The infamy

In 1987 Hideo Kojima produced Konami's Metal Gear for MSX. It was later ported to Famicom and NES.
In 1990 another (Japanese) Konami team produced Snake's Revenge, without Kojima's knowledge, for Famicom. For whatever reason it only got US and Euro NES release. It was later revealed in an interview that Kojima was pleased with SR, and that it was SR that drove him to make Metal Gear 2 for MSX. He went on to develop the much more famous Metal Gear Solid series.
Complicating matters, Ultra Games, the US publishing arm of Konami, made up their own story for the instruction manual, including the laughably named character "Higharolla Kockamamie." They even mixed up their own portraits for two of the characters. Look at some other Ultra Games manuals, including the Metal Gear manual, to see the same practice of cavalier rewriting.
So Snake's Revenge is not second-string spinoff produced to cash in on naive roundeye enthusiasm. It's a fangame that happens to be licensed, and produced by the same development house as the original.
Metal GearCanonical fictionFanboy fantasy
Snake's RevengeFiction on fictionFanboy fodder
Ultra Games manual for SRFiction on fiction on fictionFanboy furor!
Moral of the story: Don't take fiction too seriously.


  • Aims for fastest time
    • No passwords
    • Takes damage
    • Exploits glitches and manipulates luck
  • Recorded with fceu-0.98.28
    • Here's an fm2 of this movie if you want to run it in fceux. The only thing changed is I corrected the player inputs from 2 to 1.
I wrote a data dump guide (here) which has details such as memory addresses.
Pitfall stopper
Go to the menus while a pitfall is opening to stop the expansion. This enables a big sequence break near the end. (Same exploit was in MG. All the others were removed though.)
Frozen bullets
Shoot more than one bullet, switch to explosives or claymores, then lay one after a bullet disappears but while at least one is still on screen. The remaining bullet or bullets will stay in place until the bomb blows up and can hit multiple times. This saves a few bullets and a miniscule amount of time. It's demonstrated against the first three bosses.
No spike damage
Avoid spike damage by pressing against a wall while they are underfoot. This is used once in the train.
Invulnerability exploit
Enemies do different damage with different attacks. Usually body contact hurts less than projectiles, and there's also some randomness in the damage of the same type of attack. Snake has a invulnerability time of 60 frames, so this is exploited to minimize damage.
Luck manipulation
  • Alerted guards enter the screen from random sides. (The shooting is not random.)
  • Non-alerted guards randomly drop rations, bullets, or nothing if punched.
  • Patrolling guards look in random directions when they stop.
  • The drones in the side-scrollers turn around randomly.
  • The bosses have random timing for attacking and moving.
  • The cable cars arrive with semirandom timing.
  • The floating platforms, floor spikes, and closing missile gates are on fixed timing (not random).


Rescue hostages or use truthgas on officers to raise rank (up to ******), which raises ammo and item capacity. However, after the ship event, your rescue count is bumped up to 9, which is enough for ***. Rescue five more for ****, which can carry enough ammo to finish the game. (It's possible to do it with *** and the backpack, but the backpack is too far out of the way.) Truthgas is too slow to get and use, so only hostages are rescued. Rescuing the chick is needed to unlock the door leading to that cable car.


Optimizing both the overhead areas and the side scrollers (looks like Rush'n Attack) comes down to measuring each segment with alerts and with stealth then calculating whether the damage and spent bullets from the alerts is worth the speed. Unlike MG, alerts persist across most screen transitions. So if I set off an alert, I also have to optimize when to end it.


This gun is not just subsonic, it's sub-Yugo. Snake can throw grenades farther than this gun shoots. And it's loud without the silencer. At least they issued him one this time. It's fast to fire and can be shot on the move, so it's the main weapon for clearing guards and chipping away at bosses.

Bosses and obstacles

  • Five defensive linemen: Snake can only carry 50 bullets, which alone isn't enough. A bomb is planted to finish them all off.
  • Door blockers: They are supposed repel you if they touch you. Punch to stun them, then run through.
  • Three grenade tossers: Again, not enough ammo, so this time claymores are used to finish the job. Snake takes refuge from the lethal grenade damage in the embrace of the middle fat guy.
  • Underwater grates: Not only can Snake not swim, he can't even hold his breath. Rather than give him oxygen to breathe, I give him something much better: cans of tuna fish to eat. I have to time the submerging and bomb laying so that they blow up while Snake is too distracted by his drowning to be maimed by the bomb.
  • NotJohn: Since I have to use explosives afterwards, I finish him off with one.
  • Tank: Land mines are finally available. Unlike other damage, you can spam them at 30 Hz.
  • IR sensors: The cable trams don't show up if the alarm is blaring, so the invisible lasers need to be avoided.
  • Big Boss: First form goes down with no trouble as far as frame advance is concerned. The second form needs to be lured away at least one room before taking damage.


