnessvi wrote:
Am i going to really need the deku nuts?
I think you need at least one for Gohma, don't you?
Im getting the slingshot im talking about later on in he game
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Alright i am about to enter the deku tree and i need a clear route. Am i going to really need the deku nuts?
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I am using the mupen pause fix version now and i am currently 4 seconds faster than bloob from start to exiting the shop
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Yeah, some games randomize things at the beginning that you won't see until much later on. It's a pain to figure out, but if you can use a memory viewer to find where the random arrangements are set, you can try to get as much of the random stuff in your favor as possible without so many long retries.
Yeah like in pokemon with the shiny ones the 1/7000 chance of getting one. Something like that? Also this is all i have done i have no pause fix if anyone can link me to it i would be happy. This is what i have accomplished tonight and thats all im doing. I need sleep. If anybody can point some stuff that can be done beter please tell me.
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funnyhair wrote:
be careful though, sometimes starting the game at a certain frame has a certain effect on the level or the game.
really? never knew that
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Thanks! Bloob is done talking with the deku tree at frame 7868 me- 7851
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Im starting the TAS right now and i optimized the beginning time. Bloob's beginning was 560 frames mine was 546. That goes from start until you press yes on the file.
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Captain Forehead wrote:
Actually, you can easily go even LOWER than 2 hrs. We've had Ocarina of Time runs that improve Guano's by a long shot, but they were rejected for not being optimized. If you can go lower than the last run (which was 1:12:36.18) and make it opitimized and perfect playing, your run will be accepted. I wish you luck!
Thanks for the encouragment but im going to need someone to give/help me with a route.
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funnyhair wrote:
But isnt bloobiella's ( sorry for the spelling if i got it wrong) the more optimized run? if your doing one like guano's, would that be less optimized?
Yes i think but he does all the temple which taaakes more time. I think i said i want to do one like guano's but with the new tricks being found and used in a TAS. Im sure if we take guanos run and employ new tricks and timesavers it can become very optimized. We can take his 2 30 time and easily do a sub 2 run
Post subject: The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
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Alright i really want to TAS this game but i need a good route. I don't want to do a run like bloob's but more like guanos. 3 stones and 2 medallions. What i have so far is this. Kokiri Forest - Get 8 rupees -enter the little tunnel - Get blue rupee and sword - equiped sword other blue rupee and sword bush. (19) - Exit tunnel backflip for rupee (20) - Manipulate bushes to produce 15 rupees (35) - collect blue rupee from the platform things (40) - buy and equip sheild - kill and collect 3 deku babas/stick Deku Tree - Enter tree - Get 5 deku nuts and vine text skip. - get slingshot, equip stick nuts and slingshot - vine text skip, damage boost off skullata. - jump down, Skull SB swim to hole - 2,3,1 - enter room stun jumpslash with deku stick 2 croutch stab. - enter warp get stone - exit and get ocarina - Skip owl SS of peehat to geuro valley Guero valley - cucco jump - Skip gate - Backwalk past sand and complete HW - enter temple. spirit temple - talk to the girl go through hole. -Kill bats and bemos enter right door with deku stick lit - lite 2 torches - enter left door, shot switch with the Slingshot Thats all i got so far. Any suggestion/help/tips?
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Nahoc wrote:
ivmaddnessvi wrote:
I only have so little rerecords. Im doing a little test run to see if i can get faster than guano then im going to do a real one. Also this test run i feel is going to help me improve on my patience.
Don't call it a ''WIP'' if it's a ''test run''.
Alright i understand.
snorlax wrote:
Maybe he should be posting in the Newbie forum?
Please don't be dick. This is the OoT thread. I am talking about Oot. Yes i am newb to TASing, but it's related questions to Ocarina. I also see they dont have a Ocarina Thread in the Newbie Fourm.
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MrGrunz wrote:
save one explosives in stone tower:
yUS I watched it i was thinking about how many bombs this would save.