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Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Former player
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Cruising around the forums, I found several topics relating to similar projects that have all been abandonned or postponed (or perhaps completed ... I haven't tried EME or gens editor). The question now is, should the best features be incorporated into this tool or are they already represented well enough in their respective tools? I'm kind of hoping to eventually have an all encompassing tool, but is that really feasible? I would like to think so, but several attempts have obviously been made. The main focus I had was to make the best possible SMV editor (though vSNES's editor is very good). The secondary goal here is to provide a way to edit FCM files natively (without needing to convert to FMV then back). Finally, I'd like to pack as many useful (read: cool) features into this as possible. Realistically though, if this can serve as a 100% functional copy-pasting utility for SMV/FCM files, I guess I'd be happy, but I like a challenge ;)
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Quick update today:

- FCM::Frame Input now populated
- FCM::Pagination implemented
- SMV::Fixed bug in Add Frames routine (should work properly now)
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I'd have to say the Prince of Persia 2 glitch :)
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DeHackEd wrote:
My view of the problem is that from the point of view of an X-Box, it's based on a regular computer and has a lot of the same issues as doing save-states with Wine or DosBOX or etc.
So are you saying it's not feasible to do savestates from something like DosBOX? The hardware requirements for a lot of those old games is rather low, so you'd think on newer machines it shouldn't be too difficult to buffer the state and restore it later. I don't know much about this process though, so consider this a question, not a comment ;)
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Warp wrote:
How does "it's" sound righter than "its"? They are pronounced the same (AFAIK). They just mean completely different things.
They are pronounced the same, but one is possessive (its) and the other is a contraction of "it is" (or "it has").
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Nice work guys. Hard to vote anything but three thumbs up (yes, i'm a mutant and have an extra hand ... don't be a dick about it cause i used it to give you an extra thumbs up)
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Wow, I've never heard of Dahv before, but I think JXQ would win hands down. I hope I'm not insulting any fans here, but this girl's like a third rate Criss Cross :P (ah, flashback to 1990 ... when wearing your clothes backwards was cool ... wait, that was never cool)
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Not really my cup of tea, but not bad at all. I tried fronting a band in college, but I couldn't produce the requisite gutteral screams that our music required ... that and I just wasn't very good. Keep up the good work though. If you do an album entirely dedicated to tasing and retrogames, we might see you at e3 or defcon one day :)
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Need more help :( I've got initial FCM input parsing down, but it's terminating the loop far too early. Code is below:
  public FCMControllerData(ref byte[] byteArray, int controllerDataOffset, int controllerDataLength)
    controllerData = new ArrayList();                                
    int position = controllerDataOffset;
    int frameCount = 0;
    int[] joop = {0,0,0,0};                

    while (controllerDataLength > 0)
        int updateType = byteArray[position] >> 7;
        int NDelta = (byteArray[position] >> 5 ) & 3;
        int delta = 0;
        int data = byteArray[position] & 0x1F;
        ++position; --controllerDataLength;

        switch (NDelta)
            case 0:
            case 1:
                delta |= byteArray[position++];
            case 2:
                delta |= byteArray[position++];
                delta |= byteArray[position++] << 8;
            case 3:
                delta |= byteArray[position++];
                delta |= byteArray[position++] << 8;
                delta |= byteArray[position++] <<16> 0)
        while(delta > 0)
            // Save the controlled data                                                                                                                                  

        if (controllerDataLength > NDelta)
            controllerDataLength -= NDelta;
            controllerDataLength = 0;

        if (updateType == 0) // Controller data
            int ctrlno = (data >> 3);
            joop[ctrlno] ^= (1 << (data & 7));
            if (ctrlno == 0) { controller1 = true; }
            if (ctrlno == 1) { controller2 = true; }
            if (ctrlno == 2) { controller3 = true; }
            if (ctrlno == 3) { controller4 = true; }                       

The problem seems to be with the initial decrement of the controllerDataLength (byte read in from fcm at 0x14). Bisqwit's been helpful, but i'm mildly retarded so I can't seem to figure this out. I can't take the decrement out or the array will read itself out of bounds. Any ideas are welcome. Once I can get this working, a new version should be available :) EDIT: Turns out the problem was that i'm retarded and wasn't reading enough info in from the header (1 byte vs. 4 bytes). Problem solved. Thanks everyone.
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Location: Toronto, Ontario is the only Royal Ontario Museum site i know of ... i'm assuming that's what you're looking for (ps ... check out the bat cave ... always been my favourite)
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Former player
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heck yes
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Thanks Vidar, that's definitely a good idea ... though it's going to be a long time before I even get a grasp of the basics :P
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Well colour me corrected :) Always good to know more about how these programs work
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Former player
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Well that's a definite strike against taking those courses then
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Turns out the University of Toronto actually has a Department of Slavic Languages and Literature ... who'd a thunk it :P
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:P InterTran isn't all that great it would seem Truncated: Thanks. I'll definitely take you up on the offer.
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Thanks a lot guys. (Kiittää te erittäin hyvin?)
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Thanks ... guess I shouldn't generalize until I know more about geography too :P
Post subject: Learning Languages
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Former player
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This is REALLY off topic, but it's something i've been into for a long time. I love to learn new languages, and two that I've been interested in for a long time are Finnish and Swedish. I've looked into Rosetta Stone and Berlitz, but seeing as there's a good sized Norwegian user base here, I'm just curious if you guys have any suggestions or recommendations as to a good place to start? I've already got French and Hungarian (and some Italian and German) under my belt, but I don't think these form much of a base to help. I know this won't make me a better metal frontman, but it can't hurt :P
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Forgive me if I'm a tad ignorant as far as the inner workings of the emulators are concerned, but what would be the advantage of storing those values versus frame input?
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Interesting indeed. There are a few sites like that now (makes getting through the work day more bareable and diverts your attention from, you know, work =P). If you like that, check out (available in French and English)
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Former player
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Is backwards compatibility with < 1.5 SMVs planned?
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Nitsuja, just out of curiosity, is the only change to the movie format for 1.5 the additional peripheral input support?
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Two thumbs up from me on this one :)
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Kind of abandoned this run while I worked on a movie editing application. Though the whole point of it was to help me splice this particular run (turns out I forgot to get a keyword earlier on), doing it by hand would have likely taken a few hours, versus the month I've put into writing the tool. Oh well, live and learn :P I'm going to be picking this back up now. I needed the hiring keyword so I could get runners to join me. I'm not sure who's coming on the Rust Stilletto's run yet (meat shield vs. actual fighter), but I know I'm going to get Kitsune once I'm done and keep her through the Rat Shaman (as she stays with you for the rest of the game ... unless she dies, after that point). The reasoning here is that she's got a shitload of MP and some good higher level spells, and that would save me having to collect some items to get spells ... and level them up. Still planning though. I want to try to work it out that I only have to visit the Dog Shaman once.
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