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Very yes, I think all yes votes for this movie should count double. You managed to discover new tricks to entertain us with DeHackEd.
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Wait, the slashes from the Active form also multihit the bosses? If this is true, this might make the active form worth it, but I'm still going to make an argument for the rise form. There is another pro you forgot about the rise form compared to the active form. The rise form is much quicker to get. Dash jump slashes only give a few frames of delay from the contact of your saber, but ground dash slashes slow you down considerably. About the rise form taking longer to come out, yes that's true, but what you're forgetting is the invincibility period after you hit bosses. I would say minimizing the amount of times bosses go invincible is more important than how long the attacks come out due to the length of time bosses are invincible (about two seconds). More damage means less times the bosses can go invincible. You're really exaggerating the benefits of mobility and how mobile the bosses are. I can tell you the bosses where the combo slashes work great: Hyleg Ourobuckle, Poler Kamrous (while she's turning around), Kuwagust Anchus, Burble Hekelot, Rainbow Devil Mk2 (when he head dives), and Elpizo's first form. Combo slashes I think could also be used fully against Panter Flauclaws and Fefnir (you would need luck manipulation for both of them. Maybe you can get both active and rise forms so you can have active form for bosses who like to stay in the air (though it might take too many frames to switch and damage added from the active form would be low would be low) About dodging attacks, your primary goal should be killing bosses fast (b/c that is usually the most entertaining method), and I'm almost positive the rise form is the best way to go about it. If nothing else at least test out boss fights with both the rise form and the active form. P.S. You do know that you can combo slash after you hit with a charged slash right?
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Sorry, I should have elaborated more. I'm going to have to advise against the active form because you can either turn around slash or shoot enemies with your buster to kill enemies that take more than one slash to kill. That, and I don't think the active form affects your dash speed, only your walking speed. The Rise form's main purpose is for bosses, since the quickest way to kill bosses is with the triple combo slash (or charged attack, then triple combo slash, not sure). The third slash of the Rise form adds two extra points of damage, which can help when killing bosses. In addition it's easy to get, all you have to do is jump slash a lot, which shouldn't delay you too much.
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Gigafrost, I watched your WIP and I only have two questions/comments. In the intro stage you jumped really high when the "ciel falling" event occured. I think you can trigger it faster by being on the ground when you trigger it. Does shooting bullets over Aztec Falcon's head force him into a fixed pattern?
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100% items or 100% rank? If you do this, get the rise form b/c the final slash in the triple combo does 2 extra damage points.
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If you can level up weapons on the rotating laser grids then why not power level the saber a bit there? Just jump slash and wobble (left, right, etc.) like crazy. Yes, I know you are playing on normal, but that has no effect on damage values. I have no idea how you got Aztec Falcon to 3 hp in 6 hits.  If you use ground dash slashes you can get him 2 hp in 6 hits (5*6=30 damage). Argh, my S-rank run can be easily beaten now :(
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Oh yeah, I forgot about leveling up weapons hitting bosses. That's happened to me too. Wonder why I forgot. Laser grids? Sorry, I haven't played this game in a while. Actually your battle with Aztec Falcon isn't optimized. He has 32 hp so 8 saber slashes should kill him. If you hit him with a charged buster shot it takes more time to kill him because you would have to hit him 9 times. Also, you need to know the standing slash trick, it's brain dead easy. It is literally just using a ground slashing while standing (don't hold left or right), you can watch Gigafrost's Hanumachine battle as an example (if you have the SRAM for it). If you have combo slashes don't use them, just wait for your first slash to end, then hit the boss again. This works on every boss that can be hit on the ground, including Aztec Falcon. Yes, this means you should redo the battle because your battle is suboptimal. This also means having charged up saber and buster for bosses isn't as important as you think it is. I'm suggesting doing retrieve data later because Maha is one of the bosses that can't be ground slashed. About the upper half, I mean when you try to jump on the side of the sub. It's too hard for me to explain, but you will probably understand what I mean when you get to Stop the Hacking.
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I really don't know the specifics to how weapon leveling works. I think if you just hit an enemy with a weapon you will level the weapon up even if you don't kill the enemy, but I don't know for sure. If you can level up your weapon without killing enemies then I made a big mistake when it came to leveling up the buster. About elemental chips, you need to fully charge the weapon to use them. Charging the buster up to the green level doesn't work. You should really test whether some bosses are faster simply using the standing slash trick. I'm almost positive Hanumachine (defend the base) and Stagroff (find hidden base) are faster due to the lack of invincibility. You did standing slash Aztec Falcon to death, right? If you do find a way to pull of the submarine shortcut without the triple rod then props to you. The trick is you need to be on the upper half of the sub and the game will automatically push you up onto the sub. I could never find a way to do this without the triple rod. Have you considered doing retrieve data later? Thunder attacks make Maha Ganesheriff a lot faster considering his bomb attack (then again you can probably manipulate him to use it a lot less) takes up a lot of time. This mission doesn't open up any new stages, its only purpose is to give you the triple rod and shield boomerang.
