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#38672276706293120 - Ikari 1 (NES), area 1 wip

Ikari Warriors-wip_area1.bk2
In 06:51.27 (24717 frames), 1687 rerecords
Game: Ikari Warriors ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 4/29/2017 2:23 PM by ktwo (see all 29)
area 1 wip

#37632573128480213 - Screen gets completely filled with garbage sprites

Ikari Warriors (U)-screen_mess.fm2
In 00:13.13 (789 frames), 0 rerecords
Game: Ikari Warriors ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 3/13/2017 6:37 PM by ktwo (see all 29)
Achieved in the section where the helicopter is in stage 4. Reason unknown, but this has happened in the past as well. It's only in this section it has been observed though.

#37584614244415990 - Ikari 1, fuel drop in stage 3

Ikari Warriors (U)-3-5_heli_to_end.fm2
In 03:18.87 (11952 frames), 25 rerecords
Game: Ikari Warriors ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 3/11/2017 2:47 PM by ktwo (see all 29)
Movie uploaded for the purpose of understanding the fuel dropped by the tank at around frame 1600.

#8147176542878440 -

Solar Jetman - bypass big enemy planet 7.fm2
In 00:12.08 (726 frames), 3 rerecords
Uploaded 7/24/2013 9:24 PM by ktwo (see all 29)