About this page[1]
Due to the page system restrictments, my nickname "klmz"[2] has been spelled with a heading capital "K". However, I only approve of spelling it without capitals, while I only approve of spelling "Emeter" the other nickname of mine with just a heading capital "E".
Table of contents
Special thanks to moozooh for his example of nicely organized and fully informational homepage as well as his constructive comments. :)
About klmz (aka. Emeter)[1][2]
This section is still under construction.
Completed movies
NES/FDS movies
Currently I have completed 6 NES movies and 1 FDS movie.
- NES Jackal (USA) "single-player run" in 07:25.98
- Thanks to moozooh's comments, I improved the unsubmitted movie and submitted it here.
- This movie happened to be the 2000th submission in this site!
- NES Journey to Silius (USA) in 09:32.03
- The run published had its 5th level redone for improving entertainment without gaining or losing any frames.
- So, just watch the boogie boy dancing to the music!
- NES Kage (JPN) (aka. Shadow of the Ninja) in 09:48.32
- This movie was TASed with the Japan version.
- My first TAS submitted in this site. Had it been rejected, it would apparently have been my last TAS made and submitted here, if not everywhere.
- NES Little Samson (USA) "warped run" in 10:13.27
- This movie was glitched out.
- I decided to make this simply because I had discovered the glitches which I thought would be entertaining.
- And I was right about this.
- NES Super Mario Bros. (JPN/USA PRG0) "warped run" in 04:58:18
- I prove that the flagpole-stuck glitch could indeed save time.
- FDS Super Mario Bros. 2 (JPN) "Mario warped run" in 08:09:23
- This is an FDS movie.
Runs below are obsoleted or non-published.
- NES Jackal (USA) "single-player run" in 07:26.03
- Link not found[3].
- I determined that this run would be rejected even though it was 10 seconds faster than the published movie because I only used one controller in this movie.
- NES Super Mario Bros. (JPN/USA PRG0) "warped run" in 04:58:53[2]
- Obsoleted by my [1080] NES Super Mario Bros. "warps" by klmz in 04:58.18.
- It's said that even "perfect movies" can be improved.
- Here's Bisqwit's Christmas present for Mario fans.
GBA movies
I have completed a few Castlevania movies, but only one of them has been submitted.
- GBA Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (USA) in 06:52.08/06:51.96/06:46.20
- The published movie is the latest revison in 06:46.20.
- These movies were all glitched out.
- I was very very lucky when I was TASing the first run.
- Then later, I wasn't so lucky anymore, and the re-recording count grew insanely.
Runs below are obsoleted or non-published.
- GBA Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (USA) "Julius Boss Rush Test" in "02:45.26"
- Link not found[4]
- Very unoptimized test run.
- GBA Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (USA) "Boss Rush as Soma" in "01:09.83"/"01:09.80"/"01:08.80"/"01:08.71"
- Links not found[4]
- Aimed for fastest in-game time instead of real time.
- I believe "Soma Mode 01:08.71" was the WR for non-glitched BR at that time.
- Glitching the BR could bring down the in-game time under 42 seconds, while the entertainment would certainly suffer a lot.
- GBA Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance (???) "Maxim warped run" in ??:??.??
- Link not found[4].
- My very first TAS, even before I knew this site.
Current or future plans[1]
NES movies
Apparently none.
GBA movies
Apparently none.
Suspended or even cancelled projects[1]
NES/FDS movies
- NES Duck Tales 2 (USA) "good ending"
- 15% completed.
- I don't know if this run would be great as Adelikat has made a similar-looking "bad ending" run.
- NES Krion Conquest, The (USA)
- Cancelled.
- I don't think only a few frames shaved off the published movie will be great enough. I won't bother with this unless I find some new tricks.
- NES Super Robin Hood
- 10% completed.
- A game boring to watch.
- NES Hard Relay Mario (SMB Hack)
- Project cancelled.
- A hack that isn't suited for TASing.
SNES movies
- SNES "100 CDs" Rockman & Forte (JPN)
- Once again, I cancelled a run simply due to a nearly flawless submission by others.
- SNES Young Merlin (USA)[5]
- 5% completed.
- I don't know what to say about this game. I am not going to TAS it right now.
- DaTeL237 is supposed to be working on it.
GBA movies
- GBA Megaman Zero 4 (USA)
- 7% completed.
- Xaphan and computerbird are supposed to be working on it.
GBx movies
- GB Ninja Gaiden Shadow (USA)[5]
- 5% completed.
- This game seems to be a mixture of Shadow of the Ninja and Ninja Gaiden.