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Sorry Zurreco I should have been more specific. I was actually talking about Gigafrost's hard mode run. It definitely isn't worth it to collect the shield boomerang in normal because of the time it takes to collect it, and the charged slash does more damage. One question, if you're going for fast as possible rankless, how are you going to deal with leveling up the saber? It's a huge pain in the ass in this game. P.S. If you want to talk to Ciel, simply tap up. You don't have to get close like I did to talk to her.
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Are you using attack mode B? If you aren't then you really should because it allows you to use two weapons at once without switching. It would allow you to use the shield boomerang for boss fights without needing to pause the game (except for changing elements), or shoot saber shots to destroy weak enemies without being paused a few frames by saber slashing. About charging the shield boomerang, you could do it while you're slashing the crap out of the boss. I just realized Copy-X's final form would also be faster with the shield boomerang due to his weakness to ice. Also take into consideration you fight Anubis Necromancess again in the final stage. I know the in-game time saved using the submarine shortcut is less than the time taken to collect the triple rod. I think it's about 12 seconds saved for the shortcut and around 30 seconds gained from collecting the triple rod, but this is at 100% speed, without taking menu pausing and slowdown (there is a lot of slowdown in Stop the Hacking) into consideration. Unless if you have some more ideas where the triple rod could save time it probably isn't worth it.
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I haven't seen your boss battles yet (I'm on vacation), but I can think of a few boss battles that could be faster with the shield boomerang. First off, you know about the looping trick, right? If you don't it involves throwing the shield boomerang, dashing under it, then constantly jumping over it to force it in a loop. Pantheon Core is a lot faster with the lightning elemental, I'm sure with the shield boomerang you could save at least 10 seconds. Anubis Necromancess should be faster with the shield boomerang (maybe fire shield, slash, fire shield?) as long as you can get her to enter the ground one less time. Dodging the crushing walls takes forever. I just realized you can only fight one of these bosses with the shield boomerang due to how the mission paths work. Wouldn't the shield boomerang work well against Maha Ganesheriff the second time around? You can't ground slash him. Every boss could be finished slightly faster by throwing the shield boomerang at them after you're finished slashing them repeatedly because a charged up shield boomerang (with elemental weakness) does 9 points of damage opposed to the 4 points of damage from a slash. About Phantom, when you fight him the first time his pattern is soley determined by when you hit him. If you take the same actions every time you fight him you should get the same result everytime. For some reason the second time you fight Phantom his pattern also seems to be manipulated by when you enter the room, so you have more flexibility (or more painful luck manipulation). Sorry if this is just unhelpful rambling, but I hope some of it helps. IMPBlackbelt: Look more closely at my username :P. I suggested getting the shield boomerang because this is a hard mode run. Xaphan: I don't really support hard mode runs on the Zero series either, but with the slashing trick it won't be much slower than a normal mode run. Also, shield boomerang antics could be entertaining (if it actually does save time)
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I noticed you found the stupidly broken slashing trick. This trick not only works against Hanumachine, but it works against ALL bosses that can be hit with a ground slash. It's more effective against some bosses than others, but with luck manipulation it could be effective against all bosses. If you're wondering why I didn't use this trick in my S-rank run, it's because I discovered this after I did the run =(. They fixed this bug/exploit in the later Zero games. I actually considered doing a fast as possible speedrun, failing a bunch of missions, but I thought it would be boring. Maybe I should try it sometime since I only have to fail two missions. Some notes: -I can understand S-rank, but why 100% score? It would just mean killing more enemies and it makes no difference in your overall ranking. -If you're still going to go with 100%, then here are two numbers for enemy ranking I can remember off the top of my head. Rescue Colbor: 15 enemies Destroy Train: 19 enemies -Since this is from SRAM won't this be rejected by default? I would like to see a hard mode run (even though it doesn't make much difference in this game due to the slash trick), but I thought the movies had to be from power on, not SRAM. -If you're going for S-rank hardmode, I suggest you do the retrieve data mission first. It's the fastest way to get the shield boomerang, which will help you take care of bosses that can't be hit by the ground slash. -I found a way to jump on the submarines in Stop the Hacking. It involves using the triple rod, and I have a demonstration here. This trick is useless in a normal mode run or a fast as possible hard mode run, but it might have some use in an S-rank hard mode run (since you will want the shield boomerang anyways). You might be able to optimize this trick by hitting the fish instead of luring the squid upwards. I'll post more stuff, like boss AI patterns later.
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The Galacta armor doubles all damage. This is both the damage you give out and the damage you receive. I have looked at Xaphan's newest WIP (he's up to Weil stage 1) and when you see how fast he takes care of bosses with the Galacta armor, you will see why he takes time to collect the parts.
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Just wanted to say this is looking great, and the techniques you use to take out enemies are both unique and efficient. Keep up the good work. BTW, I thought your Bruce battle looked great. I could never get Bruce into any sort of consistent pattern when fighting him.
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Mazzeneko you're right, Ben Shinobi does not use savestates, especially since at least half of his runs were done on the original console/arcade board. Shinobi is clearly very skilled, but his runs are either high score or one-life replays, which can get boring depending on the game. I suggest watching his Shinobi, Ghouls and Ghosts, Metal Slug (not X, because that was done on an easier difficulty than the arcade version), and his shooter stuff seems good too.
