I've discovered a new technique, that has a lot of potential to be really useful in future TASes:
It's a new way to slide with the full speed of 18 (27), which is the same as supersliding.
This trick has a few advantages over supersliding but also a lot disadvantages.
- Only requieres a source of damage to set up (everything works: bombs, chus, enemies etc.)
- doesn't need a grabable item, so it saves a bomb at some places, where you actually wanted to do a superslide with a bomb and an enemy
- allows you to do "superslide" at places, where we haven't been able to superslide before. As we get bombs pretty lately in the any% and all temple runs, there are a few places, where this trick saves a lot of time like the haunted wasteland on the way to the spirit temple as child linl
- you have the ability to change your angle while sliding
- you have to roll a good amount of frames later into the source of damage than you would do when you wanted to superslide, so you get the speed more lately
- whenever you turn around a bit you loose a well amount of speed. you start with superslide speed, which is 18 and every turn makes you loose a speed of 2. as the infinite superslide after supersliding has speed 10, the infinite superslide is quicker after 5 times turning around
- you are only able to change your angle a bit to either left or right while only loosing a speed of 2, so you're really limited at turning around
- makes an annoying sound while doing it (as we aim for time, this shouldn't actually be listed as a disadvantage)
this trick will help at a few places in the child section of the any% run and also in the beginning of the all temples run.
here is, how it works:
- roll into a source of damage like you would do when you want to mega flip
- hold forward at the end of the roll
- search for the first frame you can let go of the shield button, so link still blocks the damage
- let go of Z and R at the same time and press Z 3 frames afterwards
- now keep pressing Z every 3rd frame to keep the speed
- Z targetting an enemy cancels the slide, so doing this with targetable enemies turns out to be really hard. I actually haven't been able to do this with enemies like leevers yet
to make this technique really useful, we have to figure out 2 things:
- changing the angle by more than just 20 degree without loosing much speed
- not cancelling the slide when z-targetting enemies
wow, way too much stuff, I've just written. I hope you understand everything I wrote and will help me to make this new technique even more useful ;)