Part1 Part2
Sorry, I have to vote no. In fact, this run is slower than the published run except text, though McBobX improved in some place. In too many place, McBobX, you should do better indeed. For example, you lost too much time in this.

Did J rom's enemies are more than U rom's?
I'm interesting in this place.

Is it some thing different between U and J? Zero is nearer the door in J rom. But I only found it happened twice in the mission. Or is it means there are some faster way to through the doors?
This is the
comparison avisynth file what I made. I hope it can help the judge, because of more info. And I hope this comparison can help someone to improve in the future.
I haven't made another comparison. Maybe wait 1 or 2 weeks later. The GBA's comparison is very hard to make, because VBA always output 1 more frames about per 200 frames. Which version I used, VBA-rr v23.5 svn421.
edit: I forget to say maybe there are 1 or 2 frames faster or slower in the middle of this comparison, because VBA always output 1 more frames about per 200 frames.