User Files for Wizards & Warriors III: Kuros: Visions of Power

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#637936906504856178 - NES Wizards & Warriors III: Kuros: Visions of Power Ram Watch file

Uploaded 7/17/2022 9:37 PM by TASVideoAgent (see all 129)
(Ported from Legacy Address Set 107) BizHawk Ram Watch file for NES Wizards & Warriors III: Kuros: Visions of Power

#66720987530792477 - Wizards & Warriors III new start route

In 00:11.91 (716 frames), 38 rerecords
Uploaded 10/13/2020 6:45 PM by Dacicus (see all 26)
This is 6 frames faster than the current publication. The key to passing through the roof seems to be jumping for 7 input frames when Kuros's horizontal position is 0x01A1.

#42668396199674685 - Wizards & Warriors III Thief Guild Guardian Despawn

In 01:08.45 (4114 frames), 118 rerecords
Uploaded 10/26/2017 1:34 PM by Dacicus (see all 26)
Unoptimized input file that despawns the thief guild guardian. The relevant input starts around frame 3400. To be used for debugging this glitch, which originally was discovered by theLimitBreak here. Unknown if this is faster than the current method of taking damage to get through the guardian.
The assembly at 08:83F2 seems to be relevant for spawning enemies. The guardian specifically is checked when $00BD is 0x1B. The LDA ($22),Y instructions load the enemy X low byte, enemy X high byte, enemy Y low byte, and enemy Y high byte, in that order. Jumps and branches to $83FE and $8485 end the processing for the current enemy.

#41017993550188495 - Wizards & Warriors III v5 WIP 07

In 02:58.21 (10710 frames), 952 rerecords
Uploaded 8/13/2017 5:44 AM by Dacicus (see all 26)
Brings the run back up to leaving the building with the silver thief statue. Frame numbers of key points in the update (published move -> WIP):
 9238 ->  9220: Enter building with silver thief statue ($00B6 = 0x31)
10366 -> 10100: Guardian HP = 0 ($049D)
10381 -> 10119: Enter room with statue ($00B6 = 0x36)
10834 -> 10554: Leave room after getting statue ($00B6 = 0x31)
10984 -> 10697: Leave building ($00B6 = 0x19)
Total frames saved = 287.

#40862823963150726 - Wizards & Warriors III v5 WIP 06

In 02:33.58 (9230 frames), 462 rerecords
Uploaded 8/6/2017 6:01 AM by Dacicus (see all 26)
Brings the run back up to the building with the silver thief statue. Frame numbers of key points in the update (published move -> WIP):
3621 -> 3612: Enter thief 1 guild ($00B6 = 0x3B)
4009 -> 4000: Enter thief 1 trial ($00B6 = 0x62)
6876 -> 6867: Trial boss HP = 0 ($049E)
7909 -> 7900: Leave guild ($00B6 = 0x19)
8218 -> 8206: Enter shop to buy 3 keys ($00B6 = 0x5F)
8871 -> 8855: Leave shop ($00B6 = 0x19)
9238 -> 9220: Enter building with silver thief statue ($00B6 = 0x31)
Total frames saved = 18

#40802538490803240 - Wizards & Warriors III v5 WIP 05

In 01:01.57 (3700 frames), 220 rerecords
Uploaded 8/3/2017 12:52 PM by Dacicus (see all 26)
Restarted the run after discovering a trick that allows you to get up to maximum horizontal speed more quickly by jumping from a crouching movement. See the Game Resources page for details. Thanks to FatRatKnight for helping find the trick.
Frame numbers of key points in the update (published move -> WIP):
1801 -> 1799: Enter shop after collecting money ($00B6 = 0x5F)
2731 -> 2729: Enter building with bronze thief statue ($00B6 = 0x1A)
3157 -> 3148: Leave building ($00B6 = 0x19)
3621 -> 3612: Enter thief 1 guild ($00B6 = 0x3B)
Total frames saved = 9

#40733792451181818 - Wizards & Warriors III v5 WIP 03

In 04:42.62 (16985 frames), 17721 rerecords
Uploaded 7/31/2017 10:34 AM by Dacicus (see all 26)
Completes the second thief guild. Attack interruption turned out not to be necessary. Maybe it will show up in the third guild. Input from the published run was copied over at the end, but it desyncs before reaching the building with the gold thief statue. I expect that this will be easier to fix than the previous situation, however, since it's basically just moving left and jumping at the proper frame.
Frame numbers of key points in the update (published move -> WIP):
15341 -> 15141: Thief 2 boss HP loads ($049F = 0x10)
15812 -> 15568: Thief 2 boss HP = 0
15925 -> 15663: Pick up statue after defeating boss
16264 -> 15996: First text box appears saying congratulations
16334 -> 16066: Final text box disappears
16846 -> 16578: Leave thief 2 guild ($00B6 = 0x19)
Total frames saved = 268

