User Files from ktwo

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#638422276852177345 - Totem pole clipping

In 02:02.08 (7337 frames), 55676 rerecords
Uploaded 1/30/2024 4:08 PM by ktwo (see all 28)
Saves 8f over going around the totem pole

#638420542263171047 - Room 15 improvement

In 05:02.92 (18205 frames), 53046 rerecords
Uploaded 1/28/2024 3:57 PM by ktwo (see all 28)
23f faster in room 15 than the currently published TAS

#638318617706031606 - Tower 5 improvement

In 13:15.54 (47811 frames), 21858 rerecords
Game: Castelian ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 10/2/2023 4:42 PM by ktwo (see all 28)
In each tower, the top section can be made to "glitch" ( While the mechanic has been known, it was only recently seen implemented in RTA runs. Presumably first by YuaRyuc,
The uploaded movie saves almost half a second in tower 5 thanks to the new finding. When continuing to TAS the remaining towers, the uploaded movie file is at one point 33 frames ahead of the current TAS (due to favorable "random" lag). However, it falls behind during the transition to the bonus level of tower 7 ("random" lag) and never recovers, clocking in 3 frames after the current TAS.
It seems like it should be possible to (e.g.) play around with the screen transitions of the earlier towers to find a combination not resulting in the extremely laggy screen transition to the 7th bonus level. However, that is nothing I plan to do.

#638292604205474479 - Area 4 Room 3 conceptual solution

Krusty's Super Fun House (USA)_A4R3.bk2
In 02:02.50 (7362 frames), 1203 rerecords
Uploaded 9/2/2023 2:07 PM by ktwo (see all 28)
Conceptual solution of A4R3 that is faster than the currently published TAS. The movie is far from optimized, so better rat (and block?) management could likely save more time.
Room numbers as labeled in the code (Area: $33, Room: $32)

#638259530905910086 - Wall clip left, Hollywood 2

In 00:10.78 (648 frames), 9334 rerecords
Uploaded 7/26/2023 7:24 AM by ktwo (see all 28)
Demonstration of clipping into the wall on the left, with minimal (?) inputs

#638248599417017841 - New PR11 route

In 03:55.28 (14140 frames), 35484 rerecords
Uploaded 7/13/2023 3:45 PM by ktwo (see all 28)
A few frames faster palace room 11 route. The movie is not frame-optimized. The purpose is just to demonstrate the new route.

#638231974742825749 - Sync of Aqfaq's movie

loneranger6boss - sync.fm2
In 27:17.47 (98410 frames), 28111 rerecords
Uploaded 6/24/2023 9:57 AM by ktwo (see all 28)
Movie originally created by Aqfaq in FCEU 0.98.15. The intention of the uploaded movie is to sync Aqfaq's movie on a modern emulator. The movie desyncs near the end of chapter 6 (a bit before Aqfaq's movie stopped).

#638231973175319437 - Basic stats

Lone Ranger, The.wch
Uploaded 6/24/2023 9:55 AM by ktwo (see all 28)
Player position, health and inventory

#638097610555413379 - Tower 5 improvement

In 11:25.55 (40946 frames), 5094 rerecords
Game: Castelian ( GB, see all files )
Uploaded 1/19/2023 9:37 PM by ktwo (see all 28)
47 frames of improvement over the current TAS (4838M). This was the result of a fairly quick test (without even using RAM-watch) and is probably possible to optimize further. The last three towers don't sync, but it's just a matter of lag, so would be trivial if anyone is interested.

#638049216706166771 - Dragon's Lair (U) improvement

Dragon's Lair (U)_23686_ktwo.bk2
In 06:34.12 (23686 frames), 11869 rerecords
Game: Dragon's Lair ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 11/24/2022 9:21 PM by ktwo (see all 28)
75 frame improvement over the submitted movie. The time save comes from better Lizard King manipulations in level 4.