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feos wrote:
Will the colors from the 2 options still be different if you paste them into some other program like Paint?
I just checked and it is going into Paint correctly. So somehow the problem is with Photoshop. I will need to look into why Photoshop is doing this. Never had this problem before, but then again I normally don't past in 4 color images. Photoshop works correctly when I do the same thing with SNES games from Bizhawk. Update: The problem is, Photoshop needs to be in CMYK color mode and not RGB.
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CasualPokePlayer wrote:
Keep in mind the gray palette is not at all a measure of accuracy, rather they are chosen as they are the easiest to look at and have perfect contrast. As far as the Game Boy was concerned there were no "colors" other than "0, 1, 2, 3", going from light to darker, and not necessarily linear in that path. The original Game Boy had some shades of green, and the Game Boy Pocket had some shades of gray, but they were not the perfect contrasting grays given by default in Gambatte. If you want "accuracy" you could want to switch to the SameBoy core, where you can select between the colors of various models (i.e. original Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Light) along or the "perfect" shades of gray.
All good things to note. I think for the same reason Gambatte set the default as something easy to look at, I will go with that for the maps, to make them easy to look at as well. The main thing, is once I start making maps, I want all the maps I make for different games to all use the same palette to make them consistent. Thanks again for your help in this, and to everyone else that chimed in on this topic.
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CasualPokePlayer wrote:
The second image in The light gray has 0xBDBDBD and 0xBEBEBE, the dark gray has 0x686868 and 0x696969, which are quite off. Having some differences is actually normal, it's due to the fact that internally the core only stores custom palettes as RGB555 (while the user selects colors in RGB888, so it converts them downwards), when it gets put on the screen it has to be converted to RGB888, that process is a bit lossy but it doesn't really matter much as you couldn't tell without getting some tool to check the exact colors. Even then the differences should be minor, not major like the above example I brought.
Thank you. That gives me the info I need. Since I want the most accurate colors for my maps, I will stick to the Print Screen and not use Ctrl + C. I'm probably the only person out there this matter to :)
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CasualPokePlayer wrote:
I use Windows 10 myself. I assume it'd be due to some configuration or whatever on your end. Something is definitely going completely wrong here, as the colors are just wrong in the first place.
Do you mean the colors in my "Ctrl + C" image, or the colors I listed that my default setting give me of: "1st color: 255, 255, 255 - 2nd color 170, 170, 170 - 3rd color 85, 85, 85 - 4th color 0, 0, 0. BG, SP1 and SP2 all have the same values." I just checked your image. Even though it only has 4 colors, the values of some of them are different then what I have as my default. The colors in your image are: 1st color: 255, 255, 255 - 2nd color 173, 173, 173 - 3rd color 82, 82, 82 - 4th color 0, 0, 0
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CasualPokePlayer wrote:
Trying this myself (using the default gray palette, which has all 3 palettes use the same gray palette) and I can't replicate. Furthermore, your screenshots suggest you're using a custom palette anyways, as the grays do not match the default gray palette in Gambatte. I could guess your custom palette actually has different grays between the 3 sets of palettes in it resulting in more colors. That or something else is going wrong anyways (maybe Windows code for sending it to the clipboard is going wrong? which case there is not BizHawk bug, perhaps it's some setting you enabled or whatever, or maybe it's actually the fault of the program you're pasting it into)
It's not the program I'm pasting into, as the image you provided loaded into Photoshop perfect with 4 colors. I did not change the color palette from the default, but to be sure to eliminate that in case something accidentally got changed here is a screen shot of the palette I am using, let me know if it is the default and correct. Since I am making maps I want to use the most accurate palette, and I assume that is the default one. I used the eye dropper to get the color values: 1st color: 255, 255, 255 - 2nd color 170, 170, 170 - 3rd color 85, 85, 85 - 4th color 0, 0, 0. BG, SP1 and SP2 all have the same values. Is that what the default palette is and would that be the most accurate palette to use for making maps of Game Boy games? I'm guessing if it is a problem with Windows code (I'm using Windows 10), then there is nothing I can do other then using "print screen" to get the accurate colors. It makes one extra step for me for each screen shot I capture, but I can handle that if it is the only way. So I eliminated the Program I'm pasting into because your image included in your post imports into Photoshop just fine. I eliminated using the default gray palette if you can verify the values I typed in are correct for the image I took of my color palette settings. So all that leaves from your list is Windows is to blame. Can you, or anyone else if you don't have a computer with Windows, post an image to this topic so I can load that into Photoshop and see if it has the correct colors or not?
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Here is how I figured it out. I was selecting the background to remove the coins and move them to a separate layer. I used the magic wand tool that selects just one color. As you can see, in the correct image (From Screen Shot), it works fine, but the one that I got from (Ctrl + C), does not work because of the extra color.
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Correct image with 4 colors taken as a screen shot from the emulator: Incorrect image with 6 colors taken in the same spot with Ctrl + C: Edit by feos: Embedded the pics.
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feos wrote:
Can you post example images, with 4 proper colors as it should be, and the same frame with 6 colors?
How do I attach photos, or do you have an e-mail I can send them to?
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CasualPokePlayer wrote:
Ctrl + C messes things up? Are you sure you don't mean Ctrl + Shift + C? Ctrl + C is a raw copy of the emulator's frame buffer, so it should have no issues at all (Ctrl + Shift + C goes through a GPU render pass which could screw things up maybe depending on however you configured the display and driver quality and such)
I was just doing "Ctrl C" and not "Ctrl + Shit + C". You can test this very easy. Load any Game Boy game and use "Ctrl +C" and paste into any program that can tell you how many colors are in the image and you will see 6 colors and not 4 as it should be. Let me know what you find after trying it out.
