Posts for Warp

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ElectroSpecter wrote:
Also, looks like the cake isn't a lie.
That may be so, but there is no spoon.
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Perhaps this means that we can finally stop abusing for wips, cancelled and rejected movies (because they can be put on youtube regardless of length), and use it for its intended purpose (ie. archive only published movies).
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What would be the advantage?
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rhebus wrote:
Gruefood delight is unofficial (ie not approved by TASvideos as a site, but only by the regulars who maintain it). A gruefood award should be just as unofficial as the gruefood delight itself. alden's post shows how the idea can work well. And since it's unofficial, anyone can do such a list if alden doesn't want to.
Soon we will have unofficial stars (and moons) unofficially awarded to gruefood submissions...
Post subject: Re: not for everyone
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Bisqwit wrote:
Each of these clips was around 10 to 20 seconds long.
I'm almost completely certain that using 20 seconds of a 20-minute TV episode falls into fair use under international copyright laws (as well as local copyright laws in the vast majority of jurisdictions), so those copyright holders are just abusing their powers and Google's zero tolerance policies. Of course trying to fight back can get quite messy and nasty, and definitely not worth the 10-20 seconds of video.
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I think it would be a bit odd to effectively say "this run was not good enough to be published, but good enough for an award". Perhaps the awarded run could get published as an additional reward?
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moozooh wrote:
"Stealing" a published run (as in reposting it elsewhere without author's explicit consent) was never a huge problem as long as it still had author information, explanation that it was a TAS, and a link to this site.
It might not been a huge problem, but it has happened. For example that infamous relatively recent case where someone was uploading TASes to YouTube, and deliberately stripping the "this is a tool-assisted recording" message and the reference to from the beginning. I don't know if the motivation was to steal credit (IIRC he didn't explicitly claim he the run, unassisted or not, but at the very least it was implied by not telling anything explicit about the source of the video), to sabotage TASing by spreading misinformation, or just pure vandalism (which is probably the most likely reason).
Post subject: Re: Bejeweled Blitz
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PoochyEXE wrote:
Anyway, not too long ago, I made a Facebook account for the express purpose of fiddling around with the games, and then I discovered a way to TAS Bejeweled Blitz: Slow it down to 1/10th speed, play in slow motion, then post the replay at the end, which will play back at full speed.
The random number generator on such a flash game is most probably not tied to user input (as is the case with most games in the old consoles), and possibly not even to any timer (in other words, the RNG is probably just seeded once when the game is started and then values pulled from it as needed). However, even in such a situation it would still be possible to "abuse" the RNG to give more favorable tiles by choosing some moves instead of the most obvious ones (even if the colors of the new tiles are always the same, their placement can be affected by how you destroy existing tiles). However, this kind of optimization would require savestates, which doesn't seem to be possible, according to your description. This would reduce the optimization possibilities. As for whether such a run would nevertheless be accepted, that's up to discussion. (Personally I don't find it objectionable. It's a replay file played on an "unmodified" game, so at least on that regard it seems acceptable; unless, of course, there's a way to cheat by hex-editing the replay file to do things which are impossible.)
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Aktan wrote:
I think that was a paraphrase of a comment that was made on YouTube. The comment was "dude if this is what happens when megaman saves the world, maybe wily isn't so bad".
I still maintain that this run is how Megaman himself views it, after taking LSD.
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If an emulator is written in C or C++, especially if it's designed to be highly portable (iow. it's not littered with eg. Windows-only code) it wouldn't be unthinkable to try to port it for the iPhone. The only issue would be to design an appropriate UI and to integrate the emulator there. (There are many C programs and libraries which have been successfully ported to the iPhone, eg. nethack and the chipmunk library.)
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Scepheo wrote:
There's a difference; each of those medals (or awards) were awarded for something different. One could very well win the best male actor, without winning best female actor (or the other way around) but it's currently impossible for, say, a NES TAS to win TAS of the Year without winning NES TAS of the Year.
Perhaps a good comparison would be: Imagine if the movie which is awarded the oscar for best picture was also automatically awarded the oscar for best director (because one could argue that the former implies the latter). If this were the case, the latter oscar would probably simply be dropped because it's redundant. The one and only "best picture" oscar would implicitly signify also "best director". (I'm not saying here that the "best platform TAS" award should be dropped. I'm just drawing a comparison.)
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moozooh wrote:
I meant that being free or proprietary doesn't in any way indicate how well does a compressor perform in terms of compression ratio, speed, or efficiency, and I don't remember the OP being concerned with the "problem" of commercialware*.
I think that the idea was that if the two programs compress about equally well in average, the free program/format combo is preferable to the proprietary one.
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rhebus wrote:
This produces the differential equation dy/dx = y/x - f*sqrt(x^2 + y^2)/bx but, unfortunately, I cannot see how to solve it.
Could it be that there is no closed-form expression that would describe the path, but that it can only be expressed iteratively (the same as with the n-body problem, where n > 2)? Is there any way of getting an approximation of the curve, even if by iterative means?
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I didn't invent this (and I haven't solved it), but I saw it in another forum, so I thought it would fit perfectly here. Maybe some of you remember the problem from basic vector math class, where a boat must travel across a flowing river to a certain point, and you need to calculate which direction the boat should point. The captain of a certain boat is not so clever though, and just aims his boat straight at the destination, of course the boat starts to get pushed off course by the river current, but the captain keeps the boat pointed at the destination at all times. Eventually (assuming the boat can overcome the river current) the boat reaches the destination. What shape curve did the boat trace out?
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ventuz wrote:
His health amount is saveable.. like if you drop him to 9/10 health, leave arena, save game.. come back later, he's still 9/10.
