This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
2710 Genesis Disney's Pinocchio by Archanfel in 10:09.13
3129 Genesis Disney's Pinocchio by Meerkov in 16:25.29
1409 Genesis Disney's The Jungle Book by maTO in 08:17.17
3717 Genesis Disney's Toy Story by Jimmie1717 & EZGames69 in 20:24.51
2991 Genesis Disney's Toy Story by Jimmie1717 in 20:28.90
1251 Genesis Disney's Toy Story by Mukki in 21:11.93
5705 Genesis Doctor Robotnik's Plan B by Tuffcracker in 07:38.91
4357 Genesis Donald in Maui Mallard by SBDWolf in 10:23.60
4140 Genesis Doom Troopers: Mutant Chronicles "2 players" by EZGames69 & Juarez in 06:02.82
5731 Genesis Doraemon: Yume Dorobou to 7-Nin no Gozans "Amusement Mode" by EvaTheWingdale in 08:57.91
5678 Genesis Doraemon: Yume Dorobou to 7-Nin no Gozans by EvaTheWingdale in 11:32.02
2634 Genesis Double Dragon "1 player" by Dimon12321 in 03:17.47
3900 Genesis Double Dragon "1 player" by mamuuuut in 02:50.69
2252 Genesis Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine by Flip in 07:15.70
2700 Genesis Duke Nukem 3D by Dimon12321 in 20:03.75
2681 Genesis Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun by ars4326 in 22:15.22
This is the games way of saying 'You have crabs' 1599 Genesis Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun by teh_noj in 29:33.42 This is the games way of saying 'You have crabs'
3599 Genesis Dynamite Headdy by anonymous user in 32:39.59
880 Genesis Dynamite Headdy by emu in 33:22.82
1239 Genesis Earnest Evans by adelikat in 07:51.48
733 Genesis Earnest Evans by Ouzo in 08:55.98
3018 Genesis Earnest Evans by Samsara in 07:36.54
5952 Genesis Earthworm Jim 2 by Flip in 19:56.52
3012 Genesis Earthworm Jim 2 by YamiAmarillo in 21:15.06
397 Genesis Earthworm Jim by slash_star_dash in 29:04.35

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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