Posts for kileran

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Go look around the net, see how many of your movies have been stolen, and are being credited to someone else. This comunity has certainly changed since i started comming here. Guess that's why i dont post very often anymore.
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with that attitude, why do we have a disclaimer at all? Because it will help to stop SOME of it. A watermark will help stop some MORE of it. The watermark does not have to be permanent, it could pop up for 5 seconds every minute, and that would suffice. Granted there are no easy answers, but "what if's" are not a reason to do nothing.
Post subject: Tasvideos needs a watermark
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I know this is not news by any stretch, but videos from this site are popping up more and more on other sites. People edit out the portion of the movie that contains your disclaimer and then upload it as if they recorded it themselves. An in-the-corner watermark would help to solve this problem. Everytime i find one i make sure to spam the associated site with "THIS IS A TAS, IT CAME FROM TASVIDEOS.ORG", so in that sense it's getting you guy's some advertising :)
Post subject: DVD Burner Advice Please
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I need to buy a DVD burner. I really like the company LG, so this one caught my eye. Then i noticed that this one is also the cheapest available at the website. So while I love LG, i dont wanna buy something that's missing a feature. I dont know shit about DVD burners though, so.... Advice?
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He did use a community center to set it up and shoot it, so it's possible it was 1 long run.
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sorry, here's a much better URL to work with. (the file is MUCH larger than your browser window, need it that size to print it well) If you have Paint Shop Pro XI, you can get my original here As far as the copyrights, 75% of that image is Copyright ME. The other 25% is owned by the business i work for, it was purchased from the artist who made it for the business. The purcahse of the Copyright was important, exactly for this purpose. Sorry about the bad links guys, i forgot i already had it hosted.
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I've been hired by a local business to make a website for the product they sell. I'm trying to make some posters for instore advertising of the website, but the problem is i'm a web designer, just not a graphics designer. I've got a basic layout made, but i need some help making it look a little prettier. (the file is MUCH larger than your browser window, need it that size to print it well) If you have Paint Shop Pro XI, you can get my original here I'm open to suggestions, or if anyone wants to take a crack at making it look better, i'd love to see it!
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i guess that's the only recourse, when your making your own argument up on the fly. eventually your imagination cant keep it up.
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on a finishing note, i did run a little 9V test of my own. Probably made about 1oz of hydrogen before i noticed that the wires were electroplating, and leaving an ugly black mark on the bottom of one of my wife's bowls. It all cleaned up nice, which means i'm not in the dog house :) but i had to stop the test before i got enough H to burn it off.
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nobody's disputing that Xoinx, salt certainly does aid the process, especially in a low voltage situation. With 1.2 and even 1.5 volts, i coulnd't get reaction without salt. at 9V, it does it all on it's own though, quite quickly, given the battery was almost dead. Edit in reply to Xoinx's edit... "Yup, that's the whole of it"
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Nope, that's about everything Xebra :) Thanks a bunch
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Right, so all the hydrogen test cars that have been running around California (where you live) are powered by an ocean of water... we just never noticed was missing. Not to mention Honda was ready to launch thier line of hydrogen cars in 2004, and didn't only because of poor market perception on hydrogen. dont worry, your only trying to disprove science (hydrogen extraction via electrolysis) that's been around since 1840. We dont expect you to catch up that quickly.
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Claims to be.
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1) you havn't answered my question, as to what is happening in that video, that you claim is impossible 2) you say that proof of your claims is that we dont have hydrogen engines, except we do.... they've been on the roads for a few years now.... i really dont know what to do here. You dont have clue what your talking about.
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A chemist who believes that splitting H2O is impossible What's happening here then? Quote from Video " show you how easy it is to separate the oxygen from the hydrogen"
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xoinx wrote:
Haha... the more I interact in this forum, the more impressed I am of the inhabitants. They seem to know everything from Informatics, to Chem, to Politics and Linguistics o.O Now the only other topic I haven't seen is on theoretical Economics LOL
Try this on for size. 1st world countries have inflated thier dollar so far as 20X that of 3rd world countries and beyond, even though those countries have the ability now to compete on the same level, which is the basic reason that outsourcing has become economically feasable. How do you fix this situation?
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Zurreco, I was really trying to understand your point of view, but now you've proven your just ignorant on the subject. Electrolysis is pretty basic science. Trying to compare the splitting of molecules via an electric charge to alcoholics, or Peanut butter and Jelly, is WAY to far to even try to keep this train of thought going. If you dont believe me, Xoinx, and Xebra, go ask a science teacher, or any science student for that matter. I have an H2O splitter running on my kitchen table, right now. I've been swapping out different types and grades of batteries to see which works best.
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I think i see why what we're disputing. Your saying that "Spliting" is only an applicable term if you can split them, and they stay split without other means of separation. I define the act of splitting as just getting them apart. With the right DC voltage, and the right containment, you can use the fact that the hydrogen is lighter than water to keep the two separated.
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binary can denote any number from 0+. Now i dont remember what an integer is, so i hope that answers your question. And when you ask "Is there some form of reasoning behind it", what exactly do you mean?
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xoinx wrote:
I doubt so, even if it is chemically feasible, the fact that the anode/cathode keeps swapping will affect the way ions migrate around. It should significantly lower the effciency of the reaction
Thanks, Thought so. I'l stop messing with AC :)
Zurreco wrote:
What you are doing is not "splitting H2O" in a literal sense, then.
Then what do you call taking H2O, and "separating" the H2 from the O? I'm not saying your wrong, like i said earlier, i know my way around electricity, just not electrolysis.
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Zurreco wrote:
2) Electrolysis is not the word you are looking for. The only way that you are going to effectively split H20 is with a strong acid/base, the right apparatus to ensure that the two molecules won't remix, and a lot of heat.
Actually i was splitting H2O this afternoon, with a 9V battery. I'm just trying to find the info to do it quicker. Search google, you can split H2O with almost any DC source. heat is not a factor. As far as keeping it separated, that's just a matter of containment.
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Hmm, i was about to try this, when i realized two things. 1) I probably shouldn't run 110 volts through 22 gague wire 2) AC cant do electrolysis, can it?
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given what he's said here, i imagine he's trying to get documentation on X86 programming.
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xebra wrote:
Aside from death, the worst that would happen is you would trip a breaker.
Right, but what would the rate of splitting be? Is it voltage that limits the amount of electrolysis? If i ran the 110 volts down to 12 volts for safety, would my rate by any lower? I know my electricity, i just cant find any reputable documentation on Electrolysis.
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And on a similar topic, When we split H2O into H2 and O, what happens to that O? Isn't atmospheric Oxygen O2? Can we breath O?