Doesn't he autoheal if you take too long to return?
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Warp: I did not mean to imply that we should have another category or alternative. I was merely stating that this run is no longer for me anymore.
I think it's the opposite: This run is very good because of two things: It has a lot of variety, and it showcases well what TASing is all about and why it's so cool. It starts quite "normal", with rather regular-looking play, and then gradually starts showing more and more tricks and glitches. If it was "normal" all the way through, it would be more boring, because it would be significantly longer and it would just be more of the same all the way through. The beginning of the run showcases "glitchless" TASing, so this sets it apart from those runs which are extremely glitchy right from the start. The tricks and glitches in this run are also relatively easy to follow, at least if you have even a cursory knowledge of typical megaman glitches. I honestly don't understand why a run which was twice as long and was "normal-looking" all the way would be more interesting and entertaining.
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I hear that the boss named Yiazmat in the game Final Fantasy XII takes a bit of work to defeat... (Never played the game, though, as I don't own the required console. Would have otherwise.)
Post subject: Re: Hanukkah!
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Bisqwit wrote:
I could tell you what Christmas is about, but it would be a beginning of a discussion to no end. Let's just say, it is not the birthday of Jesus.
Well, there is no definitive proof that Jesus even existed, not to talk about when he might have been born, so stating absolutes about it is not something rational to do. There's something like a 0.27% probability that he was born the 25th of December (if we distribute the odds evenly on the whole year), which is pretty low, but on the other hand you cannot say for sure that he was not born on that day. Some scholars estimate that it probably happened in springtime, while others estimate that it happened at fall (some, I'm pretty sure you are among them, even like to entertain the idea that it happened on the festival of tabernacles, but that's just wild guessing). Some argue that it could not happened in the middle of winter because of the shepherds, but OTOH it could have been a warm year (or even a warm era), you never know. You can't speak in absolutes about this. Most clerics, scholars and believers don't even state that he was with certainty born at that date; instead, the holiday exists to celebrate it regardless of when exactly it happened. Naturally a different issue is that there's no command, suggestion or example of such a holiday in the bible. It was purely an invention of the Roman church. The choice of the date is also quite well known and documented (in other words, on the same day as the Roman festival of Saturnalia), and nobody denies it. (In fact, "christmas" is still called "saturnalia" in church latin. It's not like anybody's trying to hide the fact.) Some argue that the date being the same (and even having been deliberately chosen to be the same) is not all that important. A date is just a date. It's as arbitrary as any other date (such as new year's day, which is equally arbitrary). Is it a bad thing for believers to celebrate a holiday which is not set in the bible on an arbitrary day? Well, believers and others celebrate all kinds of holidays on diverse dates for diverse reasons, some perhaps having a biblical background, others a pagan one. Is Christmas somehow worse than those other holidays in this regard? I'm not taking a stance here. I'm just throwing facts and thoughts.
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Dada wrote:
"Feasible" means that it's not just any arbitrary route, but one that defers to regular speedruns. As an example, a separate Mega Man run would not use zipping, but it might still use pause to do stuff like hit bosses multiple times, because that's an easy technique that speedrunners themselves can perform.
Which raises the question: Why should be limit ourselves to what regular speedrunners can do? We are not competing with them, and we want to show precisely what happens when human limits are removed, not what happens if human limits are imposed. Regular speedruns are for that. If you want to watch how a skilled human plays the game, go watch a regular speedrun.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
I suppose I'm the only one who thinks this is no longer fun to watch?
Maybe, but what do you suggest as an alternative? A "glitchless" run? Define "glitch" (especially in this case, where the amount of major, and especially very minor, glitches can probably be counted in the dozens, if not approaching the hundreds). Whichever list of "banned" glitches you might come up with, it will be completely arbitrary. Besides, many people do enjoy seeing the game completely broken. We go beyond the normal. We are the Matrix.
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rhebus wrote:
Warp wrote:
Perhaps the idea is that one TAS automatically hogging two awards may feel a bit unfair to the other fine nominated TASes.
Do know any TASer who does feel that the current system is unfair?
I don't know what the actual motivation for the original suggestion in this thread was, but I was pondering if it was, at least in part, that kind of sentiment. Perhaps "unfair" is a bit strong of a word to describe it, but I couldn't think of anything better.
An awards ceremony is all about recognizing excellence. I'd say it's fine for the best TAS of the year to get a lot of well-deserved recognition. I think the previous four TASes of the year deserved every award they got.
I'd say the problem is not one TAS getting multiple awards (which I personally don't have anything against), but it being more or less automatic in this particular case. It's the redundancy thing.
Post subject: Re: New award idea
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scrimpeh wrote:
A better idea, as previously stated, would be "Best Original Run"
This could perhaps add incentive for people to make TASes of new games which haven't been tased before.
and perhaps a counterpart like "Most Stunning Improvement to an Existing Run"
Isn't that what I suggested in my original post?
Post subject: Re: New award idea
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DarkKobold wrote:
While I dislike this idea (face it, MegaMan 1 has sealed this and every other award) However, I like the suggestion, as it makes me think of the contra-award, best new TAS, awarded to the TAS that has no previous run. Best Original TAS?
Maybe have both? Although, thinking about it, I fear that these would probably often just go to TASes getting other awards anyways, so they might not add that much overall...
Post subject: New award idea
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How about a new award: "The most impressive improvement of an existing TAS." (And "most impressive" doesn't necessarily mean "largest".)
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I think this run showcases well the effects of LSD (which is what Rockman clearly had taken). At first everything seems normal. Then you start noticing something off here and there. Some colors get weird. Then everything gets messed up completely.