Wip xyz
Whole thing in one video, 7:16.
Alright, last level done, I completely forgot how short it was, and the double-jump glitch cuts even more along with better strat for the final room(in the end I found better way to grab the crystal thing, than doing double jump under it).
So in first room, after first ladder its possible to double jump straight to platform above it, which save some time.
In next room there isnt anything interesting. Room after that is probably most annoying one due the all the jumping, although it doesn't look nearly as bad I though and I was able to keep accel at 1(or 2) for most part.
After that is one screen ladder part, nothing interesting there, and next part is straight forward.
On next part there is one ball I have to avoid(insta-kill), some easy jumps and random kangaroo(where did they get these ideas for enemies? Then again I havent watched the movie so what I know) that pushes Hudson backwards even after its falling down, so I have wait until its out of the way, and while I was it I found out that if Hudson is at max accel and punches, if you stop during the punch animation accel stays at 2, which potentially can save time elsewhere where I have to turn around but I havent tested that yet or if its faster than jumping and turning around while in-air.
Anyway, and for some reason in this very specific spot game forces players accel to 1:

and I found out that if I punch in that spot it cancels that for some reason(it also cancels part of the animation which isnt possible normally), I dont know why it happens, but it works.
In next screen there is just another set of jumps and another random kangaroo. After that in next room theres enemy I have to kill(insta-kill due low health), and thanks to the double-jump glitch Im able to skip stupid block pushing "puzzle".
Now to the final room, there normally you have to push three switches in specific order(one to disable smoke thing in top right corner, one to open ( ) thing in the middle(which is insta-kill if you touch it) and top-right corner one ends the game) and grab the crystal, but all you need todo is hit top right switch, bottom right switch and grab the crystal, apparently order doesn't matter as long as those are done, so since entrance is on top, I hit top right one first, then grab the crystal and while Im falling down I throw ball to hit the last switch required, which seems most logical and fastest way to do it. I originally did double-jump to grab the crystal, but then realized that I could just jump in-between.
Im sure there are few places I could save few frames(and maybe shave second or two off), and now that I know exactly where I need health, so Im redoing this from the beginning, so if anyone has any ideas or comments or anything, feel free to comment.
I found one more ram address,
02B8 which is timer for punch, when you press B it goes from
00 to
0B, if you are on ground then Hudson does the punch, if not it just loops from
0B to
00 etc, if you release B before it reaches
0B then Hudson throws the ball. As for double-jump glitch, when timer reaches
0A and player is on ground, press A on that exact frame and Hudson does the double jump.
005B is correct address for the X position, I think the other one is cameras position or something.