#40699292099763248 - Wizards & Warriors III v5 WIP 02

In 04:12.00 (15145 frames), 17620 rerecords
Uploaded 7/29/2017 9:16 PM by Dacicus (see all 26)
Extends the previous WIP to the fight with the boss of the second thief guild. Input from the published run was copied over, but a lot of testing was required to fix Kuros's X-subpixel position ($02D4). I finally got it somewhat close (off by 0x0F at important points) by replacing input with blank frames at frames 10711-10712, 10721-10722, and 11090-11091. The first two spots were while walking back through the room with the guardian, and the third was while making a jump between buildings.
Frame numbers of key points in the update (published move -> WIP):
10984 -> 10784: Leave building with silver thief statue ($00B6 = 0x19)
12002 -> 11802: Land on ledge with thief 3 guild flashing guardian
12405 -> 12205: Enter thief 2 guild ($00B6 = 0x3C)
12863 -> 12663: Enter thief 2 trial ($00B6 = 0x63)
15341 -> 15141: Thief 2 boss health loads ($049F = 0x10) 
Total frames saved = 200

#40688149441849445 - Wizards & Warriors III Hitbox Lua for FCEUX

Uploaded 7/29/2017 9:14 AM by Dacicus (see all 26)
For use in FCEUX. Displays hitboxes for Kuros's weapon and other things. The other hitboxes are derived from the thief 2 and 3 guild bosses, so there may be errors for objects other than those bosses.

#40687988043960748 - Wizards & Warriors III v5 WIP 01

In 03:00.20 (10830 frames), 17389 rerecords
Uploaded 7/29/2017 9:03 AM by Dacicus (see all 26)
Improvement in the fight with the guardian of the silver thief statue. Based on RTA strategy from Everything else up to that point is copied from the currently published movie.
Frame numbers of key points in the fight (published move -> WIP):
10366 -> 10136: Guardian HP = 0 ($049D)
10381 -> 10180: Enter room with statue ($00B6 = 0x36)
10530 -> 10330: Pick up statue
10536 -> 10336: Start of text that you got statue
10594 -> 10394: Text box disappears
10834 -> 10634: Leave room with statue ($00B6 = 0x31)
10984 -> 10784: Leave building with statue ($00B6 = 0x19)
Total frames saved = 200
The seeming loss of frames between HP=0 and entering the room with the statue probably results from the different horizontal position at which the guardian dies.

#40227492333481211 - Wizards & Warriors III Thief Boss Hitbox Display

Uploaded 7/8/2017 3:20 PM by Dacicus (see all 26)
Displays the hitbox and status value from RAM for thief trial bosses. May work for other enemies. The important box for causing the boss to lunge backwards is the one for its weapon. The following criteria all must be met for the thief 2 and 3 bosses to make them lunge backwards:
  • Status must be 0x97
  • Kuros_left < Enemy_right
  • Kuros_right >= Enemy_left
  • Kuros_top < Enemy_bottom
  • Kuros_bottom >= Enemy_top
Kuros_left and so forth refer to the edges of the hitbox for Kuros's weapon. Enemy_right and so forth refer to the edges of the hitbox for the boss's weapon. Values increase from left to right and from top to bottom across the screen.

#40224233649342720 - Wizards & Warriors III Kuros Weapon Hitbox Display

Uploaded 7/8/2017 11:48 AM by Dacicus (see all 26)
Draws the hitbox for the currently held weapon. The thief 2 crowbar is special because its hitbox has length and height of 0 in certain stances. This is why it is so hard to cause damage with it. In those cases, a box is drawn with a target inside, and the coordinates for the hitbox are at the center of the target. As far as I can tell, enemies have to hit that center point to take damage.

#40142324740416001 - Wizards & Warriors III Thief 2 Boss Improvement

In 04:30.06 (16230 frames), 17254 rerecords
Uploaded 7/4/2017 7:16 PM by Dacicus (see all 26)
Boss fight improved by 34 frames using attack pattern interruption.

#40137754283908266 - Wizards & Warriors III Thief 2 Boss Attack Interrupt

In 00:09.58 (576 frames), 18 rerecords
Uploaded 7/4/2017 2:20 PM by Dacicus (see all 26)
Demonstration of how to interrupt part of the thief 2 boss attack pattern. Also works with the thief 3 boss.

#39994572803987137 - Wizards & Warriors III Knight Guild Skip

In 00:09.90 (595 frames), 25 rerecords
Uploaded 6/28/2017 3:35 AM by Dacicus (see all 26)
Glitch that allows skipping the knight guilds. Movie created based on this description by QoNe.