Tool-assisted movies (3)

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 10/14/2010
Jazz Jackrabbit is one of the earliest products released by what was then known as Epic MegaGames, better known these days for producing the Unreal engine. It was viewed initially as being a pastiche of the Sonic the Hedgehog games was and arguably developed along those lines, bearing much of the same fast platformer action.
This run completes the shareware version of the game, which only contains the first episode. You can also watch runs from the same author that complete the two Christmas special episodes of this game.
Video Downloads:
Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
JPC-rr 11.1

Published on 12/28/2010
Jazz Jackrabbit is one of the earliest products released by what was then known as Epic MegaGames, better known these days for producing the Unreal engine. It was viewed initially as being a pastiche of the Sonic the Hedgehog games and arguably developed along those lines, bearing much of the same fast platformer action.
This run completes a special Christmas episode called Holiday Hare. This is the 1994 version of this episode. A run has been made for the 1995 version of Holiday Hare. There is also a run of the original game available.
Game Version: (1994)
Video Downloads:
Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
JPC-rr 11.2

Published on 12/28/2010
Jazz Jackrabbit is one of the earliest products released by what was then known as Epic MegaGames, better known these days for producing the Unreal engine. It was viewed initially as being a pastiche of the Sonic the Hedgehog games and arguably developed along those lines, bearing much of the same fast platformer action.
This run completes a special Christmas episode called Holiday Hare. This is the 1995 version of this episode. A run has been made for the 1994 version of Holiday Hare. There is also a run of the original game available.
Video Downloads:
Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
JPC-rr 11.2

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  1. Video and audio content must not be changed (including the pointers to this site).
  2. The movies must be prominently labeled as tool-assisted speedruns.
  3. The actual player(s) (always shown at this site) must be properly credited.
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