Sega Master System/Game Gear Movies[5]
- GG In the Wake of the Vampire (JUE)
- Cancelled.
- This game is a Castlevania-clone. Its SMS verion is called Master of Darkness. It is weird that the BGM in SMS version plays slower and thus worse than in the GG version.
Movies that I want to watch when they are completed[1]
NES movies
- NES Lode Runner (JU)
- NES Lunar Ball (J)
SNES movies
Genesis movies
GBA and GBx movies
- GBA Mega Man Zero (U)
- Gigafrost made a submission but cancelled it later.
- Despite of its gay-looking graphics, the gameplay is great nethertheless.
- GBA Metal Slug Advance (U)
- This game has emulation problems with VBAR 1.72 at the moment and thus cannot be TASed, unfortunately.
Emulator/other projects
- Cancelled.
- It was working?
- VBARL = VisualBoyAdvance Rerecording + Link. It doesn't support rerecoding linked gameplay.
- The sources are not clean enough for me to get what the coders thought. Maybe VBAM is better than either VBAR or VBAL to start with.
- Not functioning.
- VBALR = VisualBoyAdvance Link + Rerecording. It is supposed to support rerecoding linked gameplay.
- Am I or someone else the one to make this? I'm curious.
Comments on some emulators[1]
Currently some emulators work very well, while some with problems.
NES emulators
- FCE Ultra
- mz has fixed the Read-Only Toggle bug which used to annoy NES TASers, and added a few desired features as well.
- The emulation problem since FCE Ultra 0.98.16 which prevented some games like Banana Prince from working has been (almost) fixed in current versions. Action 52 (U) still doesn't work.
- I think it should support compressed movie files to save some disk space.
GBA emulators
- VisualBoyAdvance
- At least one game Metal Slug Advance (U) cannot be emulated correctly with any current VBA 1.72 Rerecording versions.
- VBA Link Rerecording would be a great idea.
- Maybe VBAM + Rerecording is a better idea?
- Unfortunately, the VBAR source SRC's are full of MFC things which has been annoying me while compiling them.
SMS/GG emulators
- Dega
- It doesn't work under Windows 9x! Well, not so big a problem.
Anyone may do these, while I am supposed to do them myself as well.
- Explain what I am doing with this page and clean it up.
- Fix typo, spelling and grammar issues. Every editor can do that for free. :)
- Ask people if subpages can be deleted by myself if I create them.[6]
- Comment on the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man and recall doing that properly in the future.[6]
- Get rid of this section before no one can.
Comments are welcome.
moozooh: First off, in regards to your non-submitted movies.
I'm not sure how exactly did you determine that an improvement of 10 seconds to Jackal would be rejected. Does it look so significantly boring in comparison? Otherwise I see no problems for it to get published as an improvement to the current movie. In the worst case, it can still have a mention in the published movie description like some other movies have/had.
Then, how much of an improvement your Krion Conquest movie actually is? Even if it's not significant time-wise, you might still have noticeably better stylistic choices. After your JtS movie, many of us have been convinced in your exceptional sense of style. :) The same applies to your R&F 100CD improvement. EOF
klmz: I guess single-player movies are supposed to be inferior to multi-player movies in entertainment.
moozooh: Well, I'd leave that to the audience to decide. Mind you, the published Kage, TMNT2, and other movies of similar games all use 1-p because it's faster than 2-p. If anything, I would at least try.
klmz: I should have metioned that "Cancelled Movies/Projects" weren't necessarily "TAS-like" or even "Completed" to avoid misleading. Those semi-test runs don't look so nice (at least according to my standard).
Comments are welcome.
Useful links
[1] This section is still under construction and its contents may be incomplete.
[2] The old Super Mario Bros. (JPN/USA PRG0) "warped run" in 04:58:53 .avi with my name misspelled as "kmlz" had been downloaded over 810 times before it got replaced with the corrected one. Nowadays, there are still some people recognizing me wrongly as "kmlz".
[3] These movies don't have links to them simply because I've never submitted them anywhere. Still, it may be possible to find some of them "spoiled". I may submit them somewhere sometime.
[4] These movies don't have links to them because I've never submitted them anywhere since they don't meet some rules. And even more unfortunately, some have been lost for ever due to an HDD-breakdown. Still, it may be possible to find some of them "spoiled". I may submit some of them somewhere sometime.
[5] These games only receives input every other frame, which could be annoying.
[6] Becoming an editor may do some help.
[7] You can find something useful on his homepage.
[8] This section may seem too large. I wonder if a subpage helps.