TODO: Clean this up, remove unnecessary info, and fix formatting, copy/pasted from Google Code.

Old versions of VBA are known to have cheat related vulnerabilities that can compromise the security of your system if you load a malicious cheat file. Avoid using or use with caution!
The Github releases should fix this, but do be aware the last release was in 2017 and the code hasn't been actively maintained since 2019, so they may have other issues.

VBA-ReRecording is the re-recording branch of the stable 1.7.2 version of VisualBoyAdvance, a Game Boy / Super Game Boy / Game Boy Color / Game Boy Advance emulator.
The primary function of this branch is to expand features related to the creation of Tool-assisted movies.



Old Downloads

Deprecated Dowloads


The Linux port is currently unmaintained and thus out-dated. It may work incorrectly, or even fail to compile completely. A workaround is to use the Win32 build under WINE (reported working) or something similar.
Never use revisions 418 and 420, or they'll try to erase all of your input from your movie during recording!
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EmulatorResources/VBA last edited by RetroEdit on 8/20/2024 3:46 PM
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