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Cool. What did you use? Did you just use the half milk bottle thing that you can do off any set of 2 bottles? Because that wouldn't require going back in time, or does that leave only an empty bottle... edit: yeah I forgot its just 1A. I had tried to use this before by just inputting codes but it just drinks the whole thing :p
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I was able to figure out how the bottle drinking code works, lol. Try doing Bottle B, let it be empty, have full Lonlon Milk in bottle 2 and Nayru's Love on C-Right. Then catch a fish with C-Left for example to do the Ocarina Items glitch with B to see what happens. You drink the empty bottle, get a half full Lonlon Milk on B and in your inventory. The combination of Medallions and songs I used above is the equivalent of a full Lonlon Milk. Make sure the Broken Goron Sword is on C-Right so you point to the right byte. You get Half Full Lonlon Milk written there as a result, which is 00011111. So 5 medallions for Link, yay! xD That's why it works. So drinking a Full Lonlon Milk and getting a Half instead works no matter what's on B, if you can get the bottle drinking code to get executed. It's only important to point to a full Lonlon Milk with C-Right. I'm pretty sure you can drink a Blue Potion on B that way and get a half empty Lonlon Milk as a result on B. Not entirely sure though. :X
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Sweet, but how do you update B again w/ goron sword on C-right and without Nayru's love there? And I thought bottle drinking glitch only works when the bottle is in your hand? To get it there you have to drink it, and isn't it only going to update B button w/ it if you use it on the B button as the 2nd button?
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You mean how to get rid of the Half Lonlon Milk? Just move Nayru's Love to C-Right or something that points to an unused byte or something unimportant and drink it? It updates it on the B Button and tries to update it inside the inventory as well. Which is why we get the Medallions. I already said in one of my old explanations that getting Bottle B instantly updates your inventory as usual, or at least it tries to. The same goes for when you make the game think you just drank a Full Lonlon Milk. Edit: Ah, sorry, I get what you mean. Yes, you have to have a bottle in your hand to do the bottle drinking glitch. Which is why you catch a fish with C-Left. Then do a backflip, press C-Left and B.
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no that is not where I get lost lol Its that I do NL on c-right and ocarina items to get half lonlon on B. But now I have half lonlon on B, how do I update my medallions + change the B button at the same time w/out losing half milk? I put goron sword on c-right and drink it but I have an empty bottle and update to an empty bottle's medallions... I can refill milk and w/ nayru on B I can drink it again and get a half milk off a full one but I d OR ARE YOU GOING THROUGH TIME? (afterwards that is) to get full lonlon ob B then you equip and drink half?
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That's not how you do it. xD Get Shadow, Spirit and Fire Medallions. Don't have other Medallions or Warp Songs (only the green and red warp songs matter). A good way to do this is to catch a Fairy with Broken Sword on C-Right. The only thing left to get is the Fire Medallion. You now have 00011010 at that byte. Which is equal to 26, a Full Lonlon Milk. Your Bottle on B is empty. You do the drinking glitch with the Broken Sword on C-Right. The game activates the drinking code, it looks for what you drink. To do that, it uses our good old pointer on C-Right, lol. It sees, ah, there's Full Lonlon Milk inside the bottle Link is drinking. Then it gives you Half Full Milk on B and updates it to where the medallions get stored. Edit: You also don't need to really have a Full Lonlon Milk anywhere for the above glitch. The game will just look at your combination of Medallions and interpret it as a Full Lonlon Milk. Nayru's Love isn't used for that. I just found out how the bottle drinking works with Nayru's Love on C-Right and I posted it because it doesn't last long to replicate as opposed to the medallions thing. You need to have a Full Lonlon Milk in bottle 2 here.
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Nice, that is sweet.
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Sorry to repeat myself but can someone answer my question about what order to get the cuccos in after beating dodngo's cavern? Thanks.
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Does this change what Acryte proposed? If not how does it differ?
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No, this is for an all medallions run. It can get all but light (but then agian how do we get light...if we have been an adult already...) Dashiznawz not sure, needs to be worked out.
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Yep that's the problem. You'll lose the Light Medallion and there's no way to get it back I know of. I don't see any major route changes for the any% coming up from BA. But somebody should play through the game and watch all of the addresses we can currently reach and we don't know what they're used for yet or if they get used at all. I'll maybe take the time and do it. Maybe there's still something we can do, but I'd expect it to be nothing major.