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-Gunstar Heroes, 2 player on Expert difficulty. Jackic already has a run, but this run would be a lot more entertaining (possibly like the 2 players battletoads run), plus with the flame chaser you can write names! -Shinobi series, Neofix's runs don't count because they are hardly perfect. Except for the NES Shinobi, which is just a bad game. -Sonic 1, though it looks like either Xebra or Ouzo is going to complete this. -Mega Man Zero series, Xaphan is redoing his Zero 4 run and Zurreco said he would work on this someday. -Castlevania Bloodlines -Lolo 2 and 3 -Castlevania 3 Grant run (don't know if this is different enough though) -2 player Contra and Super C runs -MUSHA and the billion other Genesis shooters that exist. -Yoshi's Island, Spezzafer had some great work, but it is on a very long hiatus/cancelled :( There are still plenty of games to TAS, which is never a bad thing. EDIT: This game isn't really popular at all, but I would like to see a run of Atomic Robo Kid. If nothing else, it would be really fast with the speed powerup.
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CONTINUE!!!!! Or else I will rip your brain out with a rusty spoon because your brain obviously can't be working if you can't see you're making a time attack that has the quality of 10 stars. Seriously though, I just watched and wow it was amazing, incredible variety of moves for a beat em up and the interaction between Zan and Blaze was both funny and entertaining. I'm sorry I didn't post earlier but: -I don't know a lot about this game, I just know it's really hard on hard mode. -This is my least favorite Streets of Rage game, but you are making the most entertaining Streets of Rage run so far. -I just saw it today. I don't care if this is slower than the 1-player run (like you said more enemies) because it's a lot more entertaining, and entertainment is more important than speed for a game like this, right? Only one question: I thought the sword wore out really fast, does it not lose energy when you grab before the animation for the charge attack is completed?
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This run deserves an award for most entertaining deaths ever, or most comedic run. Great job FODA, this is the most entertaining Battletoads run yet, IMO.
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I think this game is a good candidate for a TAS and I was wondering why no one mentioned this game. I don't really know much about speedrunning the game other than rolling is the fastest form of movement when there is no ceiling. Just wanted to say there is some interest in this game.
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I haven't seen your run yet Truncated, but a reliable strategy against Bear with max is to slide at him so the tip of your slide hits, then slide at him against so you knock him down. Run away, then repeat. This strategy is probably too slow for a speedrun, but I figured it might help.
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Wow, that was great. I never even played the game before looking at your WIPs and it was fun to watch. The only disappointment was how anticlimatic the boss battle was, but that isn't your fault. Sorry about not commenting on your WIP, but I wouldn't have been able to contribute.
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This run = LOL + WTF Wow, this was a really entertaining 6 minutes. Great job, Gigafrost.
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Wow, this is an incredible run. I can see all the little areas you improved by maintaining forward movement where you previously had to slow down. You also reduced a lot of the slowdown including the place I mentioned in 4-1. Definite yes vote. BTW, the punch dance when you killed the second to last boss made me laugh.
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Omni, what you mentioned only works in Zero 1. You aren't allowed to exit a stage until you beat it in the later Zero games. Your logic only applies to Zero 1.
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I voted no, I haven't seen the whole run but there are some obvious mistakes that really stick out. Overall, this is MUCH better than Iriasu's attempt. First the whole hard mode thing. I don't think hard mode is a good idea and not because it breaks the rules. It simply makes everything slower, no EX skills against the bosses and no combo attacks makes boss battles slower and less attractive to the casual viewer. About ranks, a TAS shouldn't care about ranks. Ranks are a sign of skill when someone plays through the game unassisted and a TAS is not about skill (well, not the skill of playing through the game), they are about perfection. Perfection in the case of this game is speeding through the game while killing everything in you parth IMO. Don't go out of your way to kill enemies, it simply looks unnecessary. If you want to show off S-rank skills, then do an unassisted speedrun. Overall your dash timing seemed really good for someone who doesn't use frame advance. You let go of dash only for a frame, I don't know if you held dash for as long as possible though. Falling acceleration still applies to the Zero series. Jump so when you need to fall, you will already be falling at max speed rather than simply falling off and waiting to accelerate. If you don't understand what I'm saying I'm sure there is someone else who can explain this concept to you. The most blatant example of lack of falling acceleration is during Tech Kraken's stage. I noticed when climbing you used non-dashing jumps, which is fine until you reach the very top. You should use a dashing jump once you climb up on top of the wall so you can move faster horizontally. A few individual stage notes: First stage: You should collect one of those exploding boxes with the Z-knuckle. They help you kill the boss faster. Nice job using a jumping turnaround slash against the purple robots. It looks smooth. However, it does cost a tiny bit of time to pull off the jumping turnaround slash and you might have been able to dodge a few more purple robots. Second stage: Are you sure taking the lift is faster? I'm pretty sure climbing up the wall while slashing those wall turrets is faster. The final pit of spikes right before the boss can be jumped over without touching a wall on either side. The positioning is precise, but I have done this without slowdown so it shouldn't be hard in a TAS. I'll comment more later.
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