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.bk2 movie: User movie #638561133860455748 .dtm movie (oddly this seems to be 8 frames longer in duration??): User movie #638567315518273591 Instructions are listed in their respective user files descriptions, though it's less readable than I expected (new lines don't seem to get saved). Edit by feos: Fixed links.
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feos wrote:
It used to sync for others, is it at least known why it fails in your case?
Wii Party seeds its main RNG value using the console's TB register, which increments every 12 CPU cycles. It seems that Dolphin 5,0-16793 and its corresponding BizHawk Dolphin Core build don't land on the same TB value for some reason (at least in my TAS), leading to different outcomes and causing a desync.
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I've started work on a TAS using BizHawk Dolphin Core, but it is starting to look like it might not be able to sync on regular Dolphin. To be clear, the TAS syncs absolutely fine on the BizHawk build - just not on the corresponding official Dolphin build. Would this be acceptable to submit to the site?
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When dumping video and audio for Wii, the framerate will be about double what it should be (120fps instead of 60fps), but otherwise looks fine. I haven't checked GC.
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Attempting to save or load states via Lua scripting on the latest version of Dolphin Core seems to cause BizHawk to freeze up, at least for Wii. Saving and loading states by any other means seems to work fine.
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Winslinator wrote:
I think there are two routing improvements to be had here. The first actually involves finishing off Donkey Kong Jr. with Modern Easy. This is because once you've earned 5 stars in all four modes for one of the base games, you're awarded an extra 5 stars. And since this TAS already completed three of the Donkey Kong Jr. game modes, that means getting 1000 points in Donkey Kong Jr. Modern Easy effectively awards 10 stars!
Are you sure about this? Checking the save file for my recent playthrough of Game & Watch Gallery 3, I have a total of 100 stars, whereas I should have 105 if this was the case (I got 5 on all modes for Mario Bros). Additionally, this would mean the max stars achievable is 175 instead of 150, which doesn't line up with what I've seen online. (It also makes putting a "Congratulations" screen at 150 rather than 175 a bit strange...)
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Was thinking earlier this month about making a TAS of this myself! Very cool, excited to watch.
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I've watched the first half hour of this TAS. This is a weird one for me. On the one hand, this is quite different to a lot of the other Undertale TASes I've seen published on the site. It's showcasing a whole lot of weird things for the purpose of showcasing them, which I like! On the other hand, a lot of the stuff getting shown off does start to feel old and same-y after a while, and the constant cacophony of overlapping music becomes frustrating to listen to after a while. Apparently this TAS was originally made with additional graphics and music mods in mind, which may well contribute to the entertainment value. I don't know if that would be acceptable on TASVideos, but seeing as this submission already has a modified save file, it seems worth thinking about. Overall, while I enjoy the idea of seeing more TASes in the vein of the SMW glitchfest, I don't think I could find myself wanting to watch the full 4 hours of this. Meh vote.
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Masterjun wrote:
I'm not sure how much I can take this as a fact. But if this statement meant something like "Because a TASVideos judge said that the wasted frames were not entertaining, entire communities lost faith in the entire site", then I think this reaction is more dramatic than justified.
I don't know how many communities OceanBagel was talking about here. However, I did mention on Discord the day before his post that the Wii series speedrunning community had also lost some faith in TASVideos as a result of this judgement, so it's possible that's where the "multiple" comes from, in which case I can probably give some more context. tendog was pretty active in the Wii series speedrunning community around this time, having submitted a Wii Sports Golf TAS to TASVideos only 3 months prior, so his next submission to TASVideos and the feedback it received ended up getting some attention there as well. The dissatisfaction with how things went was more related to the submission as a whole (the "rejected for being a demo" was probably a bigger point of frustration tbh), and was ultimately not the entire reason that the community came to lose interest in TASVideos. Negative feedback towards the Golf TAS mentioned prior, misunderstandings about how the "clean SRAM" and "must beat all known records" rules interacted, and the rejection later in 2019 of two Wii Party TASes - one for "being a minigame" despite not being a minigame - all helped contribute to feelings of hostility. The Deltarune TAS was simply one of many events over the course of 12 months that helped solidify that.
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Did you discuss things with Blazingmo at all prior to posting this? You cite the submission as evidence that "people don't want to go through SRAM verification hassle" and say that "the author's never gonna feel the need to make a movie with SRAM enabled", but it seems to me that unless Blazingmo has actually told you this directly, you're just making assumptions about his interests and intentions. Many TASers choose to TAS with SRAM disabled because they find that a preferable category, or make new iterations of a TAS for small and big improvements over and over again. This is Blazingmo's second submission of this exact game, even.
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Deciding how to vote wasn't hard - I always enjoy watching TASes of Wario Land 4, and this one was no exception. That said, I do feel like I might have enjoyed this a bit less than the other current publications. While it definitely shows off some routes that aren't in the others, the lack of zips did make everything feel a bit more same-y across the run, so it feels like it loses variety in the process of gaining some. That said, 3 out of the 4 published branches are just different difficulty options, whereas this aims to do something much more substantially different, which I like.