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how can we watch the addresses? I have wanted to do that but I'm not too skilled w/ an emulator. Or do you just mean change them and look for the changes?
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No, I mean watching them through the entire game. Some bytes maybe only get used during certain events, that's why I think it would be a good idea. Either the emulator would have to provide the feature, or we would have to use a general memory watcher/memory freezer program. I have experience with the later, it would be more complicated though. I don't know if it would be worth the time invested because it's very likely that we won't find anything useful imo.
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Acryte wrote:
how can we watch the addresses? I have wanted to do that but I'm not too skilled w/ an emulator. Or do you just mean change them and look for the changes?
I have that idea in my mind long time. If we can watch them then we can explore those last items and where those are linked and all. That is old you can start BA with all bottle items, but today I noticed that you can strat it with all child and adult trade items too! What we can thought of that. I think why BA start with bottle and trade items is that in item screen they are items what can change to different item in item subscreen. If you catch new stuff to bottle they will be updated in yout invertory and trade items too. So when you go to adult and have somekind trade item on B button game think that bit address can be change and it will put item to B button from right-C link. Understand it? My explantion for that link on B and rigth C is that. If you have swordless link and hop on epona, you can use C items on her. if you have sword it doesn't let you use items. C buttons will fade away. I think game check that you cannot use C items from B button and code will go wrong if you doesn't have anything on it, is that right? Acryte said that in MM B and C buttons doens't have link. so it might be because of that they removed that method from MM and they did another C button "fade" method. I don't know if I'm right but this is my explanation for BA. If someone even read this...
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KazooieBombchu wrote:
My explantion for that link on B and rigth C is that. If you have swordless link and hop on epona, you can use C items on her. if you have sword it doesn't let you use items. C buttons will fade away. I think game check that you cannot use C items from B button and code will go wrong if you doesn't have anything on it, is that right?
No, your explanation is probably wrong. Because it doesn't explain why the game acts like that, every explanation which includes "the game goes crazy" or "it does something wrong" is either incomplete or wrong. xD Read my explanation in my first post on page 166, it explains why it works differently in MM. From my explanations the game doesn't do anything strange at all. It does exactly what it would do if the bottle was on C-Left for example. The only reason it gets buggy is because B wasn't designed to have a bottle on, so there's no memory reserved for the pointer and it looks to C-Right instead. Why have I been able to drink a Full Lonlon Milk I don't even have to get 5 medallions? Because I understand how it works and there's really not any unusual coding behind it. Have a bottle equipped on C-Left, save your game, switch off the N64. Then freeze 8011A63C to 2 with a Game Shark, catch something inside the bottle and it will write it to your 3rd slot in your inventory. That's just to further prove the pointer theory. (if 8011A63C is the correct address, which I have not tested, HSS posted it) I'll play through the game using a memory watcher program now later today. Chances are most bytes we can reach and we don't know what they get used for are just unused bytes. It would be the best case for us to find another pointer variable there imo. That would allow us to further screw up the game. Though I believe that won't happen.
KazooieBombchu wrote:
That is old you can start BA with all bottle items, but today I noticed that you can strat it with all child and adult trade items too!
Yep, I've already noticed that a few days ago. But unfortunately RBA doesn't work with them because trade items use a different code to update your inventory. They don't use the same pointers because the slot the new item goes to is always the same. What does it mean that you can start off BA with trade items too? It just means that Nintendo initially wrote the code, so you could have a trade item equipped to C as an adult, become Young Link again, trade the item and get an adult again. And you would have C updated correctly again. Read my first long post on page 165 for more details. Nintendo maybe originally planned to make the persons you have to trade with to get the Biggorons Sword divided up between Young Link's and Adult Link's world. And as you can see you would have got the Odd Mushroom inside Gerudo Fortress originally. Edit: I'm currently in the Deku Tree and I have already found were Mupen stores the first important values. I've already found the pointers, they are really there, lol. But Mupen seems to store the addresses in reverse order, it's currently confusing the hell out of me. :X Mupen's memory allocation seems to work reversed in pairs of 4 addresses. It will be confusing as hell to figure everything out. Somewhat like this: 4,3,2,1, 8,7,6,5, 12,11,10,9, 16,15,14,13, 20,19,18,17, 24,23,22,21, ... It will be soo confusing. :/ I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle it, my experience with memory scanners isn't that big after all. I'm making good progress. ^^ I'll post something useful soon.