Save this lua script and run it in FCEU to view the HP of enemies, bomb timers, and hostage rescue count. Use this one instead. It does body count too:

NesVideoAgent: Hi! I am a robot. I took a few screenshots of this movie and placed them here. Oh! I also corrected the ROM name.
  • You indicated Snake's Revenge (USA)
  • I updated it to Snake's Revenge (U) [!].nes

adelikat: Good viewer response, accepting.

Raiscan: Processing.

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15183
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2045: Dammit's NES Snake's Revenge in 31:39.92
Editor, Emulator Coder, Expert player (2122)
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I'll watch it if I get some free time.
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
Joined: 12/10/2007
Posts: 42
I enjoyed it, it moved along at quite a quick pace. A Yes from me :)
Editor, Expert player (2468)
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Better than an average Steven Seagal movie.
Skilled player (1497)
Joined: 4/28/2005
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Aqfaq, is that a compliment? This game rocked when it was released. I don't like to mess with NES emulator, so I vote yes to see the video sooner :|
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Skilled player (1676)
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Sooo, any reason not to make it... stealth, like Metal Gear is supposed to be played (Read: How much slower would it be to avoid alerts whenever possible)? And this game is just too fubar to be true :( Holding vote.
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
Joined: 7/2/2007
Posts: 3960
maTO wrote:
This game rocked when it was released. I don't like to mess with NES emulator, so I vote yes to see the video sooner :|
I enjoyed the game myself last time I played it, but ah, you're supposed to watch it before voting, otherwise what's the point? "Oooh! Someone did a TAS of Castlevania Jaguar: Minuet for Eight Banjos and an Athsmatic Castrato! I love Castlevania! Voting yes."
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
Joined: 8/3/2004
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Yes. This was one of the more aggravating games of my NES-filled youth and I'm glad to see it receiving punishment like this. Zanzibar Land (or whateverplace it is in this game) needs seriously some better motivated guards. "An explosion you say? I'm sure it was nothing."
"Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your home." ( Pratchett & Gaiman: Good Omens )
Experienced player (587)
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Aqfaq wrote:
Better than an average Steven Seagal movie.
I like Seagal flicks so I take that as a compliment. In fact I kept thinking of Under Siege 2 during the train parts. He prefers "takes no damage" runs though.
Cardboard wrote:
Sooo, any reason not to make it... stealth, like Metal Gear is supposed to be played (Read: How much slower would it be to avoid alerts whenever possible)? And this game is just too fubar to be true :( Holding vote.
Not much slower, 2-3 minutes. I certainly would have considered all-stealth if only it was possible.
Joined: 5/28/2008
Posts: 8
Damn I never realized the music in this game was so good. Definitely an entertaining run.
Experienced player (612)
Joined: 4/24/2005
Posts: 612
Very nice work, man. I had never seen this game completed, nor really any gameplay. Looks like you measured every little thing out to perfection. Your antics during waiting periods were good. I liked how you made the moving platforms look all slippery. Overall, I enjoyed this run so here's another yes vote.
Banned User
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Anything for Metal Gear! Yes! My only concern was the final boss. After you fired your last rocket and got through the blockers, the movie stopped as soon as MG blew up. You could've stopped your movie input immediately after you hit your very last left (airway to MG's eye) to get a slightly better result, or did you already try that?
Experienced player (587)
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Posts: 103
You mean stop at about this frame? The missile will just crash into the far left wall. The target is no more vulnerable on the last hit: You still have to get around the gun pod and hit the orange circle from underneath. Did you mean something else?
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Oh, no! As soon as missile is in line with MG and the moment you stop the movie here: The missile should cruise from there (with no further input), hit MG, and finish the game. Shown there was frame 113,984 of 113,995. Edit: Nevermind, I thought that missile would hit MG if it kept going straight, but I noticed you had to hit "up" within the last frames. I thought we can really defeat MG from the side instead of the front! That gun pod... =/
Expert player (3287)
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Nice, I was waiting a long time to see this one. I recall this game being very difficult. The run looks pretty tight, with good entertainment choices where it was feasible. I would also find a stealth-whenever-possible variant preferable, since the combat isn't really exciting and the alarm claxon is really annoying. Definite yes vote for this submission, though. Good job!
Post subject: Movie published
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Posts: 15183
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1171] NES Snake's Revenge by Dammit in 31:36.79
Skilled player (1676)
Joined: 6/11/2006
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So would an "as much stealth as possible"-run have any chance of getting accepted alongside this?
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
Banned User
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Hmm, those screenshots don't look right once again. Bisqwit, can you please fix that videoagent bot of yours?! =)