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Samsara wrote:
Thank you for doing this! Also, if you want the Editor role so you can add these warnings yourself, let me know and it's yours.
That would be great, thank you so much for the offer!
alexheights1 wrote:
Auditory epilepsy is a real thing and can be caused by ZX Spectrum loading noise.
This brings up an interesting point - most discussions of epilepsy prior to this have focused on photosensitive epilepsy, but if static noise can also cause seizures that's potentially another issue to consider. Would it be possible for you to link to some more information about the condition in question? The results I get looking up auditory epilepsy mainly seem to focus on noise as a symptom rather than a trigger.
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Masterjun wrote:
In that case, why not just "savegame" or "saved game" like wikipedia calls it.
I'm gonna second this idea from Masterjun. "Savegame" is still a bit difficult to understand at a glance, and not particularly popularly used in speedrunning, but I've racked my brain for any kind of better term that covers all possibilities like this, and I can't come up with anything. At best you would use more specialised terms depending on the situation (some games may benefit from having some, but not all, things unlocked for instance), but I don't think that's what's being asked for here.
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I've been bringing up examples of movies that might warrant the addition of an epilepsy warning to their publication text for a while now, but I wanted somewhere more formal to post about it. fsvgm777 suggested that I make a forum thread to post further examples, which should hopefully give other people a better place to bring up examples as well. Starting off: I think that it might be worth adding a warning to SMS and GG Sonic 1, specifically in regards to the Sky Base section and GG's final boss.
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feos wrote:
I think this proves that game installation deserves to be in a separate movie if a CD is used. Do you know if floppy disk installation has the same problem?
I don't, unfortunately. I'm not even sure if I currently have a working floppy disk reader...
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feos wrote:
Oh god so it makes a difference in the end D:
Well, I did a little bit of testing from the v2 verification movie before this, and the same starting times were longer there. So I suspect that either the removal of daylight savings doesn't actually get saved due to restarting during OOBE, or that it just takes longer during DST anyways for some reason.
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DigitalDuck wrote:
Every "long" load occurs during daylight savings time, and every "short" load occurs outside of it. I wonder if that's relevant.
Great observation, I hadn't noticed that at all!
Post subject: Navigating bootup
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The duration of time it takes for Windows XP to actually finish booting up and take you to the desktop is rather inconsistent between different time-and-dates in libTAS (with half of the outcomes being a full 17 seconds longer!). I've documented the duration and outcome of some of these possible starting times in a spreadsheet here: Windows XP in general seems to be rather sensitive and unpredictable with lag. Simply moving the mouse around on screen seems to be able to affect the duration of loading times (often for the worse), and clicking on things the first frame they appear often seems to result in slower loading times than waiting a few frames beforehand. Without a better understanding of exactly what Windows does behind the scenes with managing tasks, the best solution here seems to be one of trial and error. Regarding avoidance of the mouse, I've found a rather comprehensive cheatsheet for keyboard shortcuts that may prove useful to others: CD loading times in particular seem to present a difficult hazard for TASing, as loading earlier savestates after PCem has started reading from the CD image seems to cause desyncs, and even strange errors from XP itself on some occasions: Running the movie from the very start seems to give consistent timings without errors, but combined with XP's strange lag inconsistencies, it seems game installation in particular is likely to be a pain to optimise.
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LogansGamingRoom wrote:
2. i noticed that you used “Gens” as your emulator. Gens isn’t preferred for emulating the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive. instead, most of us like to use a multi-platform emulator called “BizHawk”. you can download it from this very website.
From what I gather, Gens is still overwhelmingly preferred among Sonic TASers due to a discrepancy in specialised tools available.
Post subject: Screen tearing and broken v-sync
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Testing out the PCem Windows XP config, a number of games I've tested have had an issue with screen tearing. This seems to occur regardless of the game's performance, though altering the monitor refresh rate can sometimes affect how the tearing presents itself visually (for instance, raising it from 60Hz to 100Hz made the tearing appear more as a slowly moving scanline in high-performing areas of one game). The games themselves didn't have any options to turn off v-sync, but there was an option in the 3dfx Advanced Features menu. Turning this on revealed a larger problem; 3dfx D3D v-sync is completely broken, causing flickering bars to appear across the screen that make gameplay completely unwatchable (and also have some strange z-buffer interactions). My best guess is that this is some sort of driver bug, though I've only been able to find two pages that sound like they might be addressing the same issue (listed below). I've already mentioned all of this on Discord, but have made a forum post about the issue at feos's request.
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feos wrote:
I have a feeling OOB mouse in this game fits the artistic decision to use or forgo speed techniques for entertainment, but reducing the wait is arguably also more entertaining, so I'm not sure that the current publication could showcase.
I agree with the classification of inbound mouse as an artistic choice, and that there isn't really much entertainment value offered by it over this one in doing so. That said, I think since both of these movies are made by the same runner, it's important to ask Spikestuff what they want to do about things. (If the movies can't exist side-by-side due to similarities and lack of entertainment, which one would she want to have up? This one through an obsoletion, or the other by sending this to Playground?)
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