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I have another question. If you are gonna bomb hover past king zora to keep letter in bottle in to adult to give yourself arrows with Reverse bottle adventure. After you beat Jabu Jabu hw do you leave zora river to head to hyrule castle? Thanks.
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Id assume death warp.
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Kuwaga wrote:
Mupen's memory allocation seems to work reversed in pairs of 4 addresses. It will be confusing as hell to figure everything out. Somewhat like this: 4,3,2,1, 8,7,6,5, 12,11,10,9, 16,15,14,13, 20,19,18,17, 24,23,22,21, ... It will be soo confusing. :/
Little-/Big- Endian issues??
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bkDJ wrote:
Little-/Big- Endian issues??
Exactly.. I was hoping I could just find the first address and calculate the rest from it. However, I was able to find out what some of these "unused bytes" really get used for. Question marks are probably unused bits. Prescription on C-Right points to Deku Tree Dungeon Items: ?,?,?,?,?,Map flag,Compass flag,Boss Key flag Eyeball Frog -> Dodongo's Cavern Dungeon Items: ?,?,?,?,?,Map flag,Compass flag,Boss Key flag Eyedrops -> Jabu Jabu's Belly Claim Check -> Forest Temple Bow with Fire Arrow -> Fire Temple Bow with Ice Arrow -> Water Temple Bow with Light Arrow -> Spirit Temple Kokiri Sword (unequipable on C-Right) -> Shadow Temple Now the only thing that could be useful is probably Bow with Fire Arrow and catch a fish/bug to get the Fire Temple Boss Key in an all medallions run. That is if we don't find a way to get the Light Medallion back, after that Lonlon Milk glitch. We still don't know what the bytes with Gerudo Mask and Mask of Truth on C-Right get used for. Also an empty C-Right is equal to 255 and that points to another seemingly unused byte. So there's only 3 bytes left, maybe we can still find something interesting there, lol.
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Very cool, keep up the research.
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Wow, 2-3 pages of BA research/discussion, and this makes me feel quite bad that I am still lagging behind in the run at Hyrule Field stuck at the desynch when trying to hop over a fence.
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theenglishman wrote:
I do believe that I agree with this fellow.
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Kuwaga wrote:
bkDJ wrote:
Little-/Big- Endian issues??
Exactly.. I was hoping I could just find the first address and calculate the rest from it. However, I was able to find out what some of these "unused bytes" really get used for. Question marks are probably unused bits. Prescription on C-Right points to Deku Tree Dungeon Items: ?,?,?,?,?,Map flag,Compass flag,Boss Key flag Eyeball Frog -> Dodongo's Cavern Dungeon Items: ?,?,?,?,?,Map flag,Compass flag,Boss Key flag Eyedrops -> Jabu Jabu's Belly Claim Check -> Forest Temple Bow with Fire Arrow -> Fire Temple Bow with Ice Arrow -> Water Temple Bow with Light Arrow -> Spirit Temple Kokiri Sword (unequipable on C-Right) -> Shadow Temple Now the only thing that could be useful is probably Bow with Fire Arrow and catch a fish/bug to get the Fire Temple Boss Key in an all medallions run. That is if we don't find a way to get the Light Medallion back, after that Lonlon Milk glitch. We still don't know what the bytes with Gerudo Mask and Mask of Truth on C-Right get used for. Also an empty C-Right is equal to 255 and that points to another seemingly unused byte. So there's only 3 bytes left, maybe we can still find something interesting there, lol.
Kuwaga - I don't want to sound hars or anything. But all what i can say those are damn old to me and some other peoples too. I have sayed about that acryte some weeks ago but I don't think so he remember it. I have tried figure out those 3 unused byte long time but without succeess. Good find anyway if you found those on your own and if you tell me that why Zelda chaos haven't updatet it because that owner doesn't care about it anymore and I have asked he to update it but no... I know you doens't belive me I don't care. sorry peoples keep this topic on.
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For gerudo and mask of truth you can always try changing the values and looking at what it changes. Gerudo Mask:8011A66E ???? Mask of Truth:8011A66F ???? (it will be inventory related... on equipment screen most likely) I'd test it but I am not at home.
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