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I found a glitch. When I take a screen shot of the Game Boy Emulator the colors come out perfect. When I use "Ctrl + C" to copy the screen, it messes up the colors. Visually it is not really noticeable, but when you paste it into Photoshop, it adds several extra colors that should not be there. For example, if I index the colors from the Print Screen, there are 4 colors. If I do the same for the "Ctrl +C" then there are 6 colors. Most people probably would not notice or care, but for mapping the games I need the exact colors from the game, without extra colors added. The same happens both with the game screen and the GPU viewer. Should I start a new topic for this? Let me know if you need any other information from me on this, or if this is a know issue?
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I got it to work, I just needed to select "CartRAM". Thank you for helping me figure this out. I'm going to start making maps of Game Boy games. I will be posting my maps at I will let you know if I run into any other issues along the way.
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feos wrote:
A better question is, does it work ok in the newest bizhawk release?
I just downloaded and installed the newest version of Bizhawk (BizHawk-2.9.1 2023-05-03). I am using Gambatte core for the Game Boy emulation. It is still having the exact same problem with the RAM Search not doing a live update on the values. Is there a setting I need to change to make it live update?
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Samsara wrote:
If the release history is anything to go by, this is an interim build between 1.4 and 1.4.1, which is... one full decade out of date. I'd be shocked if this is somehow still a problem on 2.9.1, given all of the updates to RAM Search and Gambatte since.
I will download the new version and see if it works on there. I'll let you know if there are any problems.
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feos wrote:
Config - Preferred cores. Current core is at the bottom of the hawk window in the status bar.
It must not be in the version of Biz Hawk I have. Currently running Interim Build SVN r4263. Only thing on the bottom bar is the save slots. No Preferred Cores in the config menu. Was there only one core for the Game Boy when this version came out? If so do you know what core it was?
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feos wrote:
Which core?
I did not realize there was more then one core for the Game Boy in Biz Hawk. How do I tell what core I am using and how do I change cores?
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I am trying to find cheat codes for a Game Boy game. When I go to RAM Search, none of the values are live updating. How do I enable live update?
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YoshiRulz wrote:
When using Snes9x (or old BSNES), RAM Search defaults to searching WRAM. When using BSNESv115+, it's the CARTRAM, which might appear to be frozen. You can switch to another domain and the values will update as normal (tested on 2.7).
Post subject: Bug Report Section?
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Hi, I noticed there was a Bug Report section, should I delete this post and move it to that area?
Post subject: RAM Search not updating in BSNES Core
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In the "RAM Search" it does not appear to be updating the values live. Is there something I need to do in the settings to get it to do that? In the older version of BizHawk it just automatically kept updating the values live. When I try it in the SNES9X core it works fine. Thanks for any feedback on this.
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Is there a setting somewhere or can one be added, that will let me change vertical scroll values so that it displays properly for games that do that? Even if this was a setting that could be turned on and off to force it to start where it would draw the top row of pixels. I just need it for capturing the backgrounds. It is ok if it messes up the display of objects (I assume objects refers to Sprites and not the backgrounds?).
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Another issue I am having is in the "RAM Search" it does not appear to be updating the values live. Is there something I need to do in the settings to get it to do that? In the older version of BizHawk it just automatically kept updating the values live.
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Thanks for looking into the black lines on the left and right, you are correct, as I just checked out Super Mario World, and it is not an issue there. However the missing row on the top and the extra row on the bottom seem to be an issue with all the games. No need to worry about the left and right thing as that was just with the one game, but can the top and bottom issue be fixed?
Post subject: Here is an example
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Hi, I thought it might help if I posted an example. Thanks again!
Post subject: Requesting new features for mapping SNES Games
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Hi, I the guy who runs and and I have been working on mapping more SNES games recently. I have worked with you guys in the past about requesting features on the BSNES core for the SNES Emulator in BizHawk. You guys have been of great help. I know it has been many years, but I would like to open a dialogue again and request some more features, changes, fixes to the BSNES core to make mapping games run more smoothly and go quicker. I have a bunch of questions, but I will start with this... I notice when Copying the screen from the game play window, the Right and Left sides have a one pixel wide black line running down the sides. Is that because that is the way the SNES originally displayed to the screen, or is that a glitch? If it is a glitch, could it be fixed so the black lines are not there and you can see the entire 16 pixels of the tiles on the right and left sides of the screen? If that is a desired feature to have those black lines there because that is what the original hardware did, is there a way either have them removed when using the "Ctrl + C" option so I can capture the complete screen? Or at least have an option to not display those black lines? The 2nd thing on a similar note, is that the top row of pixels is not displayed in the game screen. It shows an extra row at the bottom. Again I'm not sure if this is done because that is what the original hardware did, but for mapping it is useful to be able to capture all 16 rows of pixels form the tiles on top part of the screen. Would it be possible to have them in there when the "Ctrl+C" is used, or an option to display the top row, and cut off that extra row on the bottom? Thanks for any help you can provide. If you have any questions or need a better explanation of what I mean let me know. Most of the maps I make I just do screen grabs from the Graphics Debugger, but in some cases I need to grab from the game screen as well.
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Nevermind, I see only the BSNES has the graphics debugger and the other does not. Thanks for the help with finding the core option.